Chapter Ten: Torture

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Cora shot her eyes open. The room she was in was dark and she couldn't see anything. She tried to move her hands to rub her eyes but for some reason they wouldn't move. She tried again but nothing worked. She could feel metal against her skin and she presumed it was some chains holding her hands down.

Cora focused on her breathing. It started picking up once she remembered what had happened last. All she could remember was Jason. Jason dragging her to the Bat Cave. Jason pointing his gun at her. Jason drugging her. Cora's heart started beating even faster.

A door opened behind her and a light turned on, blinding her. Cora shut her eyes and tried to move her head away from the light.

"Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty," came a voice Cora knew too well. Scarecrow.

She had heard of many stories from Bruce and Jason of Crane. He was crazy. That's why he was locked in Arkham. Until Dick helped him escape.

After Cora's eyes adjusted to the light she could see the room. The room was small, made of concrete. She was sat at a table with her hands strapped down. She locked down at her legs and they were also strapped to the chair. She noticed that the bracket Jason had put on her was still there, meaning she couldn't use her powers.

"Where am I?" Cora asked Crane. "Why am I here?"

"You'll get your answers in time," Crane said. He stood across from her and he reached over and grabbed her face. "But right now, I need answers."


Crane grabbed her head and smashed it against the metal table. They'd been at it for awhile. Crane wanted answers that Cora wasn't willing to give. He had already cut her tracker out of her collarbone.

Cora lifted her head back up. She could feel the blood running from her nose. Her lips were dry and her eyes were red.

"Now, you see sweet cheeks," Crane started as he gripped her face in his hands. "I'm getting a little impatient now." Crane let go of her face and Cora relaxed a little.

Crane took a step back from her, running his hand threw his greasy hair. "I'm going to ask you again, and this time I won't be as nice. How do I access Oracle."

Cora lifted her head up to look at Crane. "I already told you," she said breathlessly. "I don't know." Cora was lying of course but Crane still didn't believe her.

"Fine," was all he said before he left the room.

He entered moments later with a table trolley. Cora glimpsed down at it. She swallowed hard as she looked at all the metal equipment that she had no idea what Crane was going to do with it.

Crane took the tray and placed it on the table. Cora could see it clearly now. Sharp, metal bars. Beside it was what looked like a inhaler.

Crane lifted the inhaler up, admiring it in the light. He then brought it up to Cora's face. Cora shook her head, trying to move away.

"Ah ah ah," Crane tutted, holding the back of Cora's neck and placing the inhaler i front of her mouth. "Deep breath." With that Crane clicked a button and the drug went into her system.

Cora didn't feel pain or anything. She felt relaxed and calm.

"Good girl," Crane told her as he sat in a chair in front of Cora.

She watched him pick up the metal stick. Crane grabbed Cora's hand, holding her finger out and lining the metal bar up under her nail.

Cora tried to move her hand away but the metal straps were preventing her from doing so. "Please. Please don't," Cora whimpered.

"I gave you a chance. Now you must suffer the consequences of your actions," Crane went back to her finger. "Don't worry. The drug won't let you feel the pain."

Crane pushed the metal bar under her nail. He was right, it didn't hurt. He grabbed another bar and moved on to the other fingers.

"You should know though. As soon as the drug wares off, you will feel all the pain at once," He spoke moving onto her next hand.

Cora just hoped that the Titans would find her before the drug wore off.


Crane had left the room awhile ago, leaving Cora on her own. At first she was fine but she knew it herself that the drug was waring off.

Not long after Cora had tears streaming down her cheeks. She had her head hanging low trying to focus on something other than the pain. She tried to keep her screams muffled, she didn't want to give Crane the satisfaction

The door opened behind Cora. She expected it to be Crane but when she lifted her head up, her eyes landed on Jason.

"Cora-," Jason started but Cora interrupted him.

"I don't want to hear from you," she replied closing her eyes at the pain.

"Look I'm sorry. I messed up, I know. But if you want this to stop, I need to know how to get into Oracle," Jason said sitting in front of her.

Cora just shook her head her eyes still closed. She heard Jason stand up from his chair and leaning over to her. She opened her eyes to see him holding another inhaler against her mouth. Cora didn't want his help she turned her head away from him.

"Cora, I'm trying to help," Jason said gripping her chin back in the place. She let out a cry that she'd been holding in. Jason clicked the button letting the drug fill Cora's lungs.

Jason sat back down and started removing the bars from Cora's fingers, carefully. She didn't resist this time. She was quietly crying to herself.

Once Jason had removed all of them he spoke. "Cora, I really am sorry," Jason apologised.

"Barbara," was all Cora said.

"What?" Jason asked.

"Barbara. She's the key. You need her eye. For Oracle," Cora said quietly. She was tired. She just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry.

"Thank you," Jason replied standing up and heading towards the door.

"You're a coward, Jason Todd."

Jason stopped to listen to the girl.

"You're a coward for following orders from a psychopath. I don't even know you anymore."

Jason left the room after that to look for Crane.


Jason had told Crane about Oracle but he still wanted to go after Dick Grayson. As a result, Crane took him and showed him what Lady Vic could do, at the hospital. Annoyed, Jason wanted to go off on his own.

Cora's voice rang through his head.
You're a coward for following orders from a psychopath

Jason entered the so-called 'lab' where the scientists were making the drugs.

"I want the drug," Jason said, wearing his red hood mask. He walked towards one of the scientists.

"We're not finished yet. All-All we have is a skinny batch," was all the man could say. He was scared and it was obvious.

"You give me that, then. All of it," Jason told him.

"We've been taking orders from Crane. We thought he was the boss," the man explained.

"Who's the boss again?" Jason asked pointing his gun at the man.

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