Chapter Eight: Aftermath

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Dick, Gar and Cora were in the tech room. Gar had explained everything to Dick.

"And then I heard Jason and Cora scream and I ran towards it. But they were already gone, except for Cora," Gar finished as he paused.

Cora was sat in a chair as Dick bandaged her arm up.

"D-de-aths-st-roke," Cora tried to say but her voice wasn't audible and no one could hear her.

"Don't, you'll make it worse," Dick said tightening the bandage around her arm. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Why did you go out there in the first place?" Dick asked Gar sternly. "On your own, with no weapons, no backup."

Cora looked over at Gar, her eyes starting the water.

"Sorry," is all he could say.

"I just need details. Specifics. Just write down everything you remember," Dick said finishing up Cora's bandage and handing her and Gar a piece of paper and pen. "I'm searching for his tracker right now."

"Subject offline," the digital voice said.

"If Jason's still down there. All that concrete, stone... it would mask the GPS signal from the satellite," Gar said knowing that what Cora was thinking.

"Yes, it would."


Rachel and Gar were sat at the kitchen table and Cora was sleeping on the couch, tired from what happened that day.

"Jason's strong. He'll fight back," Gar said breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Or he'll be so annoying that Dr. Light'll just let him go, 'cause he doesn't wanna hear him talk," Rachel replied trying to lighten the mood.

"We should be out there helping bring him back," Gar protested.

"We are helping."

"No, we're not. We're watching coffee drip," Gar said annoyed.

"Brew..." Rachel corrected.

"They don't trust us. They've been acting strange even before Jason went missing. Closed door meetings. Keeping secrets. Did you notice how they're barely even talking to each other?" Gar protested.

"Something is off. I can feel it," Rachel said.

Cora had gotten up silently and waited outside the tech room. She sat on the floor listening to the conversation. She heard them saying it was Jason's fault and Cora felt even worse than before. The former Titans planned on going out into the tunnels to look for Jason while the rest stayed to keep watch.

The gang watched as the former Titans searched the tunnels. They had ended up at the spot Jason had been taken along with being beaten up with Cora.

For most of the night Gar, Rachel and Cora just stared at the screens. Cora was tired but made herself stay awake just until Jason was found.

"I'm going to make coffee," Gar said leaving the tech room.

He entered the kitchen where Rose was, sitting on the counter eating cereal.

"Damn," Gar muttered grabbing a few things. Gar looked at Rose and carried on making the coffee.

"Any luck finding your boy?" Rose asked.

"Dick and the team are still searching. They're probably in the tunnels," Gar said not making eye contact with her.

"Do you guys have any cereal not made for old people? I mean, who eats wheaty bits, anyways?" Rose said changing the subject.

"I can't believe you," Gar said looking at her.


"You don't even care," Gar said continuing to make coffee.

"I got ripped from my sleep in the middle of night. Excuse me if I wanted a midnight snack," Rose said looking through the cereals.

"Jason could be getting burnt to a crisp right now. You could at least try to help," Gar said as Rose was getting on his nerves.

"How? By hanging out with you and your girlfriend in front of a computer?" Rose said.

"I don't know who you're talking about," Gar tried to ignore her.

"Rachel, the one with blue hair and a red crystal in her head. I like her," Rose replied.

"Rachel's not my girlfriend."

"Oh, so it's Cora then," Rose said.

Gar dropped the coffee, getting frustrated. "I never said that."

"Yet, you didn't deny it," Rose said.

"We-we're not a thing," Gar said.

"So, you're saying you don't like her, or she doesn't like you?"

"She's with Jason alright," Gar explained getting frustrated.

"So, she chose Jason over you?" Rose pushed trying to get to Gar.

"No, no. I'm not having this conversation. Enjoy your cereal," Gar said storming out of the room.

"Listen. I'm sorry Robin 2.0 is missing or whatever, but he did this to himself. So, don't project your guilt on me, Tiger Boy," Rose said making Gar stop to listen, before he went back into the tech room, grunting loudly.

When Gar arrived back in the the tech room Cora looked over at him, looking for her coffee.

"No coffee?" Rachel asked thinking the exact same thing as Cora. "What's wrong?"

Cora wanted to say things but she couldn't. She wanted to be there for Gar.

"Rose, kitchen, eating."

"Just let her. She doesn't even know him," Rachel went on as Cora stood up leaving to get the coffee herself.

"Besides, it wasn't her fault." Cora heard Rachel say and was happy she was out of there.

Cora went into the kitchen to find Rose sitting on the counter and the coffee Gar had started to make. It was silence between them until Rose finally spoke.

"I heard what happened. You, your boyfriend and Dr. Light," Rose started.

Cora just ignored her because she couldn't talk and because it was her dad who had been part of it.

"Your boyfriend, Jason's, pretty hot. When you're finished with him, give me a call," Rose said and Cora was getting angrier by the minute.

"Have you fucked yet?" Rose asked and Cora finally couldn't take it.

Ignoring Rose, she made the coffee and was heading back to the tech room when Rachel came out of it with a hurt look on her face.

"Rachel, I'm sorry," Gar yelled after her.

Cora sat back down in her chair and gave Gar his coffee. She took a sip and typed a few thing on the computer.

"Alert. Tracker located."

Gar and Cora looked up at each other's. Cora grabbed Gar's arm trying to tell him something.

"D-de-eath-st-tro-ke," she said but Gar didn't understand. Then she said it again a bit more clearly.

"Dr. Light is working with Deathsroke," Gar said. "I'll call the others."


"He must be working with a partner," Donna guessed. Then her phone started ringing. "Gar? What's wrong?"

"Donna, Dr. Light, he's not working alone. He's working with Deathsroke," Gar said.

"What? Okay, thanks Gar," she finished hanging up when another phone started ringing. It was Dr. Light's. Dick picked it up.

"It's Deathsroke," Donna and Dick said at the same time.

I feel like this chapter seemed short but it's actually quite long idk. I want Rose and Cora to have a bad relationship with each other. I know there wasn't much about that in this chapter but there will be xx.

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