Chapter Six: Kory

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They drove for awhile until they reached Angela's house. Rachel and Angela had fallen asleep so Cora touched Gar's hand to see if he was asleep too. He quickly turned his head towards her.

"Gar, I don't like this," she said looking up at him.

"Cora, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Angela. I-I don't trust her. S-she seems off. I don't think it's safe," she said.

"Well, how about we check the place around for a bit and if anything seems off we tell Kory or even call Dick," Gar said taking her hand and squeezing it. It gave her reassurance.

"Yeah. I like that idea," she said squeezing back and then looking out the window.


When they arrived Angela got out of the car first and went over the a flowerpot to get the key. It just so happened to be there and she opened the door letting the others inside. Gar went first and then Cora.

They looked around the place and then ended back in the living room. Rachel sat in front of Kory. Apparently she was trying to help Kory get her memories back.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?" Kory asked with worry.

"None," Rachel responded. Rachel placed her hand on Kory's head but took them off immediately. "And if anything starts to hurt, let me know."


Rachel placed her hands back on Kory's head. Kory exhaled loudly and tilted her head back.

Cora grabbed Gar's hand watching what happened. Then she looked at her and Gar's hand intwined together. Gar looked down too and Cora quickly let go.

Rachel took her hands off Kory. Kory looked at Rachel, her eyes turned green and she grabbed Rachel's throat. Rachel screamed loudly as Kory burned into her.

Gar quickly ran up and turned Kory around, only to have her choke him.

"Kory? It's me Gar," he choked out.

Then the door opened. It was Dick. Cora used her telekinesis to push Kory against a cabinet. She dropped Gar immediately but he fell onto Cora. They both laid on the ground, Gar on top of Cora.

Kory got up quickly and went over to Rachel who was wrapped in her mother's arms. She aimed her arms up at her, ready to burn the two until a golden lasso was caught around her arm. It was Wonder Girl. She pulled on Kory and when she was close enough punched her. Kory fell to the floor unconscious.

Dick went over to Gar and helped him up then he helped Cora up.

"I'm alright," Gar said. "Nice catch." He said looking at Cora.

"Oh my god," she said shaking her head.

"Wait. You're Wonder Girl," he said pointing to the girl who was folding her lasso up.

"Who?!" Cora questioned.

"The one and only Wonder Girl. You really need to learn about my favourite people," Gar replied. "I'm Gar, big fan," he said holding his hand out to Wonder Girl.

"Donna Troy," she said eyeing the boy but shaking his hand.

"What happened?" Dick asked walking closer the Rachel.

"She tried to kill my daughter," Angela said.

From the floor Kory started waking up. "What's going on?" She asked

"You tried to kill Rachel," Dick explained.

"What? No, I would never do that," Kory protested.

"I want this woman out of my house," Angela said pulling Rachel closer. This made Cora angry. For all they know Kory wasn't herself.

"Okay, hold on sec-," Dick started.

"Now, god damn it!" Angela yelled hugging Rachel even more.

Kory stood up and looked at Rachel. "Rachel. I'm so sorry." Kory started walking towards the door. "I have to go."

"Kory, wait!" Dick sighed going after her. Donna followed.

"Gar, I need to talk to Dick," Cora said looking at him. "I'll just be a second."

"Yeah," he said nodding his head.

Cora walked out of the house to find Dick talking to Kory, who was about to drive off. As she drove off Donna threw a tracker onto the truck.

"What? You're not the only one with cool gadgets," she said as Dick looked her phone. Donna walked over to her jeep and got in.

"Dick, wait," Cora shouted running down the steps.

Dick was already in the car so he rolled down the window. "Cora, now's not the time," he said looking a Donna.

"No, it's important. It's about Angela. I-I think she's up to something," she explained.

Dick sighed. "Cora, just because she wants Kory out of her house because she wants to protect her daughter, doesn't mean she's up to something."

"No, it's different okay, sh-she's planning something. She's about to do something bad, and now that Kory isn't here, it's not safe. Please Dick, you've gotta believe me," she said looking at Dick with worried eyes.

Dick looked back at an impatient Donna. "Look we'll only be gone for a bit and then we'll come straight back."

"Yeah well by then it could be too late," she muttered as they drove off.
"Dicks," she said walking off.

I want to just explain that Gar has had no interaction with people other than his family at Doom Patrol so he wouldn't know how to act intron of someone he likes. Cora is the same, although she was in a maze full of boys, she had her memory wiped so she would know either.

This season was shorter than I expected because it's almost over. The next one will be longer though. I might end this season on Season 2 Episode 1 because it just makes more sense I think.

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