Chapter 10: Surprise, Surprise

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"Wake up, Sye!!!" Sachi screeches at the top of his lungs, voice cracking, shaking me, furiously.

"Eh?" I manage, throat dry. Vinmir pours water down my throat. I choke. Falling onto the ground. Sachi tapping my back.

"Don't kill the poor kid." Master Kiopi chuckles. Rubbing my back.

"Thanks." I whisper, voice bent.

"Are you alright? You fainted and been out for 4 days!!" Vinmir tells me. Eyes widening, I stare.

"Four days?" I respond. Sachi rubs my back. Baring his teeth at Kiopi. Kiopi holding his hands up in defeat. Vinmir helps me stand.

"We were concerned that it was the energy emitted from the tomb." Ajax says, brushing my hair away from my face. I sigh.

"I dreamed of Xyrie and Titan. There was a group called Juggernauts and their leader was a guy called Karim." I explain, Ajax's mouth drops. He cups my face.

"What? What did you see? Did you see everything?" Ajax exclaims. I stare at him, confused.

"I saw what Titan did to Xyrie. I saw what Xyrie did to Titan. Destroying the city and giving himself up to end the war wi-"

"The Centaurs." Kiopi interrupts, grimacing, "So you saw Titan's sibling then?"

"Yeah, his name was-"

"Dandi." Kiopi cuts me off again. I open my mouth waiting before saying anything. Need he say more? Kiopi lowers his green eyes.

"Does Dandi mean anything to you?" I ask, sincerely.

"Dandi was my father." Kiopi answers, looking frazzled.

"What happened to your-"

"My father fled upon being informed of my mothers pregnancy. My father left me."

Ba-thump! Wince. I race outside of the vines. Blood boiling. I can feel something. Something coming. It's big. It's huge! Flinching, my hands fly forward. A shadow befalls the Fort. Darkening the already torch famished hidden fort's entrance. A huge dark red creature spins out of control. With my hands out in front of me, I wait.

"I'll save you when the sky falls, can you hear this Siren call?" I sing. Flinching. Something big heads towards the ground. My hands shake as my power weakens immensely.


Grass and chunks of earth splatter about. I freeze. The big thing. This big thing slides on the earth towards me. Too fast for me to move. A huge gust of wind from the crash blows my hair back. Catching my wings, tossing me back towards the wall. Frozen in shock as the immensely huge creature slides closer and closer to me. I hit my hand forward. Closing my eyes. Listening. Hearing the earth breaking stop. Feeling something scaly, silky, and feel warm breathe upon my face. Peering through my eyelashes. My hand gently resting on a big snout.

"It''s a Dragon!!!" Vinmir screams, overexcited. Holding shaking hands over the huge deep red head. Vinmir rushes around the Dragon in a quick minute. Sachi sniffs the air. Then gapes at the dragon.

"It's injured." Sachi informs us.

"It's from Enda. Enda has a Dragonheart sky haven. Verruchi, it is called." Ajax adds.

Lifting me up to my feet. My eyes trained on the long spikes on each side of the Dragons head. Gliding my hand up his nose above its eyes. Wishing to make it better. The Dragonheart shines bright. Eyes widen. It turns into a man, a hole in his abdomen. Blood pooling around him. I usher to it.

"Heal him. I want to heal him. The Empire surely can't be this stupid." I swear, Ajax agrees immediately. Ushering to the other Elves peeking out to us.

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