Chapter Five: Jason

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(TW: this isn't smut but just a warning in case you aren't comfortable with sexual actions, read at your own will)

Cora followed Jason to his room. She could hear music playing from the inside. She knocked lightly on the door but there wasn't a response.

Slowly, Cora opened the door. When she walked in she couldn't see Jason. Closing the door behind her she admired his room. His bed was on the right of the room with a tv on the left. It was mainly black in his room but he had a nice view from the window.

Before Cora could move the sound of metal caught her attention. Out of no where a knife came flying in her direction and stabbed the door on the left side of her head.

Cora's heart was beating so fast. Jason came into her view as he walked towards her to retrieve his knife.

"Who said you were allowed in here?" He asked as he took his knife from the door.

He was standing right in front of Cora but he was towering over her because of her height. She could smell smoke and cologne off him. He was so close.

"Sorry, I just- I wanted to check if you were okay," Cora replied biting her lip.

Jason stepped back from her and put his knife back in his boot. "I'm fine," he responded.

"Listen, Jason, Dick didn't mean what he did. It was just self defence. And accident," Cora tried to get through to him.

"Bullshit," Jason responded harshly. "Dick doesn't care about any of us. Not Rachel or Gar, not you and definitely not me."

Cora was taken back from his comment. "No, I'm sure he's just stressed about some things."

"No!" Jason shouted pushing Cora's shoulders against the door. She gulped. "He's hiding something from me- from all of us. He keeps us in this tower all day and Bruce doesn't want me back."

By now Jason's eyes were watering and he was obviously frustrated. His head was bent down, his hair brushing against Cora's forehead.

"Jason, I didn't kn-," before Cora could finish he smashed his lips with hers.

They moved in sync together. Cora didn't realise what was happening until it happened but she didn't hold back. As she closed her eyes she wrapped her hands around Jason's neck, pulling him down to her height and deepening the kiss. She twisted her fingers through his hair giving him a soothing feeling.

Jason gripped Cora's hips, pushing her harder into the door. He pulled away from her to give her some air but they were so close they were breathing the same air.

"Fuck, I need this," Jason muttered grabbing Cora's waist and connecting their lips once again.

Jason guided her towards his bed, her beanie falling off in the progress. As her back hit the bed she lifted herself onto her elbows. Jason slowly climbed on top of her and kissed her again. Cora grabbed his face to bring him closer to her. Jason kept his hands on her waist, drawing circles on her skin. She let out a quiet moan and Jason took the opportunity to enter his tongue into her mouth. Cora let out a louder groan.

Their bodies were touching each other. Jason pulled away to look at Cora. Her chest heaved up and down from the kiss.

He bent down to her ear. "God, you have no idea what you're doing to me," he breathed into it before biting down on her lobe.

As Jason started kissing down her neck Cora realised what was going on. "Oh, fuck. Jason," Cora tried to speak but it came out more as a moan.

"I think- shit- I think I should go," Cora tried to tell him but Jason hit a sweet spot above her collarbone and she couldn't hold a loud moan in.

Knowing what he was doing, Jason kissed harder on that spot. Cora tried to muffle her moans with her hand but it wasn't doing much.

Cora knew this wasn't right. She should be helping Dick to find Dr Light but here she was making out with Jason Todd.

Jason pulled away from her and got off his bed to go over to his bedside table. He grabbed a cigarette and took a lighter out of his pocket before lighting it.

Cora followed his movement with her eyes carefully. He bent down and picked up a phone. Her phone.

"You should go," Jason said breathing out some smoke. "Your boyfriend is looking for you," he joked.

Cora's cheeks grew flustered at that comment. "Gar isn't my boyfriend," Cora replied getting off his bed and fixing herself.

She walked over to Jason to get her phone. She was still slightly out of breath. As she went to take her phone from his hand he held it away.

"Then how did you know I was talking about Gar?" Jason asked.

"Because who else could it have been?" Cora replied trying to think of an excuse. She grabbed her phone from him.

She had multiple texts from Gar.

Hey, I know ur worried about Jason, u should let him b. He needs to cool off on his own.

As Cora read the first message she bit her lip, feeling guilty of what she had just done with Jason.

Cora didn't notice that as Jason smoked, he eyed the girl. Slowly taking in all her features. The way her hair fell in front of her face. Her eyes glowing. And when she bit her lip, that's something that made Jason crazy. But she didn't need to know that.

Ok, I'm sorry. Just do whatever you want, I can't keep telling u what to do all the time.

Cora smiled at his sweet apology and Jason frowned at the sight of her. 

Look, I don't know where u r but Dick needs u n me in the tech room. It's important like really important.

Cora ran a hand through her hair. The last message was sent ten minutes ago.

"I have to go," Cora told Jason. She picked up her beanie and put it back on.

Jason nodded and blew out some smoke in Cora's face making her cough a little.

"Well I'll- ehm I'll- I'll just- yeah- I'll go," Cora said awkwardly walking out the door.

What else are you supposed to say after you make out with someone on their bed but having to leave because your crush asked you to.

Okay so I didn't know what to write. I wanted to put a warning before just in case people aren't comfortable reading about this sort of stuff. The chapter is long but I like how it turned out. Excited to see how Gar reacts to Cora and Jason when he finds out. I'll try get the next chapter finished quickly. I might post it tomorrow or the day after. Happy reading xx.

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