All The Feels

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There was a knock just as she sat on her bed.

"Celeste?" A deep voice asked.

"What is it n-" she opened the door and Shinsou stood there, leaning his arm on the doorway so she couldn't close it.

"Are you ok?"

"I-im fine-"

She felt herself slip into subconsciousness as Shinsou activated his quirk.

"Shinsou what the hell!" She argued as her mental terrain body walked in angry circles. "I thought you didn't use your quirk without permission!"

"I don't, but you weren't talking to me and I had to do something."

"No you didn't! I'm fine! Why would you care anyways! This doesn't even concern you! It's me who's going to mess everything up if I don't make the right choices and-" she paused as she felt tears slip down her physical body's face. The girl fell to her knees in both planes and started crying. Shinsou broke his control and kneeled beside her.

"Hey shh. You're ok. It's ok. We can talk about it all you want. Here let's bandage you up too."

The purple haired boy grabbed a first aid kit from her bathroom and kneeled in front of her, slowly unrolling her sweater sleeve to tend to the wound.

"Here, this is stained. Why don't you take it off, and wear mine instead?" He offered, taking his hoodie off.

Celeste nodded her head and slowly took hers off , making sure the wound wouldn't hurt in the process. Shinsou patched up her arm and watched her put his sweater on.It was so large on her, it covered the shorts she had on, and only barely grazed her knees.

She yawned and sleepily said , "reveal." As she laid down on her bed, subconsciously holding her arms out towards Shinsou for comfort. The boy laid down next to her and ran his hands through her hair and occasionally her horns.

Celeste trembled in his arms and slowly started to calm down, exhausted from the long day she'd had. She dozed off in Shinsou's arms, only to wake up startled some hours later to the pitch night outside.

I should go get Remora some moonlight.

She thought as she slowly stood up. She felt a tug on her arm as she looked back down to see Shinsou, wide awake and cocking his head at her.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"I-I have to go outside for something." She mumbled, surprised she'd been caught.

"We have a curfew Kitty, you know we can't. So come back to bed, you're warm " he pouted.

Celeste gave a small smile and layed back down with him.

"I'll break curfew another time then."

"Good idea Kitten."

The next morning, Celeste mumbled and rubbed her eyes, waking up. She looked down to fix the pillow she was laying on, when she realized the pillow was her crush.

"Ack!" she rolled off the bed in surprise and hit the ground, her feet tangled in the sheets. Shinsou woke up startled, only to see her on the floor, her legs stuck in the sheets and her hair askew.

"Pfft, you ok kitten?' A still sleepy Celeste grumbled and hid her head under the disorganized sheets.

"Ok then, come here." He lifted her up, off the ground, untangling the sheets from her legs and set her back down on the bed.

"What time is it?"

"Well both of us were eliminated in the recent battles, and today is day 3 , and you had a hard day yesterday, so it's not your problem!" He said, plopping down on her, squishing her.

"Ack! Shinsou! Get up! We need to watch the finals!" Celeste giggled, losing air from the weight on her. Her tail curled as she laughed and her small wings puffed, which the boy found adorable.

"Nope! That's not my name, and we can watch it on the TV." Shinsou mumbled.

"What do you mean that's not your name?" She questioned, catching her breath through laughs.

"You've never called me Shinsou since we met..." The boy huffed. "It's always Hitoshi or Toshi."

"Aww, you care. Ok then, Toshi. Come on! Let's go watch the Sports Fest!" she said happily. Shinsou huffed and buried his face in her neck.

"A little longer..." he pouted sleepily.

"Fine, you really are a cat you know." The boy grumbled in return and wrapped his arms around her waist in comfort. Celeste was actually quite small compared to the boy, so he could easily hold her.

Celeste ruffled his hair and affectionately played with it as he rested on her chest. After a few moments she tried to get up, only to be held down by the boy.

"Toshiiii." She whined.




She smiled at him, knowing what would get him to move although it would be embarrassing. She gently placed a light kiss on his forehead and took the opportunity of his shock to wiggle out of his arms and stand up.

"Freedom!" She cried, going over to her closet to choose an outfit. Once Shinsou had snapped back from limbo, he turned his attention back to her.

"How's your arm?"

"Fun thing about royal blood..." she started, unwrapping the injury. "I heal pretty fast." The bandage fell, revealing a nearly healed wound with a small scar line.

"The scar will go away in about a week." She said, turning back to her closet and grabbing a red shirt with a slit chest and black ripped jeans with chains.

"This'll work."

She suddenly felt arms around her waist and dropped both items, turning to face the owner of the arms.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concerned. The boy looked at her with sad eyes as she held her injured arm's hand up to his cheek and affectionately grazed it.

"I just love you." He said simply, kissing her wound as Celeste turned a deep red and averted her gaze.

"Silly, you shouldn't say stuff like that."

"Why not? It's true."

"A-are you sure? I mean who could ever love-"

She was cut off by a pair of lips crashing on her own as she melted into the kiss, her tail making a heart and her wings puffing. She was cautious with her fangs as they grazed the other's lips, as to not cut him.

"Don't put yourself down, your amazing Kitty." Shinsou said, putting his forehead to hers.

Celeste felt her head spin and her heart nearly jump out of her chest. Her face was so red and hot, she thought she would combust on the spot. Her tail wiggled and she put her hands on her cheeks as she hid her face in his chest.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Shinsou asked her with a small laugh.

"Shut up, you caught me off guard." She mumbled.

After calming down she looked up at the boy who had a goofy grin on his face and pecked his cheek quickly before grabbing her clothes and heading towards the dorm bathrooms. Shinsou.exe broke temporarily before following her out the door and walking to his own dorm for fresh clothing. 

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