Chapter 15: Somethings Amiss

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"Sye, the reason it's different than what you saw was that it was Xyrie that was showing you. His point of view." Ulin grimaces.

"But I was watching from the sidelines." I respond, severely confused. Ulin nods.

"I know. That means that someone had seen. Xyrie showed you an intruder in the castle." Ulin states.

"An intruder? But I thought that no one could get into the castle?"

"True. But it's dismissing the actuality of our problem. Sirens keep falling into the 3 day coma experiencing the dream. All from the sidelines as well. There is something amiss here." Ulin says, scrunching up his eyebrows. A small brown square is placed on my lips. Kiopi holds it out. I stare.

"What is it?" I ask. Kiopi smirks.

"Herbal medicine!" He chuckles. Out of it again. Ulin medicated him early this morning again.

"That is not, dear kin. That is chocolate." Ulin informs me. Kiopi stuffs it in my mouth. Popping one in his.

"Delicious!" Kiopi sings, slipping away from Ulin and I.

"Well okay then." I mumble, letting the chocolate melt in my mouth. Ulin chuckles.

"He's been overworking himself. With constant worry on the tomb. He kept asking himself the same question yesterday evening, what if I cannot get Xyrie? Before eventually he questioned me, father would you still care for me if I couldn't save us." Ulin scoffs. "I replied to him, I will always love you. Admire you, admire my race, until the day Titan swipes his hand and we are no more."

"That's-" I stammer, feeling a little depressed. So that's why Ulin keeps giving him medicine. Kiopi is going through a range of negative emotions right now. I peek up. "That's why you need to fight. Fight to show Titan that his race can excel."

"We have expressed ourselves in this fashion that you say, Sye. Titan hasn't batted an eye." Ulin disagrees, shaking his head, looking pissed off.

"But what about you? Yumina has been talking to you. You're going to become a God. Surely Titan will have to take notice." I protest, clutching my tight shirt. Ulin gapes at me. Leaning closer to me.

"I'm assuming Kiopi told you, as I've yet to inform the others." Ulin says, I nod and then smile. "It's fine. Yes, Yumina has gifted me with my powers already. I have asked her to hold off my introduction to the other Gods, so I can assist my child."

"Hmm." I peer over to Kiopi flipping Vinmir off a log. Sachi covers his mouth, muffling his laughter. Slowly Vinmir's head comes up and he looks like he could murder Kiopi on the spot.

"What did that mean?" Ulin asks.

"I li...I admire the way you treat Kiopi." I say, sitting down crosslegged. Watching Ulin mix up flowers and salts.

"Hmm." Ulin smirks. "He is not my bloodkin but he has always been my son, in my eyes. That mother of his would abuse him. It was unpleasant to see him the day after, broken and sad."

"Oh...Kiopi didn't tell me that."

"Because he merely knows you." Ulin scoffs, glancing at me. "Kiopi has not let others know but me that he was abused as a kin. Some see it as a solution to have pride. Keeping such secrets from their peers. I see such as a regret. Deceiving the ones you trust with such mere secrets, I find it undesirable. How do you acknowledge that you have their back keeping secrets from them?"

"You're really smart, Ulin." I gush, eyes trained on the guys. Sachi in his wolf form chasing the high elf Kiopi around, playfully.

"I am the God of Knowledge of course I am!" Ulin exclaims, cheeks flushed. I chuckle. Tapping his shoulder as I get up. Signalling my leave and go sit beside Vinmir.


"IT'S ALL LIES! DON'T LET THE DEMON XYRIE FREE!!" A Siren screeches, waving their hands gathering attention. The doctor elf holding the Siren up. "Don't let it free. Titan will only hate us more!"

"1, 2, 3, come and get me. 4, 5, 6, let's kill more kids. 7, 8, 9, Xyrie never dies...." The Siren chants in a different voice. Deeper. More menacing. More...demonic. He chants that over and over.

Mouths drop. The doctor steps away from the Siren. The Sirens knees bend the wrong way, he begins to swish his head side to side. I stammer. The more he does it the more his head gets close to just spinning around like an owls.

"This is some exorcist shit." I comment, terrified. Grabbing Vinmir, almost strangling him.

"What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?" Sachi chants, pulling his hair freaking out. Kiopi stares, intently, at the Siren.

"Mother, father. Titan loved me first!" The Siren hisses. The head cracking around. I stiffen.

"Get-" Kiopi stutters, throwing his arms around, pointing to the Fort entrance. "Get the Sirens out!!! Everyone out!!!"

People rush to the door. Pushing, scratching, wanting out. A few young Sirens the ages of 12 and 14 get trampled on. A large foot smashes into the 12 year old Siren boys skull. Blood drenches the floor of this cursed place once more. I am frozen. In shock. Watching the Sirens and elves fleeing. Glancing to my side at Vinmir and Sachi, their eyes wide and mouths hanging ajar.

Kiopi gawks at me. Grabbing me trying to pull my weight along with his. Red picks up the dead 12 year old Siren, letting blood taint his chest as he takes the boy out of the Fort. Looking dishevelled yet as if he's had this gruesome task before. Ulin reaches for another elf. The deranged Siren sings to him with a terrible demonic voice. Shaking me to the core. The elf picks up a bowl of mixed ingredients raising it up to the sky over his head. Drenching his face. Bubbles of pus and blood boil on his face and body. The bowl of acid eats away. Delighted by its meal. The elf laughs with the Siren. Ulin rushes to Kiopi and I. Vinmir and Sachi stumbling over themselves as they proceed to the exit. The last refuge.

"The only way out-"

My feet slap against the muddy ground. The mud sucks me deeper with each forceful step. I glance over my shoulder. Torches light up the darkness behind the trees. I shudder. Forcing myself to run faster. Pain erupting in my stomach and lungs. In heavy heaves for air, my vision goes spotty, my heart beats uncontrollably. I pant and pant. Eventually stopping my feet. Rocks fall from the cliff. I gulp down my fear. But it still runs rampant through my veins. Flicking my eyes in the direction of the torches. My vision blurs again. Water rolls down my cheeks. I hug myself tightly.

"Titan, why won't you save me?" I ask, lowering my eyes. Blinking 4 times, silently crying to myself. A pitter patter of heavy steps stop near me. My eyes raise up to the juggernauts. "Please...." I plea.

"I'm sorry, Xyrin. T'is what our orders were." The leader, Karim, answers. His feet falling into the muddy sludge. I wince.

"B-but T-Titan loves me." I beg, my heart aches in pain. Heavy with deceit and churning from defeat. I hug myself tighter.

"T'is what need be done. Sleep tight, Xyrin." Karim says, raising his heavy spiked glass war hammer. I close my eyes. Moments before I feel weightless. Peeking through my lashes, as the world darkens.

"Sye?! Sye, wake up?!" Kiopi's voice begs.

Snouts nuzzle my hands. I grimace. Touching my forehead. Slowly opening my eyes. Gritting. My head pounds. A cold hand is on my head. Running fingers through my hair. Ajax looks at me, worried. Repeating his actions. Taltiano staring down at me, scared. Kiopi pacing behind them. I sigh in relief as the pain starts to fade. Brushing my fingers against Ajax's hand.

"Thank you." I croak out. Ulin tips a cup spilling small amounts of medicine into my mouth. Red shakes his head, crossing his arms.

"This is crazy." He states.

"Your grasp of the obvious is impeccable." Sachi sarcastically answers. Vinmir shifting back to human form. Smiling down at me.

"You're okay now, Sye. We got you." He says, calmly.

" you know a Xyrin?" I ask, weakly. Ulin's eyes widen.


Oh, more shit keeps happening.

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