Chapter 4: Hello, Hello. Is It Me You're Looking For?

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"Hey, hey, hey." Vinmir snarls, pulling his arm away from my grip.

"So if I were to fall from this cliff, I would die and you would let me?" I ask, bothered. Vinmir nods, happily. I glare at him, "I hate you so much right now."

"You are dragging your feet."

"Calm down, it won't do-" my foot slips off the small cliff edge and I screech, falling. A hand grabs my arm and I stare up at Vinmir shaking on the small ledge. Gripping my arm with all his might. Then glance down. Trees and birds are beneath us. I look up at Vinmir, "Don't let go. Or we both die!"

"Do I look dumb to you?" Vinmir growls, sliding his feet closer to the cliff edge, trying to get us safely across, "Dammit, if you knew how to use your flap, this shit wouldn't be shat right now!"

"They won't work!" I hiss back.


"Ahh!!" We go flying to safety. Vinmir groans in pain beside me.

"Owwie." He whispers, sitting up. I look up and see a guy walking on air across the cliff gap.

"He's walking on air." I gush, amazed. Vinmir flicks his hand.

"Oh it's just a Mage." Vinmir processes, eyes get HUGE, "IT'S A MAGE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

"Wai-" Vinmir runs right into a huge boulder, stammers back and flips over another small boulder. I stare with my mouth ajar, he lays limp, then throw my hands out, unimpressed, "Oh, that's just great!"

"Master, it's a Siren. I want to kill it." A soldier requests, the Mage grabs him by the collar and lifts him off his feet with one arm. I stare, bemused. The Mage's hood crops around his face and hides it from my view. But I catch pieces of bright golden hair falling out from the bottom of the hood. The soldier stares at his Master terrified, "Ma-master?"

"You are not to touch this Siren. Nor any others we happen upon, human." The Mage commands. Another soldier draws his sword.

"Traitor! You're a traitor of the empire!" The soldier hisses, a snicker comes from the Mage.

The soldier in his grip is flung off the cliff, an ice spike slams into the falling soldiers chest. Killing him instantly. The sword drawn soldier shivers in his place. Afraid. The Mage flicks his hand, a killer grin upon his face. My eyes widen, Vinmir moves around near the boulders. Quickly I crawl to him and take his head, putting it on my lap. If the Mage see's him, what'll happen?

"But're making a mistake going against your own people." The soldier pleas. I close my eyes.

"Pfft, my people?" The Mage hisses, I peek through my lashes. The Mage grasps the soldiers neck in his hands, "The empire is not my people. My people are the ones whom you empire puppets call slaves. I am here to settle the score."

Blood splatters on the cliff wall. The soldier blinks. I watch in terror. The top of his body slides off the cliff, his legs slump over. The Mage kicks it off. Before turning and walking towards Vinmir and I. I stare up at him, scared.

"Please, don't-"

"I am not." The Mage simply says, crossing his arms. Giving me a smile, "Sye the Siren. I am Master Ajax of the Tivaldin house."

"How do you..." I trail off, puzzled.

"That tattoo there, when did you acquire it?" Ajax questions.

"I-I got it from a watch I found on Earth, and then...I was here."

"Hmm, so they did succeed." Ajax says in a calm tone. My eyes widen.

"Brother, what have you done?" A boy with the same design of robes as Ajax asks, eyeing up the blood.

"Take this piece of my sleeve back to that empire, tell them we were attacked by the Banded Brethren pack. Return and tell the Tivaldin Master Shor that I found the Siren." Ajax instructs, tearing off a sleeve from his long black with gold trimmed coat, handing it to his brother, "Brother, do not let the success of our elven brethren come to shame."

"I-I will not, Ajax. I promise. Will you remain safe?" The brother asks, taking the sleeve. Ajax rips up his brothers coat, wiping some of the soldiers blood on his face and coat. Ajax cups his face and grins. Giving him a hug and ushering him away.

"Goodbye, my dear little brother. Let the Tivaldin Master know that I am escorting Sye the Siren to the ruins of Barenzith." Ajax says, grabbing at his brothers hand, one more time, "I love you."

"I love you too, Ajax." His brother responds, saddened, Ajax kisses him quickly on the forehead.

"Do not worry yourself sick. When we finish all of this, we will be free eleven brethren. No more slavery. No more meaningless fighting for the empire. It will be as Mother and Father wanted before their deaths." Ajax says, bear hugging his brother and watching him walk over the cliff gap again. I stand up. Letting Vinmir fall onto the dirt.

"Are you okay?" I ask, worried.

"I am, yes." Ajax answers turning to me, pulling down his hood.

Revealing bright blue eyes, perfect high cheekbones, long slick blonde shoulder length hair tucked beneath his pointy ears, his tanned skin gleaming under the Suns. A prominent smile on his soft flushed lips. I purse my lips and stare at him. Why is everyone intensely hot here? Even his little brother looked hot. Good god!

"May I ask if you are alright, Sye the Siren?" Ajax asks. I blink.

"I'm fine." I respond, Vinmir stands up rubbing his neck.

"What happened?" He asks, facing Ajax. Ajax raises his head up high, brushing off Vinmir's question.

"Let's get moving, Sye the Siren. We shall be rescuing more captives along the way." Ajax commands. I wiggle my arms around, running after him. This is why I hate tall people. Vinmir follows, "I see you have your own mutt."

"Hey! I can hear you, you piece of shit Elf!" Vinmir growls, baring his teeth. Ajax stops, turns and faces Vinmir. Looking down at him.

"Oh, I am sincerely sorry...mutt" Ajax hisses back. I glance between them. Is this a good idea?

"Oh, hell no!!" Vinmir shouts, shaking his finger in Ajax's face. I just stand and watch. This is....amusing.

"Sye the Siren, get this wretched mutt away from me. I swear, you have not commanded him to bathe in quite some time." Ajax darts to me. I stiffen up. Eyes wide.

"Me? But I didn't do anything wrong!" I respond, throwing my arms up in defeat. A huge gush of wind blows me off balance. I slide off the cliff. Vinmir reaches for my hand just grazing it. Eyes huge. Grabbing Ajax by the collar.

"DO SOMETHING!!!" He screams, frantic. Ajax just rolls his eyes.

I scream, spinning myself around to see the endless brush of forest. Shaking my head. The wind cold on my skin. Holding my hands together close to my chest praying. Wings work! Work! I wanna live!!

"Badaboom!!!" I scream, freaking out. Remembering a song I'd listen to. I feel the wind on my wings. My pink frilly wings. God, jeez, why? Screeching looking down at the tree line. I did it!! My wings flutter behind me. I glance around in relief, "So how do I go up?"

"Please, hurry up." Ajax shouts, down to me. I nod and kick my foot up. I shoot up. In a straight line. Screaming past the guys. Vinmir cheers, happily.

"That flap is fab!!!"

"Mutt, come on!" Ajax growls, hurrying up. Vinmir growls back.

I feel the wind through my wings stop and do a backflip landing heavily on my ass. I sit on top of the cliff where the cherry tree is again. So back to square one. I flop onto my back.

"I think I broke my bum."


Sorry, there's not much of a plot yet. I'm slowly developing it each day. Does anyone like Ajax? Picture is Ajax in his ghastly Elven soldier days, before ranking up to battlemage.

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