Lunch Buddies Part 1

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Celeste woke up in a frenzy, looking around her to find that she was alone. She took deep breaths and calmly got out of the hospital bed and stumbled out of the door in her hospital gown.

"Celeste! What are you doing up!" A voice called from down the hall. She turned to see who it was, only to be tackled by three people.

It was Mina, Denki and Kirishima. Her friends. While she originally had her doubts on the loud three, she had grown attached to them as did her tolerance for their bullshit.

"H-hey guys! What's up?"

"What's up she says, you've been unconscious for 3 days bro!" Kirishima said, giving her room to breathe.

"I've been WHAT!"

"Yea, Shinsou said you were fighting with the snake lady and got hurt and then you healed yourself and passed out. Must've been from the pain." Denki recited from his memory as if it was drilled into his head.

"I don't remember what happened... I remember fighting Medusa...and then Shinsou was in trouble. And then black." Celeste leaned against the wall for support as she shrunk to her knees.

"Hey your ok girlie. We got you. Shinsou is ok, he had a minor concussion. Bakugou was in for a heavier treatment but he was just let out , that's why we're here." Mina said soothingly.

Celeste clutched onto the girl in a tight hug and refused to let go. The three walked her back into her room and got a nurse to check on her. The nurse ran some tests and said that she would be released the next day, seeing as the venom left her system and she was healed enough to leave.

Thank god for royal blood. She thought as the nurse took out her IV.

Celeste's friends left for the day, reassuring her they'd see her tomorrow. In the morning, Celeste woke up to find her school uniform at her feet and she smiled. Her friends must have brought it to her. She was thankful for them, to have found people who accepted her.

If only they knew... thoughts plagued her mind as she changed into the uniform and opened the door to leave. She immediately ran into someone but they caught her by the waist as she tipped backwards, threatening to fall.

"Shinsou!" The girl cried as she stood back up and composed herself. "Hey! What's up?"

"Hi! I-uh, didn't know you were awake!" He held a hand behind his back as he blushed slightly.

"Did Mina and the others not tell you? I woke up yesterday! I'm going back to U.A right now!"

"O-oh! I'll walk you then! I was just going to leave these... " Shinsou held out some flowers to the girl who gasped quietly. Celeste blushed a bright red and put her hands on her cheeks to hide it.

"Are you ok? You're really red." He teased.

"S-shut up you, I love them , thank you Shinsou." She smiled, smelling the lovely aroma from the bouquet.

"Hitoshi, call me Hitoshi."

Celeste thought she couldn't get any redder but she nodded and hid behind the flowers.

"Cel? You good?" He asked her with slight concern in his voice.

"Yes! Let's go!"

They arrived at school just in time for their hero course and walked into the classroom.

"Celeste! You're ok!"

"Ribbit! Celeste!"

She smiled and hugged her classmates.

"You missed a lot!"

"Where did you get flowers?"

"Yea! We have dorms now!"

The girl looked at the Class vice rep, Momo who smiled kindly and explained everything to her. Due to the attack from villains, the school felt it safer if the students lived in dorms, Heights Alliance to be able to protect them in case of an emergency.

Celeste nodded and went to her seat next to Shinsou's at the back of the class. Once class ended she got up and looked at her desk mate who normally stayed inside the classroom to eat.

"Hitoshi?" She whispered.


"You want to have lunch with me?"

"Sure. Just please nowhere loud."

"Don't worry it's peaceful." She said with a smile. 

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