Chapter Seven: Trigon

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When Cora went back inside Angela was making soup.

"Hungry?" She asked.

"Eh, no thanks, still a little bit sick from the drugs," she lied.

Cora went upstairs to find Gar holding a bag of ice on Rachel. Cora quickly hid so they didn't see her. She didn't want to interrupt the moment.

If she was being honest she might admit that she has some feelings for Gar. But Rachel and Gar knew each other longer so who was Cora compared to Rachel. Gar and Rachel were perfect for each other.

Cora went back downstairs and outside to get some air. She took a deep breath in. Thinking of all that had happened. Meeting Jason and Bruce. Going on a mission with him. Getting stuck in an Asylum. Going on a train for the first time. Kory hurting Rachel. Cora trying to get Dick to believe her, which he didn't. Seeing Gar with Rachel. She let out a sigh.

Maybe she was jealous of Rachel. How her and Gar had so much in common with their hair and not understanding their powers completely.


Later that night Cora was sleeping. She slept in a room with Gar since there wasn't enough space and because Cora wasn't staying long.

She woke up to the sound of Gar coughing. He went to the bathroom. Cora stood up and saw Gar fall to the ground.

"Gar? Gar? Oh no," Cora said. Blood started pouring form his nose and ears. "Rachel!"

Rachel came into the room with Angela. "Gar. What's wrong with him."

Then there was a knock at the door. "Maybe it's Dick," Angela said going to the door.

"Rachel I need to tell you something," Cora started but Angela came back with a man.

"How long has he been like this?," he asked.

"We don't know," Rachel replied.

"He was fine a few hours ago," Angela stated.

"It's going to be okay, I'm a police officer," he said pulling out his phone. "I just charged it?"

"Eh there's a-there's a landline in th-the kitchen," Angela said.

"I'll be right back," the man said. Angela followed.

Rachel held the towel on Gar but it was already soaked with blood.
"I'm gonna get a new towel," Cora said standing up and going downstairs.

When she went downstairs she seen Angel stab the man in the stomach. The man fell to the floor in pain. Then Angela saw Cora. She grabbed something that was on the table, it was a syringe.

Cora quickly moved out of the way as she lunged at her. Then Cora was looking in a mirror. In the mirror were all her friends, the dead ones. Angela took her chance and stabbed the syringed into her neck. Cora fell to the floor with a thump.


When Cora woke up next she felt drowsy. She was in a dark room, maybe a closet. Her arms and legs were tied by rope. There was a bit of cloth around her mouth.

She could hear Rachel and Angela in the room. Through the gap of the closet door she seen Rachel walk to a mirror and trying to pull someone out.

It was Trigon. Trigon knelt down beside Gar. His blood started going back in and Gar shot awake. Cora banged on the door, but no one could hear her. She heard a lot of talking and heard Gar and Rachel run off.


Cora banged on the door until it finally opened. She fell face on the ground. She felt weak from the syringe but managed to sit herself up.

She seen everyone Donna, Kory, Hank, Dawn, Jason and Dick. They were all beating up Gar. Dick went forward and picked him up by his neck and threw him against a cabinet.

"Gar," Cora tried to speak but it was muffled by the cloth.

Trigon reached in and pulled Rachel's heart out. She fell to the ground. Trigon suddenly turned into a beast. He squished the heart which became a jewel. He place it in Rachel's head and she was finally turned.

Cora managed to get the cloth down from her mouth. "Rachel," she said weakly.

Trigon came up to her. "What should we do about you?" He asked taking her face in his hand.

Then she felt darkness surround her. Darkness everywhere. Her eyes turned black but suddenly changed back to her normal brown. Since she could mind control people she was able to stop him from doing the same to her. Cora was weak but that's as all she could mange.

"Interesting, it doesn't seem to work on you," he said.

Cora snapped her head away. With his long nails he dug them into the sides of her throat. She gagged in pain. Then with all her strength she had left she pushed him away with her telekinesis. He flung across the room and Cora fell to the floor tired.

Trigon stood up and went outside with Dawn, Hank, Donna, Jason and Kory following.

Cora could barley see but she seen Gar turn from a snake to himself. He grabbed Rachel's hand and said a few thing to her. Then Rachel snapped out of it. She was herself once more. Rachel went over to Dick to try do the same, while Gar got his clothes back on.

When Gar was dressed he ran over to Cora. He quickly untied her wrists and ankles. He helped her sit up.

"G-Gar," she tried to say but her throat was sore.

Then Rachel turned around with Dick, he was back to normal. Rachel went outside to deal with her father.

Cora touch her throat and seen all the blood. She stood up with support from the wall and her, Gar and Dick went outside.

As they did they seen Rachel and her father. There was a big cloud of smoke that push everyone back. Cora fell to the ground once more.


Cora woke again and stood up with the help of Gar. They seen Rachel with blue hair coming from the cloud of smoke. Dick walked up to her and they both hugged.

A lot happened in this chapter but I think I'll do one more for this season and then start on the second season maybe. Happy reading xx.

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