Chapter Eleven: The Argument

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Cora woke up the next morning in Jason's bed. He still had her pulled against his chest. She looked down to see she was wearing his hoodie. It smelt like him too and she smiled to herself.

"Morning," Jason whispered into the crook of her neck. It gave her shivers.

"Morning," Cora replied back.

Cora looked at the clock on his desk. It was 11:13. She usually would get up at 7:30 to be ready for 8:00 for training. But ever since Dr. Light and Deathstroke, Dick wasn't too serious about it.

Cora sighed. "We should probably get up."

"Yeah we could or we could just stay here," Jason persuaded.

"But Dick would come looking for us and see us like this," Cora laughed.

"Is it that bad he'd see us like this? I mean come on. I'm sorry he wasn't able to pull any girls when he was our age," Jason replied.

Cora laughed and tried to get out of bed but Jason pulled her tighter against her. He moved her hair with one hand and started kissing her neck. Cora laughed at his actions but once he bit down she stopped completely. A quiet whimper left her mouth.

"Jason we should re- fuck- really go. Seri- oh shit- seriously."

Jason pulled away and laughed in her ear at the fact she couldn't speak because of him. Cora's cheeks grew red from his laugh but Jason let her go. She got out and got changed in the bathroom into sports leggings and an oversized hoodie that belonged to Jason. It was black and red.


Cora spent the rest of the morning in her room. She was then interrupted by a knock at her door.

"Come in," she said. She turned around to find Gar standing at the door.

"Hey," he said walking in.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Well, I know we haven't been on the best terms lately so I planned a day to spend with you," he explained. He ruined things with Cora and Rachel and wanted to make it up to them starting with Cora.

"Is that so?" Cora joked.

"Just come with me?" He said putting his hand out for Cora to take.

"Fine," she said hopping up and leaving with Gar.

Gar took her to the main room and they both sat on the couch. Cora sat down crossed legged in front of Gar. He got the play station ready and gave Cora the white controller.

"So what are we playing?" Cora asked Gar.

"Call of Duty: Vanguard," Gar smirked.

"Oh, hell yeah, you're going down."


After playing a load of COD, for the rest of the day Gar and Cora stayed in the main room on the couch. They got blankets, AirPods and a laptop. They started watching a movie on it, one AirPod in their ears.

After awhile they both got tired and fell asleep on each other. Gar was lying on his back and Cora was lying on her chest on top of Gar.


"Don't fucking walk away from me!" Rachel yelled at Jason making everyone turn to watch.

Gar woke up but Cora was still asleep.

"Whoa, what's happening over here?" Dawn asked.

"Jason drew crucifixes all over my mirror," Rachel said.

"Bullshit," Jason yelled turning around.

"Jason, it's okay if you're angry-" Dawn started.

"I didn't do shit, okay? Don't blame me for her voodoo issues," Jason protested.

Now Cora woke up. She quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What's all the drama about?" Donna asked walking into the room.

"Somebody drew crosses on Rachel's mirror, and she thinks Jason did it," Dawn explained.

"I know he did it," Rachel informed them.

"Cute idea with the bourbon bottle. Not my type, though. I'm more of a sour mash guy," Hank joked but soon got serious. "You ever go in my room and pull that shit again, I'll forget what team you're on."

"Why, Jason?" Donna asked.

"Look, I don't know what happened, guys, but I didn't do it," Jason said honestly.

"What about the picture of Ellis?" Dawn asked.

"The orange soda bottle?" came Donna.

"He did it to you guys, too?" Rachel wondered.

"Fuck this."

Cora stood up now and walked towards the group.

"Are you guys kidding me? Are you really that blind to see what's happening here? First of all, Jason just fell fifteen stories from a building. You really think he'd pull pranks on you guys? It wasn't Jason. Cut him some slack," Cora said defending Jason.

"You're defending him after he cheated on you with Rose?" Rachel asked.

Cora stood there wide eyed and speechless. How did she even know that her and Jason were a thing.

"What?" Cora spoke but was barely audible.

She turned to look at Jason. He met her eyes but looked away straight after. Cora started shaking her head not believing what she was hearing.

"I seen it with my own eyes. If you don't believe me just read his mind," Rachel went on.

Cora turned completely to Jason. "Did you?" She asked him.

Jason didn't respond. "Did you or did you not cheat on me?" Cora asked him again. The whole room was staring at them.

Jason looked at her finally. "Cora, please I can ex-"

Cora looked at him in shock, her eyes starting to water. "Oh my god!" Cora interrupted.

"Cora, it just happened. It didn't mean anything," Jason tried to reach out to Cora but she stepped back.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Cora asked while running a hand through her hair. "I- I can't do this right now."

Tears were streaming down her face. It broke Jason's heart to see her like that. Cora shook her head and left the room.

Jason was about to go after her until Hank spoke

"Hey, we're not done here, kid!" Hank yelled.

"You people are insane. I'd rather be with Deathstroke than you assholes. You think everything's my fault," Jason replied his eyes watering now.

Jason left the room as Gar scratched his head. "Can't a guy sleep in?" Gar asked with tired eyes.

So next chapter is when the Titans officially break up. I think I'm going to keep Cora and Gar together for this one but I still don't know if I'll let CADMUS labs take her yet. Any ideas? Xx.

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