Chapter Two: He's Gone

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Cora entered the manor. She still had her set of the keys so she was able to get in. There was silence when she walked in.

"Jason?" Cora shouted, begging for an answer. "Jason are you here?"

Cora made her way to his room. It was empty. His bed, unmade. Books everywhere. His helmet left to the side.

"Bruce?" Cora called out. He didn't even answer.

Cora decided to check the Bat Cave. Bruce had made it sound proof so they probably couldn't hear her. She walked through the door to see the place empty. Isolated.

Cora noticed an armour stand. She knew it was Jason's. But his Robin suit wasn't there. Cora knew that the news might've been right but she didn't want to believe it. Her eyes started watering at the realisation.

The door behind her opened and there stood Bruce Wayne. Her glossy eyes met his and she asked him the question she was dying for an answer.

"Where's Jason?" She asked her voice shaking.

"Cora..." Bruce tried to calm her down.

"Bruce. I swear to god if you don't tell me where Jason is, I'm-" Cora started but Bruce interrupted her.

"He's gone."

Cora froze. She didn't want it to be true. Soon enough she was crying. She fell to her knees screaming. Glass around her started shattering and flying everywhere. Cora wrapped her arms around herself as she realised she'd never see Jason again.

Glass was flying in every direction. Bruce had to think fast before he'd get stabbed with one. In one of the shelves were syringes to sedate someone. He ran over to it, covering his head from the glass. Once he got a hold of the sedate he made his way cautiously towards Cora.

The glass was spinning around her like a tornado. Like it was protecting her. Bruce moved closer, the glass stabbing his hand. He reach her though, and stabbed the needle into her. After a few moments, the glass fell to the ground and so did Cora. She blacked out.


"Bruce, you down here?" It was Dick walking down into the Bat Cave. He obviously made his way to Gotham for Jason's cause.

"Bruce?" He asked again but there was no answer. "Bruce?"

"The blood, it's hard to get out," Bruce responded. He was on the floor trying to clean Jason's Robin mask. He hadn't cleaned up the glass from Cora yet.

"I'm sorry," was all Dick could say. He looked around trying to make conversation. "The Joker's back at Arkham?"


"I'm glad the cops got to him first," Dick tried to think optimistic.

"Me, too," was all Bruce could say.

"What happened here," Dick asked cautiously.

"Cora," Bruce responded plainly.

"Cora? She's been here with you?"

"No, she's been in Gotham but only came here last night when she found out about Jason," Bruce explained. "Broke down crying. Her emotions got the better of her and she thrashed the place."

"Where is she?" Dick asked.

"Upstairs in her room. I had to sedate her last night. She hasn't come down all morning."

"Can I help with any of the arrangements?" Dick asked moving on from Cora's situation.

"No. It's all been taken care of," Bruce brushed it off. He walked over to the armour stand and examined Jason's suit.

"So, when's the funeral?" Dick questioned.

"It's already happened."

"What do you mean, 'It's already happened'?" Dick was confused now. He had gotten the Gotham the day after Jason's death. How was the funeral already finished.

"The mortuary delivered the coffin last night. I had him buried in the family plot, next to Alfred," Bruce explained walking over to the computer. He sat down and started typing away.

"Look, I understand. This is difficult for all of us, especially you," Dick tried to be persuasive. "Couldn't you have at least waited..."

"He had no family," Bruce said plainly.

"He had us," Dick stated. There was silence between them and the tension in the air was so thick.

"What are you doing?"

"There's a new player in Gotham," Bruce said typing on his computer. "He's killed seven already."

"Bruce, come on," Dick said getting annoyed. "Can't we just talk about this for a minute before you jump back in to work?"

"What was Jason doing studying chemistry?" Dick asked after a moment of silent. Dick knew Jason never read.

"I don't know," Bruce answered not bothering.

"He barely read the back of a cereal box."

"Doesn't matter, Dick. Jason's dead," Bruce spoke the truth. "There's nothing we can say now that will bring him back."

"You know, when Donna died, you told me not to bury my emotions. Not to experience grief alone," Dick tried to help Bruce. "It was good advice."

"That advice was meant for you, not me. People are different," Bruce ignored him.

"Bruce, you can't just-," Dick tried but Bruce cut in.

"Life goes on. We both know that," Bruce said changing the subject. "Come on, I'll make us some lunch."



While Bruce made 'lunch', Dick decided to check up on Cora. He hadn't seen her since she left San Francisco. He knocked on her bed room door but when there was no response he entered himself.

Cora was lying on her bed. Her eyes were swollen and puffy from crying but she stared straight ahead of her.

"Cora? It's me Dick," Dick spoke walking towards her. She looked up at him and stared like she couldn't believe he was here at Gotham City.

"Is the rest of the Titans here?" She asked. Her voice was horsey from screaming and crying.

"Not yet." Dick moved to sit on her bed. "Cora I understand how you're feeling-"

Cora sat up and hugged Dick. Technically they weren't  sibling but he was always there for Cora no matter what.

She cried into his shoulder. "I didn't believe it. But then Bruce told me." She let out another cry.

Dick patted her back trying to calm her down. He pitied the girl.

"I should've been here. I should've helped him. Or stoped him."

"There's nothing you would've been able to do. When Jason sets his mind on something there's no stopping him," Dick replied.

Cora pulled away from him and nodded. "I felt like he needed our help. And the way we treated him before he left Sam Francisco."

"We all make mistakes," Dick replied. "We can't keep thinking about our past. We need to move forward to grow and evolve."

"Are the others coming soon?" Cora asked.

"There on their way."

Cora smiled. She needed people to keep her occupied so she wouldn't be crying over Jason the whole time. She missed them so much too. Especially a green haired boy.

That's the second chapter out. Kinda cringe idk. I don't really know if people are actually reading this book. I might just finish it quickly and start on something else.

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