Chapter 50

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Jesy dressed the best she could for this evening. Got my fake secrets ready and everything. She knew that if someone told her their secrets that she would feel obliged to tell them hers so this was guaranteed to work. And I'll never tell a soul what I know about her and then she'll realize how trustworthy I truly am.

She walked confidently into the popular food place and was immediately disgusted by the number of teenagers here. Jeesh. It's a school night and yet here everyone is. A lot of the people here were from her school but many weren't. Oh well. She looked around for a space for her and Leigh to sit and spotted one towards the corner. Told her to meet me here at seven and right now it's five minutes to that hour so I'm early. Maybe it was because she was excited. Hope she won't be late. Jesy was usually the type to come late to things but if anyone did it to her she would be notably angry at that person and seek to destroy them. It's cute when I'm late but not on anyone else.

Jesy sat down and got her phone out to scroll mindlessly through TikTok. Or maybe I should send her a message. She did not want to look desperate so she continued what she was doing.

At exactly seven p.m, she looked to the door to see if Leigh-Anne would somehow appear there at the exact time and . . . she did.

Leigh-Anne closed the glass door behind her and looked around in confusion for where Jesy might be.

Jesy stared at her. She's gotta spot me at some point.

Leigh-Anne tapped her chin in confusion at the door for a while longer, clearly not seeing Jesy.

Jesy sighed then raised her hand.

Leigh-Anne took a while but she spotted her and smiled before walking up to her.

Jesy smiled tightly as the girl approached.

"Hi Je- ah!" Leigh-Anne tripped on her feet and nearly fell over.

Jesy's eyes widened. "You okay?"

Leigh-Anne got her balance together quick and took a seat just as fast. "I'm fine."

Jesy observed how she awkwardly tapped her thumbs after that. What a loser. She started laughing softly.

Leigh-Anne blushed. I hope no one else saw that. She surveyed their surroundings and caught a lot of people staring. Oh gosh. Why did she have to draw attention to herself that way? "So um . . . have you ordered anything to eat yet? What's the menu like? Oh here they are." She picked up a menu which was lying on the table before her and started looking through it. "I think I'll take some barbecue wings and chips but I'm new here. What do you usually order Jesy?"

Jesy sat back. "They got chilly fries that go pretty hard. And when you order 'em, you get a side of chicken nuggets covered in barbecue sauce. It tastes awesome."

Leigh nodded. "Okay I'd like to try that but I also want to try their barbecue wings so . . ."

"Just order two meals I guess? Or maybe you can order the wings and I can get the chilly fries and we can share." Jesy winked.

Leigh-Anne blushed again. "That sounds great."

"Awesome." Jesy snapped her fingers at a waiter and noticed people whispering and glancing. Way to be obvious dipshits. They were also taking pictures with their phones. It was only a matter of time until people approached them.

So they ordered their meals and proceeded to start their chat as they waited for them to be brought.

"So . . ." Jesy was trying to figure out how to get this conversation going. "Heard Perrie saying stuff about you two heading off to LA this weekend?"

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