Lunch Buddies Part 2

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They grabbed their bags and walked to the cafeteria to grab lunch. Once they both had their trays they stood on the back wall closest to the doors.

"This isn't exactly quiet-"

"-shush you. Give it a minute."

Celeste looked around and no one looked at her or Shinsou so she pushed the boy out of the door and took off running with him in tow towards the back of the building.

"Celeste! Where are we going!" She heard his monotone voice ask.

"Shhh... come on!" She pulled him around the corner and caught her breath on the back wall.

"We're going to eat here?"

"Nope. Follow me."

Celeste snapped her fingers and just as she had done for months a crack in the ground opened up. She held her tray tightly and slipped through.

Shinsou's looked at the large hole skeptically, when he heard a cry from the other end.

"Come on Toshi!"

The boy sighed and dropped through as well. He appeared in the forest arena with Celeste giggling as she closed the crack in the ground.

"How did you do that?"

"My quirk duh." She laughed. "Come on, it's nice and peaceful here."

They sat down and talked while they ate their lunches.

"Reveal." she let her features reveal themselves and she combed out the knots in her long hair. She took a bite from her apple, her fangs piercing the red skin.

"Why did that villain call you princess?"

She paused cold in her tracks. Fuck.

"I... I... I am one." She stuttered out not breaking her watery eye contact with the boy.

"Oh cool."

"W-wait you're not concerned?"

"Why would I be? That's pretty cool."

"I... I attracted another villain to the battle, what if someone attacks U.A because of me... or someone gets kidnapped... or someone dies... I'm a danger to all of you-"

"-aye no your not. You literally took care of the snake lady on your own. You're powerful, you'll be fine."

"You don't think my quirk is evil?"

"You too huh?" The boy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "People used to say that to me a lot too. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone, not friends, teachers, even my parents. I was mute most of my life because of my quirk until I was adopted and got into U.A." he explained.

"Hitoshi... I'm so sorry." She looked down and curled up her fists.

Why did that happen to him... it's so unfair.

"But, if it didn't happen I don't think I'd be the person I am today, and I wouldn't have met you." He said grabbing her fist and opening her fingers, entwining them with his.

Celeste blushed a dark red as she made eye contact with the insomniac. She squeezed his hand unconsciously and he smiled.

"So." He started, taking a bite from his apple with his free hand. "What dorm room are you in?"

"Oh! Momo said that I was the last door to the right on the 4th floor." She recited from memory.

"Oh cool, you're next to me." He smirked as if he had already known.

"Wait... you knew that already!" She cried smacking him playfully on the arm with her free hand.


"Hitoshi!" She pouted.

"I like my name coming from your mouth." He teased as her cheeks darkened. They heard the bells brisk ring sound in the air and made their way back to class, still hand in hand. 

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