Crashes and Cloaks

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Celeste stirred slowly, coming to in the infirmary. She opened her eyes and bolted up looking around her. The nurse, Recovery girl turned to her and smiled.

"Good morning dearie. You took a hard hit to the head. It was only a concussion though, you'll be ok."

"O-oh thank you."

"I believe there is someone who would like to apologize though." She said, pulling back the bright blue curtain from around them and walking out the door. There stood her tall purple haired desk mate.

"Hey." He waved awkwardly. "Sorry, I kind of body slammed into you when I was running to get to the classroom."

"O-oh it's ok." She muttered.

Celeste gasped and realized her cloak wasn't on. She grabbed the pillow behind her and put it over her head quickly, bringing her knees to her chest.

She looked down at herself and looked around the room for it. She spotted it on the chair behind Shinsou and mumbled something quickly.

"Are you o- what was that?"

"Can you pass me my cloak please." She said louder.

"Yea sure." He took it off the chair and set it on the infirmary bed and turned away. "S-sorry I didn't know you didn't like to be seen. But then you should know that the class also saw you... sorry about that." He apologized again.

"They...did?" She said slowly, pulling the cloak on and raising the hood. She felt her heart freeze and her hands shake. ""

"Hey what's wrong are you ok?" Shinsou asked, standing in front of her.

"They saw me... was I different when they saw me?"

"What do you mean different? You look like a normal person. They all looked pretty shocked though if that's what you mean."

She sighed in minor relief.

So they didn't see me in that form, good. She thought to herself.

"Are you ok to go back to class?" He asked her. "I think we have professor Snipe for math?"

"Y-yea. Let's go." She said quickly bursting out of the infirmary and walking toward the classroom, keeping her gaze on the ground.

Everyone in the room turned to them as Celeste and Shinsou entered the room.


"Are you ok?"

"How are you doing?"

Questions overwhelmed her as she trembled at the doorway. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to her Sensei who simply said, "Breathe."

Celeste took deep breaths and sat down at her seat nodding her head at her classmates' concerns. 

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