Chapter One: Breaking News

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Cora missed him so much. His hair. His smell. His voice. All of him. She wished he were here next to her. Holding her close as she cried on her own.

It was currently passed midnight. Cora had been looking for information on her past. Although it had taken her three months to finally find the evidence, she never gave up.

Cora wiped her eyes and looked at the documents in her hand. Her father's name was Anthony Davis. Which made her Cora Davis. But she never wanted to hear that surname after hers ever again. Her mother however was Avery Young. If anyone would ask her name she would say 'Cora Young'.

Cora had found out that her father was the owner of the lab that she was put in. After Cora was born Anthony experimented on her with other kids. Her mother didn't find out about this till later and she confronted Anthony he wiped her memory. Technically he gave her dementia.

Anthony had weaponised his child into a killing machine by the time she was four years old. She had killed thousands of people for her father by the time she was seven.

When she turned ten there was an accident at the lab. An explosion. Anthony had died in the accident. Cora had been injured and had a concussion. That was why she had no memories of before. They took her to the hospital but they had no information on her. No last name. Family members. Nothing. Just Cora. So they put her into foster care.

She got adopted at the age of twelve but accidentally killed her adopted parents. Cora ran away after that until Bruce found her. He took her in with Jason and trained her to fight for herself.

Cora couldn't believe her past. She knew her father was dead, but what about her mother. Yes, she'd have dementia. But was she alive?

Cora didn't know and her head hurt from everything she had just comprehended. She decided to go out for some food. She'd been living in Gotham for a couple of months. There has to be something open this late.

Cora threw on a jacket and left her rented out apartment. In the distance she could hear the police sirens. There was always people who needed saving in Gotham. She wrapped her arms around herself as she turned a corner.

A bright restaurant had their lights on and an open sign on it. 'Excellent Gotham Golden Noodle House' is what it was called. She walked into the shop and immediately fell in love with the smell

Cora looked around. It looked like a family owned the restaurant. There was a woman and a man behind the till and two boys sitting at a table.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The woman asked behind the till.

Cora brought her attention to the lady. "Ehm, yeah, could I get...," Cora looked at the menu before her eyes landed on a dish she wanted. "...the wonton noodles with the boiled wontons on the side."

"Yeah. For here or take away?" The woman asked typing some things into the cash register.

"Take away, please," Cora responded. She gave the lady her money and collected her change.

Meanwhile the two boys were having a conversation about her.

"Hey," Stephen said grabbing Tim's attention. He nodded at the girl that had just entered the shop. "Haven't seen someone that hot in awhile."

Tim looked around at the girl ordering. She was short and wore a beanie. Her hoodie was green and she had her hands in her pockets.

"Yeah, she is pretty cute," he replied turning back to Stephen.

"I'll give you fifty bucks if you go talk to her," Stephen smirked hoping that Tim would agree so that Tim would finally be able to buy new shoes.

"Fifty? I don't know, man," Tim shrugged.

"Fine, eighty if you get her number, too," Stephen bargained.

"Oh, now we're talking," Tim said pushing his chair out. "How do I look?"

"Like you need some money for new clothes," Stephen laughed.

Tim shook his head and stood up, and asking towards the girl.

Cora stood off to the side while she waited for her food. The boy siting at the table came up to her.

"Hey, there's something wrong with my phone. It doesn't have your number in it," the boy said.

Cora paused before speaking. "Did you just try to use a pick up line on me?"

"Maybe," he replied.

"That one is way over used," she replied seriously but trying not to laugh.

"Alright then let me try another one," Tim went on thinking of another one. "It's a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out," he smirked eyeing her up and down.

"Still not it. Last chance," Cora replied holding in a laugh.

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."

Cora couldn't help but laugh at his cockiness. The boy watched as she laughed.

"Why don't we start over," she started. "I'm Cora."

"Tim," he replied holding out his hand. Cora reached out on shook it.

"It's pretty late for some food," Tim said shoving his hands in his pockets to make conversation.

"Firstly, it's never too late for food. But, yeah, I was up late," Cora replied.

"You new here? I haven't seen you around," he went on.

"No, actually. I moved away a year ago, but returned three months ago," she replied.

The lady called her over for her food then. Cora trim the bag and walked back over to Tim.

"So, about that number..."

Cora laughed again. She hadn't laughed this much since San Francisco. She held out her hand for the boys phone. Once he gave it to her, she put her number in. She noticed his background was Batman and Robin but she didn't say anything.

Before she could say anything to him, a breaking news came on the news.

"We go now live to Gotham Pier with a breaking news story,"

Cora turned around to watch the news.

"Batman's ally, Robin, was found dead tonight along with a security guard. The Joker, who was waiting for police, was taken in without further incident. The Joker was sent back to Arkham Asylum, where he escaped from earlier this month. Gotham Police had engaged with the Joker several hours earlier..." the news reporter explained.

Cora couldn't believe what she was hearing. If  Robin was dead. Then that means Jason...
She didn't want to finish that sentence.

"No word yet on how Batman is dealing with this terrible loss."

Cora turned back around to Tim who was watching the news as well. His eyes were watering.

"I have to go," Cora told him. She had to find Bruce. "It was nice meeting you, Tim."

"You too, Cora," he replied but wasn't paying any attention to anything other than the Tv.

Cora left the restaurant and took the route she'd been avoiding for months. Somewhere were she didn't what to be. She was going to Wayne Manor.

So I'm finally back. I haven't written in ages but I have a few chapters finished. I know this chapter doesn't have much about the plot of season 3 but it's just getting started.
It's been 3 months since the last season and Cora found out about her past. I wanted her to have some sort of interaction with one of the characters so I chose Tim so later on in the story they'll know each other's.

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