Chapter 3: Baby, I'm A Hot Exiled Werewolf...

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"Ow." I state, lowering my hands. Staring at my bare wrist. With a tattoo of poison ivy around it, stars and moons and...sparkles. "What the hell?!"

"Huh?" A voice grumbles, I turn my head. Jumping from surprise.

A big head full of black fluffy hair rises up and down. Sleeping. I lean down. It snorts letting it's head fall back into the...tree?!

I glance around, suspiciously. Eying up the trees around us and the sudden huge mountain drop about 7 feet in front of us. Mouth dropping as 2 suns begins to rise. I sit under a cherry tree? Where the hell am I?

I inspect the guys face closer. Two...fangs? Stick out over his bottom lip. Sighing, I sit back. The cherry tree leaves falling around him and I. I think it's a him?

I poke him with a branch. Touching his face. He grumbles a no. So I put the smallest of the tree branch up his nose. He snorts. Something on his head twitching. I stare hard. What is that? Two things twitch on his head. I glance around. This is some E.T. shit.

"Hello?" I ask, touching the twitching thing. I jump. Eyes of neon orange stare hard at me. I wave my hand and pout my lips.

"Iiiiitttttssss-" Eyes widen even more, "IT'S A SIREN!!!!" The manly voice screams like a woman getting robbed. I reach out. The guy somehow slides himself 5 feet away from me before jumping onto his feet. Not turning his back on me or taking his eyes off me. He wraps himself around a tree, eyes dancing around, "Yo, it's a Siren!!! Ya'll get your men in tights!!! Your men in speedos!!!" He shudders and gags, "Naw, nevermind we don't need your men in tights or speedos...I wouldn't want a man in a speedo rubbing himself up all on this," quickly ushers to himself, "If I was caught mmkay?! Just bring the nets! Or the bread!"

"Hehe." I chuckle, pointing at his pants that have fallen to his ankles, "What did you do before sleep?"

"Jeez, I stained the merchandise."

"Oh." I laugh, "What?"

"It needs to shine for the ladies." The guy explains, taking small frantic steps towards me. Sniffing the air. I cock my head sideways. Watching him closely. Sadly, he is a extremely good-looking guy too. With his pants still hanging from his ankles. I point.

"Maybe you should stop shining the merchandise and cover it before it blinds the ladies." I suggest, the guys face flushes.

In a quick sweep the black baggy pants are pulled up and tightened around his waist by his belt. He gets in my face. Looking at me, weirdly. So I follow and do the same to him. Trying to touch his ears as he flinches away with every movement I make. I chuckle. Leaving his face beet red. I stare.


"You're really cute."

" I?" I ask, looking away from him. He does the same thing, embarrassed. Before doing some kind of jazz hands.

"Please, don't kill me." He begs, suddenly in the fetal position near the cherry tree. I kneel down by him and gently rest my hand on his arm. Sighing with a small smile.

"Why am I so scary?" I ask, confused. The things twitch and he pokes my hand. I blink, even more so. The guy sits up and leans against the tree. Eyeing me suspiciously. Almost as if I'm lying to him. I feel weird. He's weird.

"You're a Siren. You have pink frilly wings and can kill anyone. You guys are getting killed off by the empire."

"I'm a what?" I stare, dejected.

"A Siren? Where are you from?" He questions me.

"Earth." I answer, unsure. He jumps at that answer.

"If you're a human then why are you a Siren here?" I shrug.

"I have no idea. Is it based upon hobbies?" I ask, wondering if my singing is to be the suspect here.


"I used to sing when I was alone on Earth. That could be a reason." I answer or ask. Who knows? "I could sing so-"

"NO! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!' He screeches, pushing me aside starting to run away from me. I jog after him. Grabbing at the little fluffy black thing near his butt. "HEY!!!" He hisses, stopping and hiding it, "You need to take me hunting first."


"I mean I'm not a whore." He growls, spitting in my face a little. I make a face, "I mean I'm sexy but please don't touch what you can't afford, Siren!"

"My name is Sye not Siren."

"My name is Vinmir." He stammers, "And now that you know prepare to die, Siren!"

"Wait, what?!!" I scream, he tackles me to the ground and we roll around. Then slip off the mountain slope. Vinmir grabs my wings with his hands and flaps them quickly by himself.

"Flap little butterfly flap." He begs, wrapping his arms around my waist. I grunt as we hit water.

"What was that?!" I hiss, splashing water in his face. Vinmir chokes. I move my feet and arms. Vinmir's head comes up and down. Uh, he looks like someone who can't swim. My eyes widen as he grabs my foot and climbs up me. Pulling my head under the water while he gets to stay up above water.

"It's okay if I'm okay. Go to sleep, little Siren." Vinmir pleas.

I punch him in the merchandise and he whines. Holding himself. I see a drop in the water and grab at him. Wrapping my arms around his neck. Free falling from a 5 story waterfall. We scream together. Before washing up on the shore. Vinmir glances around looking like a wet dog. I sniff.

"It smells like wet dog." Vinmir flops onto his back.

"Yes, I'm Vinmir. The WANTED Exiled Werewolf. Okay? I Get it!" He whines, angered. Crossing his arms, while staring straight at me.

"Hehe, was your shining of the merchandise a reason for being exiled? You know, too many ladies too little time?" I tease. Vinmir huffs, unimpressed.

"Bitch, your flap is not fabulous."

"My what?"

"Those pink frilly wings. They don't work!" Vinmir shouts.

"Oh, well I don't know how to use them." I answer, looking around.


Is Vinmir alright? Like an alright guy so far? Picture is Vinmir. He just needs his ears. ^,^

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