The Ball Part 2

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King Flores emerged with his wife at his arm and gave a welcoming speech.

"And now! Celebrate to a brighter future, and a wonderful future queen- Celeste Griffin!"

Celeste appeared through the grand doors underneath the balcony, walking through elegantly and into the center of the ballroom. Shinsou's breath caught in his throat as he watched the girl look around the room. Her dress was a deep royal blue, with gold accents. It was long until it reached the front of her legs, we're it abruptly shortened like a window. Her white wings poked over the hem of her sweetheart cut and her horns were decorated with gems and a tiara that sat perfectly on her head. Her hair was half and half silver and black.

"Toshi!" She whisper- yelled at him as he spotted him in the corner. "Come dance with me, I need to start the ball."


"Take my hand!"

The purplette obliged and offered his arm, leading her back to the center of the dancefloor.

"Put your hand on my waist and grab my other hand."

He followed her instructions and listened as the music began to play and they waltzed. He was careful to analyze the people dancing around him and following the girl's steps to a tee. He didn't want to seem disrespectful or like a clutz.

Celeste was adamant about the same thing so she kept her gaze to his chest or to the floor. Shinsou watched as more people joined in the waltz and some onlookers whispered to each other. What was he doing? He didn't care what these random people though of him. He was a hero.

He smirked at the gossipers and looked down at the Princess in front of him. While their height difference had decreased with the girl's shoes, she was still only at his shoulder level. Shinsou separated his hand from hers and put a finger to lift her chin up for her gaze to meet his.

"Keep your eyes on me."

"But people will think..."

"Let them talk, as long as you know the truth, nothing else matters, not right now. Right now it's just you, and me."

Celeste looked back at him with a softened gaze, a hint of mischief crossed her lips as she clapped her hands to change the music. A faster beat began to play and some dancers cheered as they began to let loose.

"I hope you know how to do capoeira."

"What's that?"

"Dance fighting." She said gesturing to the people around them that had started to do intricate acrobatics. They watched as a woman was lifted into the air by her partner who was the brought down by the woman's thigh grip on his neck."A triangle favorite. But I'll have you know, I'm unbeatable."

"Why don't we test that?" He said, removing his suit jacket and loosening his tie. The girl quirked a brow at him and smirked, removing her long skirt from her dress. It was now short and had a glittery shear train underneath.

"It's dangerous to play with fire Toshi." She taunted, as they started circling each other.

"Then it's a good thing your fire-proof." He said, taking a step towards her and lunging. 

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