Chapter 8: Xyrie's Plea

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"T'is not what I expected of the Centaurs and others, my races."

A boy sits alone, with pointy ears sticking out from shimmering light baby blue hair, blue eyes concealed within specks of purple, face of perfect porcelain flawless skin and big sparking white wings on his back. A long white shirt hanging on his thin paling body. Everything is perfect until you start to see the big picture. A huge juggernaut stands in front of the young boy. Tears streaming down the boys flawless face. The juggernaut lowers himself to the ground, kneeling down bowing.

"Titan, will not take seeing you in tears lightly, Xyrie." The juggernaut speaks, turning his metal helmet to the side. A click rings throughout the empty sitting room. The only seat holding the boy, Xyrie, upright and tall. Tall granite pillars on each side of the throne. Xyrie quivers, sobbing.

"T'was not my loves fault." Xyrie responds to the juggernaut. Long black hair trails down the juggernaut's back. Battle paint on the juggernaut's face. Two bloody lines from his enemies painted down the middle of his eyes from his forehead to his cheeks. These deep scarlet possessive eyes bore into Xyrie's saddened puffy eyes.

"Titan, will misunderstand the situation. He is a complexly simple man. To see the o-"

"Karim, please. Titan, shall not ever know." Xyrie pleas, placing his frail hand upon Karim's head.

"Shall not know what, my King?"

"Please do not tell him that I am willing to give myself up. I will do anything to ensure the survival of my people. They have been withering away from the food shortage. I'm afraid-"

"Do not entrust me with this ruthless information. Xyrie, you know that I cannot withhold information to Titan. He would skin me alive." Karim protests.

"The Centaurs are coming. The army is coming. T'is not what is wanted by my people. T'is not what I want to do." Xyrie scowls, Karim nodding looking down at the ground. "I am their King. Why must Titan keep me confined to these corridors. T'is not fair to-"

"Enough, I beg of you." Karim exclaims, slamming his metal helmet on the floor between Xyrie's feet. Xyrie begins to cry.

"I want to be free." Xyrie sobs out, shaking uncontrollably.

Karim stands up, holding his helmet to his side. Proceeding to the big doors. Slamming them. Trying to ignore Xyrie's whole-hearted pleading. Blonde hair catches the corner of his eyes. Eyes flicking to Titan leaning against the door to the left. Crossing his arms. Shaking his head. Anger pulsing through his veins. Karim freezes, glancing down the stairs.

"Why must he persist on helping those freaks of nature?" Titan questions, Karim gulps.

"I am a freak of nature then." Karim states, stepping down the steps. Small candles line the staircase. Titan clears his throat.

"Stand guard." He commands, Karim looks saddened. Turning to Titan. Getting on his knee.

"I beg of you not to hurt-"

"Why should I not?!" Titan exclaims, Karim's red eyes brim with tears.

"Xyrie is my King. I shall-"

"You shall what?" Titan grabs a handful of Karim hair and forces him to look up at him, "If you haven't noticed I've chained your King. I own this palace. I created you. All of you and I can end you all. Including that sad excuse of a King."

"Karim?!" Xyrie calls out from behind the door. Titan's lip twitches and he raises an eyebrow at Karim. Anger turning his eyes red with hate and rage.

"I see. Do you screw him when I'm not around, hmm?"

"No, sir. No, I do not. I swear on behalf of Goddess Yumina I do not. T'is not what you think." Karim begs.

"Let's just see. Let me break him in then." Titan hisses, opening the doors, dragging Karim by his hair into the room. Karim struggling, fighting to hold back himself. Titan tosses him aside. The doors wide. Xyrie stands. The shackles on his wrists and ankles digging into his skin as he stands. Wiping his eyes.

"Titan, I'm so happy. You came to see me. I worriedly prayed-"

"Shut up. Lay down. Spread your legs." Titan commands, growling, untying his belt. Grabbing at Xyrie. Xyrie's eyes widening at the commands.

"Ti-Titan, why-"

"Enough, useless! Do as instructed or I'll kill you!" Titan hisses, cutting Xyrie off. Xyrie begins to cry. Terrified and hopeless. Karim looks away, closing his eyes.

This is for all the creations of Titan's to hear. The screams of Xyrie being raped by the one he had trusted and loved. The cries for Karim to stop him. Karim shakes in fear. Wishing to have not been present as Titan unloaded all his rage and anger on Xyrie. His poor perfect forbidden creation. That he sadly had fallen in love with.

Titan closed the throne room doors behind him...

Karim kneeled beside his King...

Xyrie lay broken and beaten...

Horribly scarred, bloody, bruised, and void of emotion....

The great King...was no more.


Penny for your thoughts? Tell me what you think of the great God Titan. Pretty Please! Picture is Xyrie. Xyrie is Titan's beautiful first love. He had no choice really.


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