Chapter 37

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Leigh-Anne was playing and singing 'Stay' perfectly on the piano that afternoon.

It was two weeks later and she was done shooting for 'Truth Hurts' and had given a speech to the cast and crew members to thank them for how nice they had been to her while she was ill. She had also apologized for any inconveniences she might have caused but they had told her to not mention it at all and that she was a pleasure to work with. They had also commended her acting despite how sick she was and whatever was going on in her life. Leigh had liked those compliments so had accepted them happily.

Sairah and Leigh's friends were done with their GCSE's but Leigh still had not been speaking to any of her friends at all. Normally by now, Perrie would come over to try to spend time with her but Perrie was still keeping her distance as well. Leigh had been sad thinking about it for some time but decided that it was best since she had already concluded that she wasn't the type of person who could be friends with others. The only person she allowed to sort of be friends with her was Sairah but they only interacted while Rachel was around since Leigh got shaky when it was just her and her sister. The two of them were still trying to figure out how to essentially be around each other- well Sairah was still struggling with that it seemed but Sairah had not voiced it. Leigh had noticed all on her own and had talked a bit about it with Rachel.

Sairah was being pretty nice and respectful to Leigh-Anne but Sairah . . . wasn't nice or respectful in general so it was weird. It was like the girl was acting to try to patch up the rips in their relationship that she had created but was doing so in a very strange way. Leigh-Anne was not sure if their friendship would work but for now she was still entertaining the idea. Rachel had told her to give Sairah time to adjust. Leigh's aid seemed to believe that this sort of thing was very difficult for Sairah since she was the kind of person who liked having things a certain way. It must have been hard to try to reevaluate her relationship with someone. Leigh supposed she understood but she didn't want to stress her sister out. She learned how damaging stress could be to the body.

Her test results had said that she was severely stressed and that was why she kept getting fevers. All of her fears and insecurities had been so intense that Leigh had become stressed out and it had made her sick. She had gone to the hospital for some procedure to be done the week after she finished shooting Truth Hurts and some medicine had been prescribed once she left. Her fever was gone now and she felt a lot better but she was very worried about getting sick again. Dr. Jones had been clear. If she became that horribly stressed another time she may be on the verge of developing an autoimmune illness. Leigh had not known what that was so the doctor had explained it to her and she had immediately become fearful of getting one of those. So she needed to be careful and relaxed.

Rachel clapped after she finished singing. "That was great Leigh-Anne. You sound like the real deal."

"Thank you." Leigh-Anne was very pleased with herself. She played a few keys before facing her aid. "It took a while but I perfected it didn't I?"

"It didn't take that long for a beginner but if you say so." Rachel shrugged. "So what now?" It was still morning. Sairah was home too but in her room doing . . . I don't know what she's doing. "Wanna play some more piano or do you maybe wanna read or walk Kyro or . . ."

Leigh-Anne twisted her mouth. "I should try to spend more time with Kyro I guess. I sort of fired him a while back so I think he became a bit . . . depressed?"

"You fired him?" Rachel frowned. "How does one fire a service dog?"

Leigh-Anne tapped her fingers together. "I just told him very sternly to stop taking care of me and I think he understood. He hasn't really been looking after me like he used to so . . . mission accomplished?"

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