Chapter 2: The Impossible

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"Mr, Sykes. Why are you acting like this?!" The math teacher asks, shouting over Jin's bodyguards cussing at me. I just snicker and throw them the bird. Hooking my book bag around my shoulder and walking out of class. The door slamming closed.

I'm not as strong as everyone thinks. I'll admit it. When I hear a sad song and I read the lyrics and see the story I do cry. I left my room last night, it was pitch black, and slept in the dormitory washroom because the lights were on in there. I sat my back up against the wall and let my head fall. I try to keep myself hidden but I can't. It's there. Always there. In the shadows. Waiting. Making me fear the dark.

"Way to go, Syky-boy." I grumble, remembering my step-mothers annoying voice and mimicking it to a T, "You managed to screw this up too. Now I see why your mom didn't want you. I didn't even want you. Your father hates you."

I push the washroom door open, rushing to a stall, slamming it closed and locking myself in. Flinging my book bag down. Throwing myself against the wall. Grabbing at the back of my neck and scratching. Scratching until I can feel and see the blood dripping down my back. Until I can feel again. I kick my bag and it slides out from the stall. Scratching harder and harder. Even when the warm sticky substance people call blood is covering my nails and around them. The ridges full of blood. I chuckle looking at my fingers. Collecting the toilet paper and wiping my fingers clean. Unlocking the door, wetting the toilet paper. Before lapping up the blood on the nape of my neck.

Wincing in the mirror but smiling, satisfied. That guy in the mirror. That's the real me. Bags under his greyish green eyes. Dark red hair uncombed and greasy from being uncared for in weeks. Clothes all wrinkled and holding toilet paper to my neck to stop the bleeding. This boy in the mirror shakes from sadness but smiles from the pain. I let out a shaky sigh. This is the only way.

My bag plunks onto the sink beside me. My eyes meet those familiar scared eyes. I glare at him but smirk, crazily looking down at the sink. Pretending to inspect the hot and cold taps. Something warm is placed on my shoulder and I flinch away.

"Sye...we should go see the nurse. I-It looks bad." Nielle suggests, with a unsteady voice. I scowl.

"Why? This...this feels good!" I exclaim, my eyes still on the taps.

"No, it doesn't. It looks bad. Really bad. Come on!" Nielles reaches for my hand.

I flinch away. Grabbing my bag and dashing to the door. Flinging it open. Tossing the bloody toilet paper in the garbage. Allowing the blood to leak out. Allowing my emotions to leak out. My vision blurring, bumping into Jin and pushing him aside to race for my room.

"You're bleeding." He simply manages as I rush away. I smile, snickering to myself. I don't care.

"Sye!!" Nielles calls out after me.

"Fuck you." I hiss, running to the library. Ramming into one of Jin's friends. Wet streaks going down my cheeks. Why? Why? Why?

"Aw, look. Tough guy's crying." One of the bastards comments.

"Maybe we should give the princess a welcoming party."

"The attic is a nice place." A tall guy suggests, grabbing my arms and forcing me to walk forward. I keep my head down and glance around. Where's the librarian? Why is no one doing anything? I stumble up the stairs and see Jin's bestfriend open a small square door. Eyes widening. It's dark!

"No!!!" I scream, struggling to get free, kicking and biting, trying to get my arms free, "No, it's dark!!!"

"Put him in there. It'll be fun."

"No, no, no!!!!" I exclaim, kicking myself away from the dark cramped attic crawl space. I scream, "No!!! Please!!! No!!!"

"Aw, why so scared, hmm?"

"She- she'll get me. Mo-mother will get me." I cry out, terrified. My body shaking out of control. Jin's best friend just nods and grins at me.

"Then I'm sure mommy will chase you until you can find your way out. This door isn't opening again. Sorry about that." He ushers to the guys, "Throw him in there!"

"Please! No!" I hesitate, before being plunged into darkness. The doors slams erupts in the crawl spaces walls. Echoing in my ears. I shake and whine. Slowing scratching at the small door. Listening to the footsteps fading out. I lean my head against the door. Quietly sobbing. Eyes clamped shut, tears squeezing through. "Mothers gonna get me...."

"Mothers gonna get you, Sye." Mother whispers, behind the curtains. Before popping out. I erupt into a fit of laughter and lay down. Pulling the blanket up. Seeing moms green eyes and her dark red hair as it falls onto my face. Sweet nothings whispered into my ear. Before a kiss on the forehead. "I love you, Sye."

"I love you too." I respond, as any child should've. Watching her walk to the door, blow a kiss and say good night. Closing the door.

That was mother

"Mommy?" I ask, my room basking in darkness. The little amount of light from the hallway illuminating a path to my bed. I hug my plush puppy and get into my bed. The door creaks closed. I glance around the blackness. Scared. Terrified. "Mo-Mommy?"

"Mothers gonna get you..." My mother whispers in the dark. I begin to shake, afraid.

"Mommy, it's not funny." I whisper back, jumping as a scratching sound comes from under my bed. My body trembles. Nails trail up my back. I whimper.

"Sye?!!!" Father screams from downstairs. The front door slamming. Hands wrap around my neck and pull me down onto the ground. I cry out, petrified.

"Mothers got you." Mother says, leaning in closer to me. A small speck of moonlight creeping into my room reveals blackened hateful eyes. With tears dripping from her face onto my face. I wince every time one falls. Struggling. Digging my nails into her hands. Mother smiles with her red crimson lips, "Mommy will set you free, my little Siren."

"Sye?!!" Father shouts again.

"Mommy." I croak out in a hoarse tone. Heavy steps race up the stairs. The door is kicked in. The light comes back on. Mother looks down at me with hate. "Momm..."

"Get off him!!!" Father shouts, tossing mother at the wall. Taking me in his arms, my uncle holding my mother down as she scrambles, reaching for me.

"No! Sye needs to die! He needs to die!!" Mother catches my eyes in hers and she smiles, "Mommy will save you. Mommy will set you free. No one will hurt you..unless it's me..." She sings eerily, my eyes planted firmly upon her intense gaze. My lip trembles.

Lights of red and blue dance under the full moon.

"Breathe. Breathe in and out, Sye." Father pleas, as I gasp for air. Tears from his eyes falling upon my face, "Sye, Daddy needs you. Please, breathe. You can do it. I love you. I love you."

"I love you too." I say out loud, remembering.

Keeping my eyes closed. Getting on my hands and knees. Sweeping my hands ahead of me. Nicking something sharp. I shake but push myself to crawl. The darkness can't harm me if I keep my eyes closed. The darkness gets lighter and lighter. Until it's like the sun is glimmering in my closed eyes. I open them. Staring down at a book box. Opening it, revealing the lit object. A pink watch with flowers and sparkles. Then glance around the empty cobwebbed room. Before placing it on my wrist and clicking it on. Letting out an unsteady sigh of relief. Now I can get out of here. The light gets brighter and brighter and brighter. Blinding me. I cover my eyes.


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