*Chapter 29: Fighting Is What We Do

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Xyrie's POV.

"There's no helping it." I croak out, slashing Karim's neck, plugging the hole with my thumb digging in. Blood staining Karim's black baggy shirt. Ripping out his vocal box, swallowing it after chewing it up a little. I heal Karim up, seizing until his vocal box comes back and skin vanquishes the wound. Gently, I caress Karim's cheek. "You don't know how much you mean to me."

"Thank you, master." Karim responds, voice solid and pronounced. My voice gaining strength as I slowly digest the vocal box from Karim.

"Now if I could do that to more of those Sirens...I could destroy Titan myself." I snicker. Karim grins.

"But, master Xyrie, we do have Sirens...and we have that annoying little brat Sye's corpse in the body dispenser. Should I go retrieve him?" Karim asks, eyes full of pride. I smirk, waving him off.

"Bring only the neck to me."

"Xyrie, your wing." Karim adds.

"If you haven't forgotten I've broken his wings. Pulverized them." I scowl, waving him away.


"Go fetch!" I raise my voice, initiated. Karim rushes away. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, unimpressed.

"I taught you better." I growl to no one, taking steps down to my room. Peering over to the seal, that bastard Daemon had saved that little fucker Sye by telling them I had a twin and that they needed to go to Labarynth for him. It was all a lie. Sye was too convincing.

"Xyrie his corpse is gone." Karim informs me, greatly concerned.

"Yumina that bitch." I hiss, stomping my foot. "She doesn't know what she just did."


Kiopi's POV.

Someone named Sye keeps running through my mind. I am unsure where to begin wondering just who this Sye is. My heart beats quicker and mind gets hazy. My lips itch. Have this Sye and I kissed before? Is Sye my lover? I am at a loss. I sigh longingly.

"Sye." I bellow out. Others sneer at me, a smirk growing.


"Master is calling us!!" A Siren yells out, the army marches forward. The Siren and I together in the same line. I stare.

"Could Sye be a Siren?" I question myself again. Rubbing my arm.

"My great foiled army." Xyrie's voice roars out to us. My eyes guide me to him. Standing tall in front of his throne. "Today...great Yumina has shown her true colors. Against us!" The army yell in shock and displeasure. Xyrie shushes all of us, with the raise of Karim's long sword. "The Empire...Against us! The Gods...Against us! Now a new army is forming right under our feet. A army designed to break us. To eliminate us. To obliterate all of us, who pose to save Wysteria." Our great army raises their weapons and fists, roaring in honest anger and hate. "This new army that opposes us to much is lead by none other than Sye the Siren." Xyrie says, with great disgust. Face contorting at the thought of Sye the Siren. My heart picks up its pace at the mention of the Siren leader.

Perhaps that is the one on my mind? Perhaps...that is my lover?

"What are we gonna do oh great and powerful Xyrie?" An Elven battlemage asks, stiffening in the front of the battlemage's line.

"We must simply as nonchalantly as we can without bloodshed, banish the army under Sye the Sirens command." Xyrie answers, sarcastically with a snicker. Clapping his hands. "It'll be easy."


Red's POV.

"Ajax...calm. We have Sye back now." I repeat myself, brushing my hand through Ajax's silky blonde hair, letting out a long sigh. Ajax rests on my lap. Facing away from me. I caress his neck. "Aren't you happy?"

"Of course I am. How could I be selfish not to." Ajax grumbles, angrily. Sitting up. Glaring at me.

"Babe, I didn't mean anything bad. I just mean-"

"Shut up!" Ajax demands, stomping to the door. I slam my hand on the door as he tries to get out. Reaching down to lock it. Grabbing a handful of his hair, pulling it back. His head bouncing against my shoulder. I brush my body against his. Ajax pants, excited. I smirk.

"What's the proper way of talking to your master?" I whisper into his ear, teasing his earlobe.

"I'm sorry, master." Ajax gasps, I pull on his ear. Causing him to whimper out. Biting his neck.

"Get on your knees and beg for masters forgiveness, pet."

"Yes, master." Ajax moans out.


Just leaving you wanting more. Oh Red you big tease :p

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