Chapter Twelve: Help

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Cora had been asleep for hours. When she woke up she was in her bedroom, all patched up from her injuries from the day's previous. She sat up, feeling all the pain kick in, mainly in her fingers though. It was hard to move them. Cora just needed some pain killers.

Cora got out of bed and made her way down to the kitchen. She found the tablets and filled herself a glass of water. Throwing the pain killer in her mouth she swallowed some water with it.

Dick entered the kitchen then with a boy but Cora didn't see him. "Cora? What are you doing up?" Dick asked.

"I'm fine. I just- I just needed some pain killers," Cora breathed out waiting for the pain killers to kick in.

"You should go get some rest," Dick advised her.

"No I- I need to help. I need to find Jason. Batman would've helped. I mean Bruce, he would've helped. Jason needs help," Cora spoke out.

Dick started to grow concerned for the girl. "Cora, in time we will. We just need a minute to step back."

"Cora?" Tim Drake had finally made himself present.

Cora looked at him before realising who it was. "Tim? What- what are you doing here?" Cora stuttered a little confused.

Cora walked over to him and gave him a hug. "I wanted to talk to Dick. Or should I say Nightwing," Tim relied as they pulled away. The boy was smirking from ear to ear.

"You know this kid?" Dick asked Cora.

"Yeah we met a few days ago," Cora responded until she realised what Tim had said. "Wait what did you say?"

"Cora you should get some rest," Dick said to the girl guiding her towards the door. He didn't want her to stress about anything after what she'd been through.

"No, I need- I need to help Jason," Cora argued.

"We will find Jason and Crane soon, I promise," Dick said walking her through the kitchen.

Cora stopped. The name Dick had mentioned. Cora memories came back to her on what he had done to her. The pain he had out her through. Cora couldn't breathe and she was feeling dizzy.

"Cora? Cora breathe," Dick's voice was heard.

Gar had entered the room now. Cora was holding onto the counter to keep her balance. Tim walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Cora, just focus on my voice, okay?" Tim told her. Cora met his gaze and nodded. "Just count to Ten okay? One. Two. Three."

Whatever Tim was doing was helping Cora and she focused on him.

"Six. Seven."

She listened to his voice and slowly her breathing relaxed.

"Nine. Ten."

Cora let go of his hand but held onto his should for balance. "Thanks," was all she muttered. "I'm- I'm going to go sleep."

Cora led the room gripping onto things as she walked by. She made to her bed and fell asleep soon after.


When Cora woke up the next day she spent her time with Gar. Tim was no where to be found so Cora decided to text him a thank you about last night.

Gar knew that Cora had had a panic attack last night. Gar understood that she was fragile now and he had to be patient with her.

Both of them were in the Batcave. Cora was sitting on the training mat thinking to herself. Gar was beside the computer.

"What's it like?" Cora asked out of the blue.

"Huh?" Gar turned to her confused.

"Changing into a tiger, I mean," Cora explained herself. "Does it hurt?"

"Not as much as it used," Gar replied walking towards her and sitting down across from her. "It's kind of electrifying. And once of turned completely... I feel free."

"Sounds peaceful actually."

The silence was interrupted by the computer going off. Crane's voice started blaring through the Cave. Cora froze. She had no idea what he was saying but she could see his face. His drug. His metal sticks. Him.

Gar realised what was happening. He quickly stood up and ran to the computer, turning it off. He rushed back over to Cora who was now breathing heavily and placing her hands on the ground for support.

"Cora, hey, it's me. You're okay, alright? You're safe." No matter what Gar said it wouldn't stop Cora's panic attack.

Gar didn't know what else he could do. He grabbed Cora's face and kissed her. She melted into the kiss immediately. It's all the memories of them in San Francisco had just come back to them.

Gar pulled away to look at her, to see if she was okay. "You we're having a panic attack, and I seen in a movie that-"

Before Gar could finish, Cora pulled him back in by his neck. He kissed back and held Cora's waist. Cora leaned forward, making Gar call on his back. She climbed on top of him, not breaking the kiss.

Just as they were about to get started, a phone started ringing. Cora pulled away from Gar and looked for the phone. Gar laughed a little, sitting up.

"I think that's mine," Gar replied, gently lifting Cora off of him and heading for his phone.

"Hello?" Gar said once he answered the phone.

"Hey, it's Molly."


Next, Cora was sitting on the kitchen counter, Gar standing between her legs, talking to Dick.

"Jason wants to meet you. Not Nightwing. Alone," Gar explained to Dick.

"Where?" Dick asked.

"Townsend Tunnelse, six o'clock. He said you know them," Gar replied brushing his hand against Cora's thigh.

"Feels like another setup," Dick said.

"Uh, we can give you backup," Gar tried. "Be close by."

"Tunnels. Tim runners built them back in the day," Dick explained. "Bruce used them as an escape route, wired them with cameras and sensors. Anybody who goes in or out, Jason'll know. That's why he chose them."

"I can ask Molly if he'll meet someplace else," Gar tried again to think of ideas.

"No. If it's the tunnels he wants, it's the tunnels he gets," Dick agreed.

"Jason's out of drugs. He'll be sober the next time you meet him," Cora spoke up. Gar placed one of his hands on her thigh to reassure her. "Crane won't have anymore. He probably wants out."

"Maybe, but we won't know until we find out," Dick replied.

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