Pride Part 2

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"Want to give me a name?"

"All For One, you'd know it soon enough."

Shinsou followed the sound of screams and yelling after the blast of fire he saw in the forest. It had to be his girlfriend.

"HALO!" The girl yelled as the light surrounding her rushed towards the man.

"Oh shit." Pride cursed as he was engulfed by the golden substance and blinded.

Celeste bit her arm, her fangs sinking in until blood drew and let it splatter on the ground.

"Blood Prism!"

The large crystal surrounded the man and contained him as the light diffused.



She turned around when she heard his voice only to feel a piercing knife in her side.

"AHHH!" She screamed in pain.

Pride smirked and limped away, disappearing into the burning forest, his broken containment shattered on the ground. Blood splatters trailed behind him and distant coughing could be heard.

"Cel! Hey, your ok, stay with me." Shinsou said picking the girl up and running towards the camp with her.

"Toshi, I need you to put me down." She mumbled out.

"No way, you need help!"

"Toshi!" The bleeding girl yelled. "The knife had poison on it, if I don't fix it myself now I'm dead for sure."

Shinsou stopped immediately and set her down.

"How do I help."

"I need you to use your quirk on me, it'll distract me from the pain."

Shinsou nodded, not doubting her abilities and smiled, kissing her forehead lovingly.

"Does it hurt."

Celeste let out a weak laugh and replied.


She appeared in his mindscape and immediately laid down. Shinsou held her in his lap tightly as he watched her remove the knife and slowly heal herself in the physical plane. In the mindscape the girl was unharmed, but exhausted.

"You have a tattoo?" He asked her, motioning towards her chest. "I thought it was just a magical glow thing for healing."

"Y-yea, I normally just hide it with my skin tone or a shirt, I mean it's just a rune so-"

"Gorgeous." He said, grazing her cheek lovingly. "I love you."

She blushed a deep red and smiled, her eyes in both planes glowing.

"I love you too."

"Purification." Her angel form said and both of them cried out in pain.

Shinsou gripped her tightly and soothed her.

"It's ok, your ok, it's all going to be ok. I'm right here Kitty."

"T-Toshi, I need you to...go to my uncle...and give him this." Celeste snapped her fingers and a small gem appeared in his physical hand. It had a small carving of a rune on it's ruby surface.

"Your going to be ok, you can give it to him yourself when-"

The girl gave him a small laugh as she grunted in pain, healing herself.

"I'm not dying silly. That gem has some of my blood in it. Enough to create a prism, in case one of the sins attacks. I'll be out of commission for a bit, so I need you to give it to him, please?"

"Of course Kitty. Now rest, I'll make sure everything works out." He said, kissing her forehead gently as the girl slipped into unconsciousness.

A few days later, Celeste awoke in a hospital bed with two familiar faces asleep in their chairs beside her.

"Mr. Aizawa? Hitoshi?"

The two men snapped their eyes up at the bed and Shinsou smiled at her.

"Your awake! How are you feeling?" He asked her as their teacher went to get a nurse.

"Lightheaded. But ok?" She moved to sit up and felt her side burn. "Did it not heal?" She questioned, looking up at the boy.

"When I went to give the gem to your uncle, by the way, that's a wacky way to travel, your aunt asked what happened to you and I told her and she told me to tell you when you woke up that if it wasn't healed, that the poison temporarily hindered your healing. Your uncle also told me to tell you to rest and not to worry about them." Celeste smiled at her boyfriend and reached her hand out for his.

"Thanks Toshi."

"Course Kitty."

"So you kids want to tell me whats going on between you two?" Mr.Aizawa asked the couple as the nurse left after running some basic tests. Shinsou had been holding the girls hand the whole time, raising the man's suspicions.

"Uh...Dad...this is my girlfriend Celeste." He answered , rubbing the back of his neck and looking at her lovingly.

"I thought as much. Celeste , you are welcome to dinner whenever you'd like. Good choice son."

"Thank you Mr.Aizawa." she replied with a smile and smiled at the purple haired boy who grinned at his adoptive father.

"I know, she's the best."

The hospital door slid open quickly, making everyone jump as Pro Hero Snipe entered the room.

"CELESTE! Finally! I'm so sorry! I was on my way back from a mission and I heard! Are you alright?! Did you kick ass? Did any of the sins attack?" The hero spurred, pausing when he saw the two teens holding hands. "Is this your boyfriend?"

"Uh...yes, kinda,yes Pride, and yes. Sensei, this is Shinsou, my boyfriend."

"Well my boy, take care of her for me. She may not be my blood, but she's like a daughter to me." Snipe said, patting the girls head.

"Of course Sir." Shinsou replied, rubbing the girls hand and placing a soft kiss on it. 

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