Chapter 36

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The next day, Leigh got home from shooting with her body being half-carried by Rachel.

"Don't worry, we're almost there okay? We just need to go up the stairs." Rachel said to the girl as she brought her into the house. It was about nine p.m. Being on set was torture. The process was very long and there was a lot of waiting involved. The directors and writers said she doesn't have to come in tomorrow. They had decided to do most of Leigh's scenes today so she could get a break as soon as possible. Not only did the poor girl have a fever but she had come into work with bruises on her lips and cheek from being assaulted. Many had had questions but Rachel had not been allowed to tell people what caused Leigh's injury. Leigh had not been very talkative behind the scenes at all. I was in her dressing room most of the time and she was just spaced out and sleepy. She had been very worried since she wasn't sure if Leigh would be able to deliver on set.

Marcy had told her all about Leigh and Sairah's fight and the damage it had caused Leigh-Anne. Leigh had disconnected from reality and Marcy had had to take care of her the night before. Marcy had not been sure if Leigh would have been okay in the morning after being hit by her sister but she had hoped for the best. Luckily, the next morning, Leigh-Anne had seemed pretty much fine apart from her fever being higher and her face being a mess from the bruises. Marcy had asked the girl if she remembered anything from the night before and Leigh had told her about her fight with Sairah. Leigh had not remembered being hit in the face but could feel the effects. All while Marcy took care of Leigh the night before, Sairah had been in her room by Marcy's instruction since to her it seemed as if Leigh was scared of her. Sairah had been very upset about everything and Marcy had been worried that it may interfere with Sairah's exam the next day. Basically, things have been crazy.

Leigh-Anne had fortunately performed very well as Lexy and everyone had been impressed. Her bruises had been covered by makeup so no one who was watching the show would be able to see her injuries. But it doesn't mean they weren't there.

Sairah's exam had been in the afternoon today so she had not come out of her bedroom while Leigh was still at home in the morning. The sisters had not seen each other all day.

Rachel helped Leigh into bed and quickly started removing her coat and jeans for her.

Leigh had tears in her eyes as Rachel pulled her pants down. Her skin was even more sensitive than before and she was too grateful to express that she did not have to go anywhere tomorrow. She had told everyone involved with the show that she was glad that they had changed the schedule a bit just for her but they had told her that she did not have to thank them and that they just wanted her to feel better.

"It's not so bad is it? Look. The pants are off now. Yay." Rachel brought Leigh's coat and jeans to the girl's closet for her.

Leigh-Anne sniffed as she tried to slowly get into bed.

"Don't wanna take a shower? Too tired from work today?" Rachel asked softly as she went back up to Leigh's bed.

Someone came into the doorway then and it was Marcy. "You're home?"

"Yeah I just brought her home." Rachel answered as the woman walked up to her daughter. "It's been in a long day so I think she just wants to sleep." She watched as Leigh-Anne crawled under her sheets.

Marcy's eyes watered as she watched how Leigh struggled. "And she's got work tomorrow too. Oh the poor thing-"

"They gave her a day off. Her character doesn't have any scenes. They just need her to feel better. No one likes seeing her like this." Rachel found it heart breaking too.

Kyro wasn't doing much these days. He lay sadly in his dog bed at the corner of Leigh's room, watching her struggle from a distance. Maybe he could tell that she wanted some space these days? Had she voiced this to him? He could probably feel that that was what she needed.

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