Chapter 9

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Sairah's eyes were closing down.

It was a Wednesday night in early March and she had tests in all of her A-level subjects the next day. The next day? It is the next day. It's like two a.m.

She was sitting at her desk with the books for each subject scattered across it. Accompanied by the books were papers that she rewrote the content of the text books on so that it could be easier to read.

The teen yawned before sitting back. Damn. How long have I been at this? Her GCSE classes had ended late today so she had come home around six rather than five. As soon as she got here she dove right into her books. It was true that she had been preparing since a few days before but she remembered things better when she studied the night before her tests.

Sairah turned one of the pages in her textbook and wondered if any of this was worth it. I could stay up all night thinking about the shit that makes me sad instead. But that was a big no-no in her brain so instead she would study. No. I'm on break.

So she whipped her phone out to start messaging Jade. She's likely asleep but doesn't hurt to send something.

She was about to start typing the message when something popped into her head. There was part of the notes in the computer science textbook that I wasn't getting but now it just occurred to me what they meant. She switched tabs to look into it on Google but stopped herself. I'm on break. She could not allow the boring contents of her school work to take over her mind. Right. Now to message Jade- Is Leigh okay?

Sairah hopped to her feet and walked out of her room.

She started walking in the direction of Leigh-Anne's bedroom but stopped. Save Leigh for last. Let me check on Marcy first.

So she walked backwards to Marcy's room and peeped in.

Marcy appeared to be fast asleep. Good. The woman's work had been getting a lot busier. Last Marcy had been up, Sairah had seen her struggling to find the right aid for her sister. Leigh's getting an aid. Ha. It sounded like a glorified babysitter to Sairah. Hope they're not a psychopath. Hadn't she been an aid in the past? Oh yeah. Maybe she should let Marcy hire her as Leigh's aid. No wait I wasn't an aid. I was just babysitting Joe. It would have been funny if she had convinced Janice that she would be a good aid for Joe. I think I would have been. He likes me. We have a connection.

Her mind suddenly stopped.

Sairah looked around in the darkness. Where am I and why am I here- oh look it's Marcy. It's dark but I can see her. Alright back to work.

She started heading back to her room but stopped. Wasn't I doing something else? She was messaging Jade wasn't she? Right. So she pulled out her phone but then- Leigh-Anne! Her heart rate skyrocketed and she ran to Leigh's room.

Sairah swung the door open and was happy to see that her little sister was fast asleep in bed. Okay good. That put her at ease. Now back to work.

She whistled on her way to her room then sat in her seat.

Sairah moved her Physics textbook out of her view to give time to one of her other subjects when she remembered. Jade!

She picked up her phone and started messaging her girl.

Me: Hey Jade. You up?

Sairah waited for a response for a while but nothing came. She's sleeping. Good. Jade tended to think that she was a grown woman who could stay up and out at all sorts of odd hours. But she's not. Sairah was glad that the girl was in bed. Now I can focus.

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