Changing Minds

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"Buaji had a heart attack."

Khushi froze and then slowly turned around to face him. "Buaji's in Mumbai with Arjun Bhai and his family."

Arnav lifted his eyebrow. "Is that what Payal told you? And you believed her? Do you really think that Buaji would have left you here in this condition?

"No, Khushi. The truth is that Buaji had a heart attack." He took a step towards her. "Not when she found out that you were missing. Not when she found out that you were kidnapped. But when she saw those pictures on TV. Your reputation is that important to her.

"If Payal and Akash hadn't been with her at the time...she might not be alive today.

"Maybe with enough time, your reputation will recover from this incident. But ask yourself this, does Buaji have that much time?"

He took another step until he was standing right in front of her. "Look," he said gently. "I understand this isn't easy for you. I've hurt you a lot. But I can fix this. Marry me, Khushi. I'll make you happy. I'll protect you. Buaji and Payal won't worry about you anymore, and my family will stop worrying about me. Everything will be as it should be.

"And most importantly, Khushi, I lov--"

Khushi's hand moved and covered Arnav's mouth before he could finish. "You'll say anything, won't you, to get what you want?" she said coldly. "But I don't care."

She let her hand fall from his face and stepped back.

"I will never marry you, Arnav Singh Raizada. Because I hate you. And I always will."

He flinched, and she clenched her fists to prevent herself from reaching out to him again. What was wrong with her? Even when she purposely hurt him, why did she instantaneously regret it?

"Keep your bodyguard," she said tiredly. "And tell the media by tonight that the engagement is canceled. You and I aren't meant to be, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner we can move on with our lives."

He stared down at the ground as her footsteps faded away.

Kneeling down, he placed a hand on the aloe pot.

I hate you. And I always will.

The words verberated through his chest and echoed inside his brain.

Suddenly, he grabbed the pot, and lifted it into the air, ready to throw it--and then stopped himself.

No, he couldn't react the way he did when they broke up in his office. Even though his heart felt like it was about to split apart, he couldn't take that out on the things around him.

He'd worried Di with that reaction. And he didn't want to do that again.

From now on, he promised himself, I'll do better. Better for those I love. For Di. For Akash. And even though you don't feel the same, for you, Khushi.


The investigation room was dark, save for a single flickering light bulb that hung from the ceiling. A grubby looking man was sweating bullets as he sat on the lone chair, one hand handcuffed to the table.

The door opened and a police officer entered. The man breathed a sigh of relief as he saw that it was a young woman. Well, that was fine. Handling one weak girl wouldn't be a problem for him.

"Officer Lavanya Kashyup," she said shortly by way of introduction. "I have a few questions."

He snorted. "You ain't getting anything from me."

For a moment, she simply observed him. Then the corners of her lips tilted slightly upwards, and inexplicably, the man found himself very, very afraid.


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