Chapter Ten: Not Okay

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(TW: not smut but a warning in case you aren't comfortable with sexual actions, read at your own will)

Cora was sat in the infirmary with the mysterious boy named Conner. He was lying in a bed asleep, while she was sitting on a bed next to him, waiting until she could leave.

"Is he stable" Dick asked walking in with Dawn.

"For the moment," Dawn explained. "Whatever they shot him with left something behind. Some sort of toxin."

"But it doesn't seem to have any affect on Cora," Kory explained.

"It mightn't have kicked in yet," Dick guessed.

"Nope. I'm absolutely, 100% fine," Cora said standing up. "Can I leave yet?"

"In a minute," Kory said pushing her back down. Cora crossed her arms.

"Maybe we should take him to a hospital," Dick said changing the subject.

"The boy had special abilities," Kory stated.

"Yeah, I think he's safest here," Dawn agreed with Kory.


"And I think you should call Bruce. He catalogues these things. He might know who he is," Dawn said.

"Dick?" Kory asked.

"I'll call Bruce."

"Good, you check on Jason?" Dawn asked.

"On my way," Dick said leaving the room


Cora went to check up on Jason soon after. He wasn't in his room, so Cora went to the training room where Jason was punching a boxing bag really hard.

"Hey, Jason? You good?" Cora asked walking over to him. He ignored her though and kept punching. "Jason!"

"Huh?" Jason asked turning around to her.

"I asked if you were okay?" Cora asked him again.

"Better now that you're here," Jason responded leaning down to her height and kissing her lips softly.

Cora blushed at his comment. He smelt like smoke and sweat in a good way. She ran her hands through his hair and pulled his head down to deepen the kiss.

Jason pulled away. "Wanna spar?" He asked.

"Sure," Cora replied. Jason had been through so much, and if he wanted to spar with her, why not.

They both got into their positions. Jason attacked first. He threw a few punches but Cora ducked. Cora went straight for his face and hit him square in the jaw. He chuckled at his own actions.

Cora went for another punch but Jason caught her fist and punch her in the stomach. She rolled onto the ground but got up straight after. Jason came at her and Cora caught him in a headlock.

"Gonna tap out yet?" Cora teased.

"Never," Jason replied.

With they he flipped her over causing both of them to fall to the ground. Cora got up quicker and climbed on top of him. Jason took the opportunity to distract her. He smashed his lips into hers which she returned. He then flipped both of them over so that he was straddling her waist. He had both her arms pinned on the sides of her head.

Jason's eyes flicked down to her neck where her faint hickey was. Before Cora could even think, Jason kissed her neck harshly. He trailed his kisses down her neck before he found her weak spot.

"Shit," Cora struggled to breathe out.

Jason pulled away to look at her. Her eyes fluttering closed. Her chest heaving heavily. Her swollen lips.

"Fuck it, I love you, Cora," Jason breathed out.

Cora didn't know what to say. I mean, she liked being with Jason. Doing these things with him. But did she love him?

Instead she grabbed his neck and kissed him with so much passion. Jason grabbed both of her wrists and held them above her head with one hand. His other hand traveled to her thigh. He ran his hand up and down her thigh.

Cora let out a moan into Jason's mouth. He pushed his tongue into her mouth loving the taste of her while his hand grabbed her ass. Cora wanted to touch his hair or any part of him but Jason had her hands pinned down.

Before they could do anything else they heard someone clearing their throat.

Cora opened her eyes to see Dick standing in the doorway. Jason however didn't noticed and kept on kissing her.

"Jason," she muffled in his mouth. "Ja- mhm- son."

Jason stoped and looked at her. He followed her gaze to Dick in the doorway. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," Jason muttered.

Jason climbed off her and stood up before lending a hand out to Cora. She took it and he pulled her up.

Her cheeks were red from either the make out session or the embarrassment of Dick walking in on them like that.

"You alright?" Dick asked Jason ignoring the fact that his two students were making out in the middle of the training room.

"All good," Jason responding walking back over to the punching bag. He had white bandages around his fist to prevent the punch hurting as much.

"It's passed midnight. You should probably take ur easy." Dick commented. Cora didn't know if he was telling Jason that or Cora, maybe both.

"I don't wanna take it easy. I feel good," Jason continued punching.

Cora walked over to the bench and sat down on it. She knew what was going to happened it was only a mater of time.

"That was quite a fall you took," Dick said trying to get the conversation going.

"Yeah, it was hellacious," Jason joked. "How'd it look from your angle?"

"Jason," Cora tried to calm him down but it didn't seem to work.

"Scary," Dick replied to his question.

"Good thing Conner was there," Jason replied trying to make Dick feel bad.

"I'm sorry," Dick tried to apologise. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Cut the crap," Jason said finally stopping his punching. "Okay, why don't you say what you really wanna say, huh? That all this is my fucking fault for going out there alone."

"No. I don't think that," Dick tried but it didn't seem to help the situation. "Rest up."

Dick left the room and Jason went back to punching. Cora walked over to him and grabbed his arm to get his attention.

"Dick's right about one thing. You should get some rest," Cora persuaded him.

Jason sighed before agreeing. They made it to his room and Cora changed into one of Jason's hoodies to go with her shorts.

After Jason showered he came out with his hair wet and without a top. Cora could see all his abs and she quickly looked away. Jason climbed into bed next to her.

She turned to him before giving him a kiss on his lips. She touched his cheek. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, trust me," he smiled before leaning down to her for a kiss.

Cora kissed back before turning around. Jason's arms sneaked around her waist and pulled her closer to him. To both drifted off to sleep.

So that happened. I'm gonna have an interaction with Cora and Gar next chapter. Next chapter will also be about the Titans blaming Jason. Still not sure how I'm going to do it. Enjoy this chapter though xx.

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