Bonus Chapter 1:

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Khushi stifled a yawn as she climbed the stairs. She had been mired with cases lately, and she was losing sleep because of it.

But this weekend, she swore to herself, I won't even think about work. This weekend would be all about family. Buaji had been complaining that she hadn't visited, she wanted to join Anjali, Payal and Mamiji to get her nails done, Aarav had mentioned he wanted to play video games with her and while she was at it, she supposed she should try to spend some time with Naniji as well.

Why did the weekend suddenly seem as exhausting as the work week?

She flung the door open, and stopped at the sight of rose petals on the ground. Dropping her bag on the floor, she followed them out to the poolside, where Arnav had set up a romantic dinner, complete with candles.

He stood up as she entered, and beaming, she took the chair that he pulled out for her.

"What's all this?"

"It's called romance."

"Ha ha. But what's the occasion?"

"The occasion is that it's been three weeks since you declared your love for me, and we haven't gotten a chance to communicate."

That was on her and her crazy work schedule. Fighting back the stab of guilt, she said, "What's there to communicate?"

"We should always communicate. The lack of communication and understanding has been a big reason for our fights in the past, and I refuse to let that happen again."

"Alright." She served herself some of the pasta. "What shall we talk about?"

He leaned forward, cupping his chin in his hand. "For starters, why don't you tell me that you love me again?"

Feeling inexplicably shy, she said, "You say it first."

"I love you."

She flushed. "I love you, too."

He grinned, and then shifted his chair so he was closer to her. He took her fork, and fed her a bite before taking one for himself.

They ate in silence for a few moments, and she reveled in his company and closeness.



"Have you thought about what this means for our relationship? I mean, the fact that we're going to live together, that divorce isn't a threat for us anymore?"

Her heart stopped for a second. Of course she'd been thinking about it. He'd been so flirtatious before, she thought for sure that he'd be eager to make their relationship more...physical.

But then again, maybe that was her fault as well. In the last three weeks, there hadn't been a day she'd come home before 8, and there were even a few days she'd gotten home at 10.

Maybe that's what this whole dinner was about. He wanted them to take the next step.

Trying to keep a straight face, she said,"What do you mean?"

"I think you should see a therapist."

"What the–" she drew back, staring at him in disbelief.

"That's my line," he said, hoping that his weak joke would lighten the mood. It did no such thing. He sighed. "Look Khushi, I don't want to offend you–"

"You think I'm crazy!"

"I see a therapist, Khushi. Does that mean I'm crazy?"

"That's different. You have a traumatic past–"

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