Chapter 33: A Cure For The Ailing Ones

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"Ayo! Sye!" Vinmir chimes with happiness, flagging me down.

"Hey." I respond, sluggish.

"How long did you sleep?" Sachi asks, pouting to my pale face.

"2 hours." The boy answers for me. I stare at him. How did he? "I am a vampire, I could feel you moving around most of the night."

"Oh." I scratch my head. "Sorry."

"I am Owl."

"Eh?" I manage. "What?"

"My name is Owl Pierce. I am...uh, was the son of Axel Pierce. My-"

"NO WAY!" Sachi exclaims, grabbing Owl by the shoulders shaking him. Excited. "You are the ancient Axel Pierce's kid. Holy shit!"

"As I said, was." Owl retorts, Sachi grinning over excited.

"Where's your dad at?"

"He's dead." Sachi's grin dissolves and he looks at Owl in disbelief.

"No frigging way. Are you serious?" Owl nods, upset.

"Xyrie dispatched others to track my dad and us down to forcefully make us join his side. Some of us, that is. Father declined and was killed right in front of me. That attack was the reason people were afraid before the army got there. I watched my family get killed. There was little I could do." Owl says, lowering his black eyes.

"So your joining us then?" Vinmir asks, clapping his hands.

" not sure." Owl says, smirking flashing those fangs of his. Sachi squeals. I blink at him.

"I'm sorry! I've always thought that vampires were so cool!" Sachi says cupping his face, wiggling his tail around. Vinmir glares, jealous.

"I also heard some wolves mating last night. It was bothersome." Owl states, pinching the bridge of his nose. Recalling the sounds. Vinmir gapes, flushing scarlet. Covering his face, rushing away. Sachi gulps, pink and follows after him. I can't help but chuckle. "So it was them. I knew from their voices. It was just the matter of physically confirming it. Blushing confirms it. Hehe."

"Oh wow." I snigger, muffling my laugh. Owl flashes his fangs giving me a toothy grin. "I actually haven't seen Sachi with his tail out before. That must explain it."

"Exactly." Owl says, poking the air. I tilt my head, looking him over. Black eyes, short black hair, and filthy peasant clothes. He really doesn't look like a vampire. I meet his gaze. "Done checking me out?"

"I wasn't." I say, huffing and walking away from him.

Ulin stares at something over his elves creating healing potions and poisons to use on the battlefield. I follow that distraught gaze of his to Owl sitting back down. Returning to looking a bit out of it. Glancing back to Ulin. Reading something different in those all-knowing eyes. Is that...attraction? Eh?

"Hey." Ajax quickly greets. I jump.

"Stop that!" I hiss. Red smirks.

"You see love struck old guy over there?" Red points to Ulin.

"Yumina has dibs on him." I inform them. Red clicks his tongue. Ajax looks over Owl.

"What is his name?" He questions.

"Owl Pierce, he's a vampire." I reply, Ajax gawks at me. "Mmhm."

"A vampire. Now those are rare here in Wysteria. Well anywhere to be exact." Red informs me. Rare?

"Why are they rare?" Red glances at me after I ask.

"Vampires stay in the Isles high above the Shimmermist ocean far out into the black sea. Pirates have gotten killed by the old ancient monsters that dwell beneath the waters surface. Those monsters are sworn to protect the vampires. Some vampires do wander away from the Isles. Only some." Red explains, I nod, intrigued. "I know a vampire. Now I know another."

"I know of one now." I say, happy.

"Xyrie has been spotted at the Enda border!" A elf informs.

"What?!" Red shouts, angry. "Oh hell no. The protectors will kill him! I want to kill him! Hurry let's go!"



"Unbelievable." Red utters, speechless.

My eyes widen. A big dragon with rainbow colored wings take out 2 of Xyrie's ogres with his claws. A man of fire blazes past the possessed battlemages. Sending them into fiery deaths. Screaming and running. Something white catches my eyes atop the rainbow winged dragon. A white soldier using the power of light.

"Holy crap. The elementalists of Enda." Sachi huffs, amazed.

"They could help us." I suggest. Red huffs a ring of fire.

"Mulnire and Canton have too much responsibilities. Kids and all." Red says, I stare at the light soldier. Spotting a quick swift body moving below. Spinning with daggers in his hand.

"Forget it. Fall in!!"

I jump, from flipping and landing onto my feet softly. Glancing up, watching Sirens fly in from this side while dragons trample soldiers from the Enda border. No Xyrie. No Karim. This is a game to that freak!

I trap my voice in my palm and build it up whisper by whisper. Forming a huge orb full, ramming it forward sending me off balance. The ball breaks the earth trailing down a line of soldiers incinerating them. Screams of terror howl loudly through our ears. I dodge an arrow, roaring at the culprit. Flinging him up and spinning away from me. Before I twirl, ducking away from canon fire.

Suddenly I gasp. Something sharp continuously enters my stomach. My eyes fall down a child glares at me, stabbing me repeatedly. Wetness drops from my mouth. I close my eyes, breathing deeply.

"Get off!" Kiopi's voice screams, the child goes flying as Kiopi plunges his swords into the child. I stare in disbelief. Grabbing Kiopi off of the limp corpse. Kiopi wraps his arms around my waist tightly. "I'm sorry, Sye! I didn't mean to kill the child! He was hurting you! I-"

"Calm down." I command, cupping his cheek with my hand while the other clutches my stomach. Kiopi gently places his hand over mine.

"I'm sorry. Please heal yourself."

"How are you-"

"I did it. I cured him. The blood from the tomb. It didn't hide them it confined them to an eternal prison." Ulin says, proudly. The battle dies down. Xyrie's remaining dozen fleeing. The Enda protectors lay low. My army let them go to report their second loss to us. "The blood that held them was not purely the blood of children but the helping of a cult that Dandi lead. They used their own blood to confine Xyrie for all these years. If I can get close to Karim in the great battle and find a way to get the cure into him, he'll destroy Xyrie for us."

"Eh?" I raise a brow. "So this whole time we could have shot Karim up and saved Wysteria?"

"Not entirely. Karim is Xyrie's sworn protector. They will both perish together." Ulin corrects.

"So the sigil and the room full of-"

"Your mother." Titan chirps out.


Ooh? Lol sorry. I've had severe writers block. But I have my instinct to write again so let's finish this story together hey!

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