Chapter One: Safe House

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Cora waited outside Dick's car. Then she seen them.  Jason and Dick dragging a unconscious man with them. Cora looked at them grinning. She thought they looked stupid dressed in the same Robin outfit. Dick took his keys out and unlocked the car.

"Finally, took you long enough," Cora said opening the door to the shotgun seat. She sat down and slammed the door shut.

"Who's that?" Dick asked looking at the girl.

Short with brown, long hair with a red beanie and red lipstick. She wore black, leather jeans and a red cropped top with a black, leather jacket over it. She had black converse too with silver rings and earrings.

"That's Cora. Bruce found her about 3 months ago and took her in. He offered her a position as a sidekick like me because she has telekinesis and telepathy. But she said no. She doesn't really talk about it. I asked if she wanted to come with me on the mission and she said yes, so here we are," Jason explained to Dick.

"Telekinesis and telepathy?" Dick asked confused.

"It means she can move things with her mind without touching them and she can read peoples minds and thoughts. You know all that kind of stuff."

"Right..." Dick said unconvinced.

Then the car door opened to an impatient Cora. "Are yous coming or not?"

"If you move to the backseat," Janson said.

"Fine but only if it makes yous get here faster," Cora replied jumping in the back.


Jason and Dick finally got into the car. They spoke to each other while Cora sat in the back listening to music with her AirPods. She took one out to hear what the Robin's were talking about. She listened to them.

"So, how'd you find me?" Dick asked.

"The tracker," Jason replied casually.

"What tracker?"

"In your arm," Jason said making it sound as if Dick was supposed to know.

"There's a tracker in my arm?!" Dick said with annoyance in his tone.

"Yeah mine too. Don't you remember him putting it in?" Jason answered looking at his arm.


"Maybe you forgot?" Jason said trying to lighten the mood.

"Or maybe he just didn't tell you," Cora piped up in the back with a grin on her face.


When they arrived at the safe house they got out of the car and entered the tall building. Dick tried getting in with his eye but I didn't scan right.

"Access denied," the voice said.

Bruce changed the locks after Dick moved out. Instead Jason went over and scanned his eye.

"Access granted," and with that the door opened.

They stepped into the lift and stood together. Jason and Dick, side by side holding their cases, Cora standing awkwardly behind them. Dick looked at Jason and Cora could tell he was a bit jealous, making her grin.

They arrived to the top of the safe house. It was pretty boring. Dick dragged the unconscious guy across the floor while Jason just stepped over the body. Dick finally made it to the bathroom with the guy. He never said but Cora read his mind and Dick was bringing his friends over.

Cora didn't like using her power in front of people. Last time she did, she caused a massive quake, killing her parents, or her foster parents. That's why she's an orphan again.

Jason sat in the chair in front of the computer which had the cameras to the whole building on it. Cora stood leaning against the table while Dick stood behind Jason.

They looked at the camera to see a green haired boy smiling at the camera, a pink haired woman waving and a purple haired girl waiting for Jason to let them in.

"This is gonna be fun," Cora said sarcastically.

This is the first chapter and it's quite short. My next one will probably be a little longer. If there are any grammar mistakes please let me know. Have a good day/evening/night xx.

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