Chapter 7: Elves Are Such Bums, Man...

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"So...that was exciting." Vinmir says, breaking our 5 hour silence. I groan in agony.

"You said we were close." I whine.

"Indeed, I did. About 7 hours away, I recall saying." Ajax replies, rubbing his chin. Sachi looks around, then shakes his head.

"You retarded Elf. You have no idea where you're going. If you guys have not been smartly looking around, we've been in this spot about 4 times." Sachi states, glaring at Ajax. Ajax chuckles.

"Are you insisting that I am lost?" Ajax questions, eyes flicking to the ground at his feet. Sachi huffs.

"Well are we?" I yell in Ajax's ear. He grabs my face and pushes me away, roughly. I stumble back into Vinmir. Sachi's eyes trained on me.

"To put it lightly....indeed, I am extremely lost." Ajax comments. I can feel all of us want to jump on him. But restrain ourselves.

"You son of an elf bastard." Vinmir growls, tossing me forward into Ajax. Ajax scowls, grabbing my face and pushing me back into Vinmir. I close my eyes shut. Feeling like a ball being tossed between them. Help me. Strong arms toss me to the side. I grunt.

"Get that damn lulling freak to fly up and scout for us." Sachi demands. I sit on my butt looking up at them. Ajax and Vinmir glancing at each other then Sachi.

"Okay, Sye use your flap." Vinmir commands me, placing me onto my feet. I don't even remember getting up. When did I get up?

"O...kay." I respond, fluttering my wings and kicking myself up. High over the tree line. Glancing around, looking down to Ajax and the other two...fighting mates? What in the world has gotten into them. I fall down and gently flap my wings to gently land on my tip toes. Glancing to Ajax, standing near a tree. Vinmir throwing punches, Sachi dodging, ramming his fist into Vinmir's cheek. Vinmir stumbles back and I squeak. Running to Ajax. Hiding with him. I grab his arm. "What happened? I wasn't gone for even a second."

"Mate issues?" Ajax questions, shifting his feet around on the ground. Blinking in confusion.

"Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?" I sing, holding my hands out to Vinmir and Sachi. Vinmir gasps. Sachi turns away from me screaming.

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" Sachi screeches, leaving an echo throughout the forest. Hands flailing. Vinmir covers his ears.

"Warn me beforehand dammit!!" He yells at me. I sink my head down, shrugging. Ajax snickers.

"See anything up there? I recommend you getting up there and using the inner light. Guide us to what looks like a huge carved elf with wings covered with ivy. Don't touch it. That is a warning, dearest." Ajax shakes his finger at me, I stare. Dearest? Nodding, pumping my foot up, shooting up in a twirl, then descending up to the tree line.

"Inner light." I sing, then wait. eye twitches. "Well what the hell?!"

"Sye?!" Ajax shouts, under all the trees. I grimace.

"What?!" I hiss, waiting.

"Where's the light?!" Vinmir asks me, I shrug but face palm. Then sigh, deeply.

"Please let me help my friends." I sing, pleading. Thumping my hand against my thigh. Then am blinded. Shielding my eyes. Averting gazing at the voluptuous amount of light.

"We see it!!" Sachi shouts up to me. "This elf freak says move and we'll follow!"

I smile. Whizzing forward.


Vinmir's POV.

Sachi runs beside me. Intensely glaring at me. I can feel the skin on my bones melting down to nothing. I squint. Huffing and darting ahead. Trying to flee from that lustrous but hateful gaze, those ecstatic green eyes. Getting ahead. Going slowly for Ajax to keep ahead of us. Using his magic. I swear this elf has endless mana in his veins. Elves usually aren't this trained with using their ridiculous magic. He said he was a battlemage. Does that mean he was a slave that served in the Elven Empire Armed forces?

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