Chapter 13: Soon To Be Elven God 0.0

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"So the undead, eh?" Red asks, sipping a cup of tea. I nod.

"Kiopi said that the killing of children is forbidden. But I think it's the fact that the ancestors could have killed children or as we've seen did kill children it really bothers him. It was awful." I say, making a circle in the dirt. Red sighs. Chewing on cherries.

"I've seen worse." He states, "I've watched people get spliced in half and eaten even if they were still alive."

"When did you see this?" I ask, gingerly. Red chuckles.

"A few months ago actually. Enda was at war with the underworld. I had swooped in to check on a few farmers. A girl was being raped and her parents were getting eaten alive. I had no choice but to kill them. The girl, her parents, and of course the demons." Red sighs, running his hand through his hair, "Man, my brother didn't see what I saw. Hmm, what I saw was worse than he could ever experience."

"I can imagine." I agree, feeling sorry for Red. Red grins at me.

"I like talking to you. You listen and that's nice. I've been cooped up in the castle too long." Red chimes, shining with happiness.

"Why?" I ask, interested. "You're a King. There must be something to do?"

"Not really. My dad's sick, my brothers running around chasing his Prince like a dog and I'm stuck at bay until I'm fully crowned." Red mumbles, angrily. I slightly grin.

"So does that mean you have no one?" I ask, sliding down the makeshift tree bench to sit beside Red. Red looks at me.

"Not interested." He states, lowering his eyes. I stare then cross my arms. Burning a hole into Sachi's perfect face. He looks at me, wondering if he's doing something wrong. Slowly sinking down in his seat. Vinmir laughs.

"What makes you think that I like you?" I hiss, making Red hiccup and stare at me. Hitting his chest.

"What? I'm a King." Red slithers out. I roll my eyes.

"Like I care!" I growl, getting up. Seeing Ajax and Taltiano sitting closely together near Kiopi. Kiopi eating slowly. Glancing back at Red, I shrug and go to sit beside Kiopi. Acknowledging, my presence Taltiano gives me a dirty look. Oh, if I could pimp slap him.

"Lè'Aokin, Sye the Siren." Kiopi happily chimes, a smile on his pale face. I smile back.

"What does that mean?"

"Good morning, Sye the Siren." I look around, it is the morning after all that bull yesterday. Everyone is doing the guessing game. How do we lower the blood?

"Good morning." I respond, Ajax standing and leaving.

"That was rather rude." Kiopi grumbles out, mouth full.

"How are you? You seemed a bit frazzled yesterday." I question, plucking a strawberry off a vine. Kiopi shouldn't be over here eating the produce. The Sirens grow the fruits and veggies here. But he snaps another strawberry off, glances around, then pops it into his mouth anyways. I take bites of mine.

"I'm fine by the way. Master Ulin gave me this herbal medicine crap that tasted like ass but I feel a lot better." Kiopi stammers, staring intensely at a strawberry like it was a scientific discovery. I hold back my chuckle. Muffling myself.

"So you're higher than the clouds right now?" I ask, Kiopi raises an eyebrow, nodding.

"Higher than the Gods, yes."

"So who are the Gods? I only know about Titan."

"There's Titan, Hirmius, Laliia, Sheomès, Minimine, Daemon, and of course the great almighty Grand Goddess Yumina." My eyes widen.

"I wasn't aware that there so many. On Earth we've only got one." I say, captivated. "Do you know the stories of how they all came to be?"

"I'm not only smart but I'm sexy."

"Did you hear my question, Kiopi?" I ask again, trying not to laugh. Kiopi slumps his head and looks at me. Those blue eyes of his glassed over and he looks like he's in La La Land.

"Pfft, I'm not an old elf. I'm young. Only 28 years old. Yep. You you know how I found out about my pathetic father? D-do you know?" Kiopi stutters, I shake my head. Sneaking glances to Vinmir and Sachi acting all lovey dovey to each other. Hugging and sharing these looks. Kiopi grabs my shoulders and smacks me down in front of him. "Sit down and I will tell you the story."

"I am." I respond, shivering. Kiopi pulls off his coat and flings it over us. We sit under the coat and he chuckles.

"I wish I could break a tent so that we can make a little Fort. Hehe."

"Maybe this should wait until tomorrow. Or later. Or...whenever your not high." I suggest. Kiopi gapes at me.

"N-no. You said you'd listen. So listen Gods dammit!" He yells.

"Okay, okay." I hold up my hands in defeat, "Go right on ahead."

"I was 13, my mother was an escort in the alienage. Well she had to become one so we could get by. On my birthday, she threw me out and gave me an ultimatum. Her or my education from Master Ulin. She gave me 2 days to choose. When I did...I chose to grow as an Elven person." Kiopi lowers his eyes, I see hints of sadness in him, "I miss my mother. Always. But Ulin took care of me. Taught me the ways of the world. Taught me how to be an Arcane Warrior. Saved me many times. You see, I have a sharp tongue and I despise the Humans that had oppressed my race. So when soldiers tried to smack me around, I was a little prick and used some savage words. Ulin had to drag me away, unscathed. I was stupid. I might still be."

"You're not. You found the tomb of Titan's first love." I say.

"On a whim. Ulin thought it was hopeful wishing. He hasn't spoken to me for a few days. It bothers me. Ulin, in my eyes, is my father. The one who'd do anything for me. I'd do anything to keep him with me forever." Kiopi confesses, saddened. I squint my eyes at him.

"Is Ulin sick?" I ask, Kiopi shakes his head. Then points up.

"The Goddess Yumina has been speaking to him."

"What does that mean?"

"Ulin could become a God." I gasp and smile.

"Well isn't that an amazing thing?"

"That means Ulin will leave me too." Kiopi chokes out, pulling his coat off us and putting it on.

"It'll be okay, Kiopi. Ulin will watch over you." I say trying to comfort Kiopi. He nods and stands up. I get up too.

"I'm going to sleep. Ulin doesn't know I left the tent. He'll give me a lecture for half an hour. Then I can go to bed. Rest longer." Kiopi says, stumbling away. I grab his arm and help him back to his tent. An older Elven man with a short blonde comb over and dark green eyes glares at us.

"Um...we ate strawberries." I chuckle. The guy scowls.

"What did I instruct you to do? What would I have done if you wandered back into that cursed tomb?" Ulin hisses, hastily dragging Kiopi away.

"Oh come on, father. Don't go to the extremes." Kiopi pleas.

"That guys gonna be a God." I say, watching Ulin lug Kiopi behind him with one hand. The other shaking his finger about. Then cross my arms, "Yeah, looks about right." I chuckle.


Don't worry. I'll write out the Gods stories. If the story seems to slow for you. Hold up. It's manga style chapter parts. It builds up the story so meh :p I just needed to add a high elf in there XD Dat Skyrim reference doe XD

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