Chapter Four: Drugged

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Gar and Rachel were up making breakfast with Angela watching. Dick and Kory were talking in their room together. And Cora was in the bathroom throwing up.

She was trying to get all the drugs out of her system. After the sixth time throwing up she sat down beside the toilet, groaning. There was a knock at the door.

"Cora breakfast is ready," came Kory's voice.

"I'm not hungry," she replied grumpily.

"Come on you have to eat," Kory said opening the door. Cora had her face in her hands. "How do you feel?"

"I feel like klunk," she replied.

"I have no idea what that means, but you're coming with me," Kory said grabbing Cora by the arms and lifting her up. She moaned at the sudden movement.


Everyone sat at the table. Rachel beside Angela and Kory on the other side of Angela. In front of Rachel was Dick then Gar. And Cora sat in front of Kory with her forehead on the table. Everyone was eating away except for her.

"I can't tell you what passed for pancakes in that place but they didn't resemble this. My compliments to the chef," Angela spoke.

"It was really mostly him," Rachel said pointing to Gar.

"Cora you have to eat," Kory said looking at Cora sternly even though Cora still had her head down.

"I already told you I'm not hungry," Cora said groggily.

"If you don't eat, it's gonna get worse," Kory said pushing Cora's plate closer to her.

"I don't think anything feel worse than this," Cora said pushing the plate back.

"Don't make me feed you," Kory said.

"So what happened last night?" Cora asked changing the subject, which made Kory angry. "Like everyone's dead right? No evidence of us there? No videos?"

"No Kory blew the place up," Gar said loudly with excitement.

"Quiet down," she told Gar. "So no one knows about what happened? About anything I said or you said?" Cora looked around worriedly.

"No, why?" Dick asked.

"Nothing, just might've said a few things that i didn't want anyone to know," Cora said looking down.

"What things?" Kory asked.

"Information about me. And Bruce," she replied.

"I was wonderi-" "Look I-" Dick and Angela said at the same time.

"Please," Dick said motioning to Angela.

"Rachel has been explaining your situation to me. I understand this place is on loan," she began.

"Unofficially, the owner didn't exactly give me permission to stay here but," Dick said.

"I may have another option. I have a house, in Ohio. It's been in my- our family for decades. I was hoping the you-well all of you-are welcome there for as long as you want. And I have more than enough room. It's the least I can do, although I do wonder what happens to your home when you've been locked away for five years," Angela said.

The rest of the conversation was blurred out for Cora. She decides to have a bit of food. She put her fork in a bit of pancake and shoved it into her mouth. No one had seemed to notice. She swallowed it and though it was nice, until her stomach felt worse.

"Bad idea," she whispered only for Gar and Kory to hear. Cora stood up and headed for the bathroom again.

"Go help her," Kory told Gar.

"Excuse me?!" Gar questioned.

"I said go, hold her hair back or something. She could use some help," Kory said.

"Why me?" Gar asked confused.

"Because you're not in this conversation," Kory said pointing to Rachel, Angela and Dick. Gar sighed and stood up following Cora's direction.

Gar knocked on the bathroom door. "It's Gar. I'm-eh. I'm coming in," he said.

Cora was sitting over the toilet. She threw up and Gar went over and kneeled next to her. He pulled the hair from her face. When she was done she flushed the toilet and sat against the wall.

"Thanks," she said to Gar.

"No problem."

"Can you be honest with me. Last night, did I, I don't know, say anything," Cora asked.

"Well when we found you first you were upset, like crying. And you were saying something about your parents," Gar stated.

Cora put her head in her hands at the last part.

"What happened to them?" Gar asked.

"They're dead," Cora said sadly.

"Mine too," Gar admitted. "I guess we have something in common then.

"Yeah, we do," Cora smiled.

"But we have each other's,"Gar went on.



Cora got ready to leave. They were going to Angela's house, which Cora didn't like. Dick wasn't going with them. Cora was going with them and then when she got there she'd either get a ride from there to Wayne Manner or Bruce would come pick her up. Either way she wasn't staying long.

She wore blue ripped jeans, a white crop top, a grey cropped jumper with her black converse. She had her hair in two Dutch plaits and her black beanie.

Everyone walked outside, ready to say goodbye to Dick. Dick drove off while Gar waved at him.

This chapter wasn't as long but I like the bond between Gar and Cora. I think I might add more of her past into the story time by time. Next chapter should be posted soon xx.

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