Chapter Five: Train Ride

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Kory, Gar and Cora sat on the train together in front of a table. Gar was reading the menu for desserts. Kory got up to get a drink at the bar. She brought two shots back with her.

"Rach just texted. Her and Angelia just got seats up front. Let's go," Gar said getting ready to stand.

"Let's not," Kory said making Cora relax. She didn't like Angela there was something about her.

"Yeah, this whole train thing sounded a lot more funner this morning," Gar stated. Cora scrunched up her face at the word 'funner'.

"Those two need some time alone together," Kory said.

"Wanna play a game?" Gar asked looking from Cora to Kory.

"Here," Cora said handing Gar his phone.

"Sweet," he said.


Later on Kory got up to go somewhere. Gar and Cora had fallen asleep. Gar was lying on the couch and Cora was lying onto of him, her head on his chest with her arm there too. Gar had his hand holding hers.

Kory sat back down looking at the two with a smile on her face. After a few minutes Gar woke up. He lifted his head and looked down at Cora. Gar put his head back down and sighed.

"Mind helping me?" He asked Kory.

Kory just laughed. Gar managed to sit up without waking Cora. Her head was on his lap though.

They spoke about Rachel and Gar learning about their powers and Cora too.

"You wanna make out with her don't you," Kory said to Gar with a grin on her face.

"What? No! Wait, who?" Gar asked.

"Rachel," Kory replied.

"No, no!"

"Oh so Cora then?" Kory asked looking at the girl who moved closer to Gar. When Gar didn't answer Kory said, "It's perfectly natural, kissing."

"I'm not comfortable talking about this," Gar said looking at Cora who had her arms wrapped around his.

"You're getting agitated?" Kory said laughing.

"Yeah, you think?" Gar said uncomfortably.


Kory left once again leaving the two alone together. Gar sat there awkwardly with Cora moving around with her head on his lap. She turned away from him and Gar seen something on her wrist. Gar moved her sleeve slightly out of the way so he could see it properly.

'Subject -3. The Mind.' It read.

Then Kory sat back down. "Having fun?" She asked.

"Ha ha, very funny," Gar laughed sarcastically watching the girl sleep.

A phew moments later don't spoke on the intercom making Cora wake up.

"Guys, we have to go," Kory said urgently. She got up and started walking, Gar and Cora following.


"Where's Rachel?" Kory asked Angela when we found her.

"In the bathroom. Why?" Angela asked.

"Go get Rachel and meet me down the road," Kory said walking pass them.

Angela, Gar and Cora found Rachel and exited the train safely. Then there was an explosion and the train was set on fire. They walked over to a truck and Gar turned into his famous green tiger and roared at the man. He got scared and ran away.

The others got into the back of the truck and Angela took the wheel. When they spotted Kory she rolled down the window.

"Wanna drive?" She asked.

"If you don't mind," Kory said hopping in as Angela moved over.

I still don't want to rush things with Gar and Cora but their relationship is growing. I also don't know whether to do Season 2 with this book or to make it another book completely. And I'm not sure if I should do Season 3 since it wasn't as good as the other 2 seasons. What do you think?

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