Chapter Fifteen: Surrender

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Conner, Blackfire, Gar and Krypto took one car while Dick, Kory and Cora traveled in the other one. Cora was nervous. People were scared of her. Of her powers and what she could do. She just wanted to help. But now they could do anything to her.

The Titans arrived up at the police station and they all jumped out. Gar walked over to Cora and she took his hand for support.

They entered the station. Cora immediately noticed the guards first. Gar squeezed her hand for reassurance.

"This seems excessive," Kory commented.

"Barbara cleared it with me. It's all for show," Dick replied. "They need to stand their ground."

Up top, Cora could see Barbara. She just hoped that she could keep her end of the deal. Some of the guards started moving in on them, making Cora nervous.

"This is just optics, right?" Gar asked.

"Optics," Dick replied nodding at Barbara.

"Move along," one of the guards said to Blackfire knocking her over.

"I got you," Conner said, catching her. "Back off.l

"Easy. We're not here for a fight," Dick warned them.

"Move in!" A man yelled from up top.

"Stand down!" Barbara yelled but they didn't listen.

The guards started surrounding them. Conner held a few of the off for Blackfire. More moved in on Dick but he just pushed them away. Cora and Gar backed up throwing their hands in the air.

One of the guards held up a gun to Conner. He blocked the first bullet but there second one hit Blackfire.

"No!" Kory yelled for her sister.

Conner's eyes turned red in anger. He went at one of the guards and threw them against the wall, kicking a few others.

Dick carried on fighting off a few of them in self defence at first but getting more aggressive as time went on.

Kory used her fire to hold them back and burned one of them with forced that they hit the wall. She ran over to her sister afterwards.

Gar started taking his jumper off. "Are we really doing this?" Cora asked.

"I don't think we have a chose," Gar replied.

Gar took one down by their leg while Cora lifted their weapons into the air and dropped them on their heads. Gar started to turn green as he took off his shirt now. Cora started hand-to-hand combat with two of the guards while Gar turned into his green tiger. He jumped out knocking a few of them to the ground.

"Shoot it," Fletcher ordered from above pointing at Gar.

One of them shot Gar with a dart and he fell down. Cora threw one of the guards across the room and ran over to Gar.

Conner took two out with his wind after he noticed what they had done to Gar.

Cora helped Gar up. He immediately ran up the wall knocking Fletcher down, but he didn't attack any of them. Instead he ran out the door, smashing the glass.

"I need to get her out of here," Kory shouted speaking of Blackfire. "Cover us."

"Shit. Conner!" Dick shouted.

The guards threw three grenades at them but Conner blew them up before they landed, which gave Kory time to rush Blackfire out of the place.

Cora started taking out a few more guards that came at her. "Dick!" She shouted over the noise.

He looked in her directions. Cora finally knocked two of them out but on of them managed the skim her arm with a bullet. Blood ran down her arm but that wasn't the problem.

"Dick! I'm going with Gar! He needs help!" Cora shouted again holding onto her arm.

Dick nodded. "Stick together alright?"

"Of course." With that Cora pushed off the ground and flew up to the second level. She swept one of the guards from their legs before running out of the station after Gar.


Cora had followed Gar to an abandoned warehouse. He was lying on the ground covering himself with a blanket. Cora ran over to him.

"Gar. You good?" She asked him.

Gar smiled at her and started laughing. "You have ketchup on your arm."

"Shit. Your drugged," Cora noted.

Gar reached up a boobed her nose. "Okay, Gar," Cora started trying the think of a plan. "Listen to me carefully."

Gar reached up and touched Cora's hair and sniffing it before bringing it towards his mouth. Cora quickly pulled it away from him.

She then slapped Gar. "Gar, sorry. But please concentrate. It isn't safe here. And you're in no state of walking right now. So I'm going to go back to the Manor, alright?" Cora explained. " I'll get some food, water and maybe some clothes. But I need you to stay here."

Gar nodded but his eyes were slowly closing. "Gar please. Stay here, okay?"

"Staying here," Gar smiled pointing at the spot he was lying it.

"I'll be as quick as I can." With that Cora exited the warehouse, making her way towards the manor.


Once Cora got to the manor , she immediately got her backpack and filled it with a few of Gar's clothes. She was about to make her way to the kitchen when she heard grunting and stabbing.

Cora peaked into the living room and her jaw dropped. It was Jason and Crane. In the manor. Jason was stabbing the picture of Bruce. He was angry and Cora could tell.

Crane was sitting on the couch drinking some of the alcohol that was left out. "Welcome to Crane Manor," Crane joked. He took a sip of his drink and smiled to himself.

Cora quietly made her way upstairs. She needed to know what they were planning before she got back to Gar. If she could find out what they were doing in the manor she could find a way to leave. Hopefully.

Dick's words rang in her head.

Stick together

Cora felt guilty for leaving Gar but she had the right intentions. She just hoped Gar could wait a little longer on his own.

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