Chapter 27: War Child!

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"Hello." Xyrie greets. I glare.

"Hello." I hiss, tilting my head.

"I see." Xyrie mutters.

"You and me." I suggest, angrily.

"Oh. Sure." Xyrie snarls.

"Sounds great." I growl, smirking.

I kick my feet up. Xyrie follows. I grin wider. Fluttering my wings.

Bang! Pang! Bang!

Xyrie hits the ground, skipping like a stone. I lick my lips. Dashing for him. Xyrie licks his lips, intrigued. Wiping away blood from his split lip. I raise my hand up and down. Come and get me, bitch. Xyrie stammers onto his feet. Signalling his juggernaut to stay put. Before spinning to me with his claws out. I reflect his hit. My arm splitting open. I ram my knee into his precious face. Grabbing his wings, tossing him like the garbage he is. Xyrie grasps my ankle and we spin out of control towards large sharp loose rods. I grimace, twirling away from his grip. Xyrie slams against the ceiling, grunting. Suddenly flicking in front of me throwing a punch, I slide down to my knees, grasping his hand, harshly kicking his knees inward. Xyrie hisses. Clawing my face. Wetness flows down my chin.

"Fush bî na!" I scream, sending Xyrie across the room.

Sprinting and sliding over a stone table embedded into the floor. Xyrie throws down his fists, the tables breaking and flings them towards me like a madman. I twirl and jump around the rocks ending my parkour with a moonwalk. Finding myself, chuckling. What the?

"Pay attention!!" Xyrie reminds me, my eyes widen. Spikes flow at me. I duck, covering my head. Peering around me. Cuts everywhere on my body now. The spikes encase me in the spot. I raise my hands, before flicking them to Xyrie. Holding them as I dance and continuously ram Xyrie with his spikes.

"AAGH!!" I screech, flying across the room. The juggernaut racing at me. My eye twitches. My ribs burn and creak as I ready my voice. Karim's sword slides into the wall near my head. I cringe. "I just about died."

"Die!!" Karim yells.

I shake my head. Flicking my wings out, slamming into Karim's legs. Watching as he crashes into his sword. Blood trickling down his jaw. Karim slips the sword from the walls grasp. Grasping the hilt and smiles, taking it out of his chest. Blood drips down from his blooded eyes. Fury engulfing them. I let out a war cry turning away. Stopping abruptly. Seeing Xyrie covered in blood, grinning. A rock flies over my head as I duck. I grunt. Hit to the wall. My head thrashing against it. Xyrie repeatedly smashes the rock against me before he recedes. Crushing me against the wall. My head burns. I feel like he's gonna make me pop. Pain spreads throughout my body.


"Agh!" I let out. My wings hang limply down my back. I feel cold. Starting to cough up blood. The boulder pulls away, I slide down the wall. Looking at my leg facing up towards me, broken. Karim and Xyrie laugh.

"Oopsy daisy." Xyrie teases, cupping his cheek. "I didn't mean it, really."

"This one has a lot of fight in him." Karim says, taking note. Xyrie grabs a handful of my hair in his hands, tightening his grip and guiding me to look up at him. Spikes made from bone emerging on the soft skin of his knuckle. I wince in pain. Smirking.

"Do it. Break me." I push, cocky.

"My pleasure." Xyrie scowls, his fist connecting with my face. Bobbing back and forth as he beats me to a pulp. Blood coating the floor around me. The spikes sink into Xyrie's knuckles and he snarls. "Now you're not so pretty."

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