Chapter Fifteen: Cadmus

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Phase 1
Cora woke up in a room with a couch and a TV. She looked around but no one was there. On her left wrist was something that flashed red. Cora didn't know what it was. She looked around the room, their was a glass of water and she looked at it, debating if she should drink it.

Then the door opened and a woman.

"Ahh, Cora, you're awake. I'm Mercy Graves. I work with Cadmus," she said sitting down in front of Cora. "Can I get you anything? Food? Drink?"

"Where are my friends?" Cora asked ignoring her question.

"Don't worry, they're safe. We only want what's best for you here," she explained.

"What's best for me? What did you do to me? What's in my arm?" Cora asked.

"It's nothing that'll harm you. It helps us to contain you're power," Mercy explained.

But that wasn't all it was. Yes, they could turn off Cora's power in a flash, but they also could control her. By a push of a button Cora would switch off, turn into something that wasn't her. They would use her as their little solider.

"Tell me, Cora, what do you want?"

Cora thought for a moment. "I want my friends to be reunited back together. All of us together, just like before," Cora said not explaining herself properly.

Mercy smiled only knowingly. "We can do that for you," Mercy said smiling.

"I also want to know about my past. My parents and the lab."

"We can do as much research as possible on that if you cooperate with us," Mercy persuaded.

Cora nodded her head and Mercy left the room.

Cora stayed in the room for the whole day, waiting until someone let her out. The door was locked so she couldn't get out, and she couldn't use her powers either. She went to sleep on the couch then.


When she woke up next she was in a bright white room. There was one door and a long window. She was on a white bed, wearing all white, which she hated. Her beanie was gone too. The one Gar had given her. She sat up from her bed and looked around. Her left wrist was flashing red and she held it.

"Cora, don't panic. We're just doing a few tests on you. Nothing to worry about," came Mercy's voice from behind the window. "You might feel a slight pain," she informed Cora.

Cora was bout to speak, until Mercy clicked a button. Cora's eyes closed shut tightly.

"Don't fight it, let it in," Mercy's voice said.

Cora tried to stop it but it was too strong. It took over her. She opened her eyes then, and she was a whole different person. Someone who wanted to fight. Who wanted violence. Who wanted to kill just for the fun of it. She stood up and smirked.


"Eye witnesses say that a tiger attacked this local coffee shop," a news reporter spoke.

"We interrupt to take you live to city hall."

"This beast is not an escaped zoo animal, but is the work of rogue vigilantes, highly trained and extremely dangerous. I retained the services of a security firm with experience in this kind of threat. I firm called Cadmus," came the Mayor.

Cora was sat in the same white room watching the news. She bit her lip wondering if Gar was okay. Cadmus had switched off her abilities but they weren't controlling her just yet.

She hated this, feeling helpless, not being able to help Gar or Conner. She sighed knowing she couldn't do anything until she got chip out of her arm.

She tried to get it out by breaking her glass of water to use something sharp enough to cut into her skin. But before she even had the chance Cadmus guards came running in. They never gave her a glass cup again, only plastic.

Phase Two
Cora was standing in a dark room. It was big. Conner had just left the room and Cora tried talking to him until Mercy pushed the button, and she was switched off from being herself.

"This here is Cora. She was orphaned at a young age because of her supernatural abilities. Luckily, Cadmus found her and helped her to understand her abilities. This is what Cadmus does, we help people to their fullest. Help them do what they can do for the right reasons," Mercy lied.

"Cora here has telekinetic abilities. She can move things with her mind and access any human brain," Mercy explained looking at the bidders.

"How do we know we she won't turn on us," one of them asked.

"Cora knows her place. We are family to her. She'll do whatever we asked of her. Of course you'll get to see her in action before you bid," Mercy explained.

One of the guards came towards Cora and shot many bullets at her. She stopped them and they just hovered in front of her face. Some of the bidders clapped as she let the bullets fall to the ground.

"Think of that as a preview of coming attractions. We'll be providing you with a satellite link and a code. Set your schedules to 9:00 p.m., Pacific Time. And witness what happens when good people put an end to evil," Mercy finished turning off the call.

Cora left the room as instructed.

I know it might be complicated to understand but basically Cora has a chip in her arm. When CADMUS turns it on they can control her brain and tell her what to do like she's a puppet or something. They can also switch her powers off too.

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