Chapter Six: Hank

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Later on though, Gar decided to talk with Hank in case anything bad did happen.

"Angry old man. The boys have got the Catamaran idling. They're just waiting on their captain," Gar spoke with an accent as he walked into Hanks room.

"Thank you, Garfield. Let the boys know we'll take her out tonight," Hank replied with a British accent.

Gar jumped onto the bed, next to Hank. He eyed the chandelier carefully.

"You think this place has a big enough chandelier?" Gar asked sarcastically.

"When bats have sex, they gotta have something to hang from," Hank joked and they both burst out laughing.

After a moment of silence Gar spoke again. "Uh, Gotham is Bruce's mess, why did we even come here?"

"Oh, I just came back because I got the hots for Dawn," Hank admitted. "Love's a bitch. Never learned my lesson."

"Tel me about it," Gar agreed sighing.

"What's up with your love life," Hank asked with humour. "Is it Rachael?"

"No it's Cora. Before she left San Francisco we might've done a few thing," Gar explained hoping to get advice from Hank.

"You had sex with Cora?!" Hank asked shocked.

"Well, yeah but that was before CADMUS happened."

"Hey, that's  my boy," Hank said hyping Gar up.

"But then she left and now we're here. And I don't know what way to act around her," Gar spoke. "Not to mention she's still trying to get over Jason."

Hank shook his head. "She could do so much better then Jason."

"I know but I don't want to push her. People take time to grieve in their own way," Gar said being understandable.

"Listen, you should go for it. Make your move. Catch your prey," Hank said making a tiger joke at Gar.

"I should," Gar replied laughing.

"How are you holding up?" Hank asked.

"Me? This is less than great," Gar answered. "You hung up the suit. You were out."

"Yeah. Maybe it's a sign."

"That you should have never left DC?" Gar guessed.

"That I never should have left my family. That's not what you do. No matter what," Hank told Gar.

"So what, this is... This is karma?" Gar asked.

"I don't know... but I'm not ready to go. It's not my time yet. I got too much left to do," Hank said as his eyes got watery. "And so do you. So get the hell out of here. I'm counting on you bozos to get me out of this mess."

"An evening sail... I'm gonna hold you to that," Gar told him as he got up to leave the room.

"See how the main sail sets," Hank joked back.

"Aye, aye, Captain," Gar saluted.


After Gar spoke to Hank, Cora thought maybe she should too.

"What's up Hawk," Cora said walking into his room with her hands in her pockets.

"Nothing much Thirteen." Hank was referring to her tattoo and she smiled at how he remembered.

"How's Dawn?" Cora asked him as she sat next to him.

"Meh, same old, same old," Hank responded.

"You know she loves you right," Cora told him.

"No, she doesn't," Hank brushed it off.

"She does. You broke her heart but she still loves you. Girls can be bitches sometimes but it's true," Cora lectured Hank. "She just hates that she can't stop loving you. You guys are meant for each other."

"I'll take that into account," he nodded.

" and Gar," Hank went on.

"What are you taking about?" Cora asked.

"You aren't a thing?" Hank asked pretending not to know.

"No. I mean yeah, we were, I guess, in San Francisco but I don't know anymore," Cora explained.

"I think he feels the same," Hank said. Cora paused confused but decided to brush it off.

"Listen, Hank. If anything...happens, I just want to know that I'm sorry. For Jason," Cora apologised.

"This isn't your fault, it's Jason's. And that isn't Jason anymore." There was a moment of silence.

"I keep thinking back to San Francisco when we called Jason out for those things," Hank explained. "Maybe if we treated him differently-"

"Dick once told we that we can't keep thinking about the past. We have to move on and focus on the present," Cora told him.

"Well then, you have to get down there," Hank said pushing her away.

"Alright I'm going," Cora said walking out the door.
"Hey, Hank?"

He nodded at her.

"Thank you, for everything."


Cora and Gar were both in the Bat Cave to give Conner support. Hank had only a few heart beats left and Conner was so close.

"Gar, where we at?" came Dick's voice in a panic.

"Conner's getting close," Gar replied to Dick while Conner worked away.

"How close?" Dick asked more specific.

"Under six percent failure rate now," Gar replied.

"All right, call me as soon as he gets it," Dick said hanging up.

Cora was stressing out now. Not only was Conner so close but Dawn had gone off to Jason with the gold. She knew something wasn't right. It was a trick or something.

"Gar, talk to me." Cora could hear it in Dick's voice that he was running out of time.

"He's almost got it," Gar replied watching the screen.

Finally Conner got it to zero percent.

"Go!" Gar told Conner. "Conner's got it." He told Dick.

But it was too late. Cora and Gar watched the screen as Conner was making it to Hank's room. They seen an explosion and the screen disconnected.

Cora didn't move from her seat. Gar embraced her in a hug while they both started crying. Kory came over and hugged them too.

Hank was dead.

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