Chapter 20: Mr. Chu!

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"What is that?" Vinmir asks, staring hard at a male fairy dancing. I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh. The fairy is naked. The wolves cheer him on. Vinmir points to the fairies groin. "What is that thing swaying around there?"

"That, good sir, is his penis." Red answers, eyes on him, wincing. Red turns his head but his eyes stay glued to the dancer. "I-It's so tantalizing that I can't look away! Ajax! Somebody help!"

"This is why wolves are the scum of Wysteria." Ajax chimes with disgust. Vinmir shakes his finger about, mouth open.

"Say that to my face, elf!" He hisses, Ajax rolls his eyes.

"I just did." Ajax responds, cocky. Vinmir scoffs, rolling his head around, clicking his fingers to Sachi and swaying his head around.

"Then say that to Sachi's face, elf!" Vinmir snickers, up in Ajax's face. Ajax sighs, flicking Vinmir's forehead, scowling.

"Stay down, bitch." He grumbles. Vinmir lets out a whimper holding his forehead. Then leans against Red, who still happens to be watching to naked fairy dancing. Wincing here and there.

"Guys, save me from myself!" Red begs, Vinmir twirls him to face him. Red closes his eyes. "They want to roll to the back of my head and continue watching!"

"Oh my gods, it's happening to me too!!" Vinmir cries, fanning himself. Red only does the same.

"Gods." Ajax grumbles, face palming so hard. I burst into laughter.

Sachi comes walking back to us. Holding a key for the rented room. Waving to a huge freaking buff guy with spiked up dark red hair who only ushers him towards the table. Sachi grabs Vinmir's arm and we follow. Sitting down on the log benches. Extremely close to the dancer. Vinmir and Red avert their gaze from him.

"How you been, little brother?" The huge guys asks, Ajax picks at a piece of bread beside him. Vinmir's mouth drops so hard we hear a thud.

"This is your older brother and you don't even have the balls to introduce your mate?" Vinmir questions Sachi who is face palming, sighing out loud. "Oh hell naw. I am Vinmir." They shake hands. The guy chuckles.

"I'm scarred." He responds.


"Yeah, meeting you I'm scarred for life." The guy states with an evil chuckle. Vinmir gapes. I start laughing. Ajax covers his mouth.

"Aren't we all!" Ajax agrees, letting his laugh out. Red joins into the laughing frenzy.

Let's just say they've been a whole lot worse for wear since we left the Fort. Harassing Vinmir at all times. Vinmir just brushes it off anyways. I'm guessing they've been trying to get me to forget about Kiopi but I can't. I sigh in relief.

"I'm Sye." I say, the guy nods.

"My name is Talani." He answers.

"That's Ajax and Red." Sachi points to them. Red catching a girl fairy by the waist and points to something on the platter she has.

"What is that? Can I have it?" Red questions, the fairy blushes nodding. "Okay, thanks."

"So have you guys at least had alone time?" Talani asks Sachi. Sachi gawks at him. Vinmir looks rather depressed. I smile at him.

"They were just teasing you." I say, catching his attention. Vinmir nods, then yawns. I do the same.

"Not yet." Sachi answers. Vinmir resting his head atop his shoulder.

"The male of the mates then." Talani states, Vinmir blushes slightly.

Ajax and Red pick away at the sweet glazed bread that Red got. I pull out my medicine. Flicking my eyes up. Behind Red emerges the naked fairies cobra. That stands at attention. I hold my hand out to Red.

"Red don't look behind you, I am warning you." I warn, intensely.

"Why?" Red turns, "Ah! It's right there now! It's evil! Oh god!"

"Ooh, you like, no?" The fairy teases. Wiggling it in his face. Red gapes, grimacing.

"Hey!" Ajax hisses, guiding Red's gaze to him glaring at the fairy. Slamming his elbow onto the table, flicking a huge flame in his palms. Hand still around Red's shoulder. Eyes full of jealously. "Piss off before I leave your body to the pillagers."

"Put on clothes or I'll ask him to personally let the wolves 'play' with you." Talani growls, eyes black as night.

The fairy scurries away. Grumbling incoherently to himself. I catch the words: jealous elf, and Elven bitch. I couldn't help but snicker. The whore fairy calling a battlemage a whore? What a hypocrite. I pour my medicine into my cup of water. Downing it. Eyes heavy, immediately. I try blinking it away, only starting to breathe in and out slowly and heavily. Leaning my head against Talani's shoulder. Falling asleep.


Red's POV.

"Ajax." I say, pointing to Sye, fast asleep. "We should get him to the bed. It's been a long day. You forget that we just about got killed today and then we walked for about 4 hours from the Fort to get here."

"Right." Ajax scoffs at me. I stare.

"Honestly elf?" I hiss, standing up. I usher to Sye. Vinmir gets up, watching Sachi grab Sye and slide him off the bench. I mumble to myself. "Here let me get him."

"Good evening, Talani." Ajax bids, staying behind me. I carry Sye like a woman because the poor guys that small. All Sirens are a bit smaller than the races here.


Just a filler. Letting you know they're okay! :D Mr. Chu was the exotic dancer >:3 hehe. Next update in a few weeks. Possibly 7 or 8 chapters. I love creating this story. :D

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