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When they got to the palace, it was disarray. Celeste's feet touched the velvet carpet and people went running to her with news, updates and strategies. Her Aunt broke up the crowd with a loud command of: "SILENCE!"

Queen Layla was not to be trifled with as the room became eerily silent.

"Celeste, your uncle will be fine, he took a hit to the chest, nothing more. Go put a stop to this. We believe in you."

The Princess nodded and snapped her fingers, getting people to bring her her combat clothes. Shinsou was also given his and suited up like they had before. Celeste met him in the hall and he noticed that some alterations had been made to her combat clothes.

"You changed it."

"Oh, yeah, with the new training I learned new things, so this will let me move better."

She spun around to show off the black and gray jumpsuit she sported. There was a slit in the fabric of her chest, showing off her tattoo, and cuts in the shoulders, making room for her wing blades. Her wirey tail peeked out from the back of her belt that had multiple arsenal accessories. Her boots made her taller, and her figure was accentuated.

"Cute, let's go?"

"Yep. Remember, stay near me." Celeste reclarified, snapping her fingers. The rift opened and they jumped through, appearing at what Shinsou knew as the battlegrounds.

When they arrived, a monstrous like bird creature was destroying a tractor. A man was standing not far off, lime green hair burning in the sun.

"GREED! You slimeball!"

The man faced the pair and his sharp teeth glistened.

"Hello little devil. Are you ready for your new toy? Our friends at the League sent this with their regards."

The Nomu faced the teens and let out a monstrous cry, running towards them. The Earth shook with each of it's steps and Celeste flew into the air to cut it off.


She opened her mouth and her red eyes shone brightly as fire erupted from her throat and onto the grass below. She created a barrier around the creature, trying to contain it. But it ranright through.

"Light Walker!"

A golden hand made of light sprouted from the ground, matching the tone of the girl's pupils and wrapped around the Nomu as he tried to approach Shinsou with a swinging arm. "Try to control him Toshi!"

Shinsou put on his voice modulator and spun the dial settings, speaking to it like Greed had.

"Stand down."

It didn't change it's behavior, nor speak back. Celeste was struggling to hold it back and signaled the purplette to move aside. The hand of light broke, and she did a double take in the air as she caught her breathe.

I just need to contain it.

"Angels rift!"

A raveen opened beneath Shinsou's feet and he began to run away as the crack grew, allowing the Nomu chasing him to fall through.

Celeste swooped down and reached her hands out for the boy to grab onto her. He jumped and caught her hands, allowing her to place him down safely on the ground in front of Greed.

"So Greed. Are we doing this the hard way? Or the easy way?"

"Who said you were done little devil?"

A large THUMP made her skin crawl as Celeste turned around and the Nomu stood right in front of her. This is going to hurt isn't it.

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