A Verbal Exchange and a Half

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Khushi's phone rang. "Excuse me," she said, getting up and going to her room to attend the call.

"Hello, Lavanya. What happened?"

"She's conscious."

Khushi sent a silent thanks to Devi Mayan. "And? How is she?"

"Bad. She won't say a word to anyone and if a man even enters the room, she starts screaming and panicking. They had to sedate her."

Anger coursed through Khushi and she wished she could claw off the faces of the people who'd brought the young girl this state. "Poor child. What now?"

"Now we wait. She needs to be clinically declared mentally fit for her statement to count. In the meantime, the hospital's taken steps to insure that only female staff attend to her and I've given her all female security. Nothing else can be done."

"Titliya!" Buaji called.

"One second Lavanya," Khushi said before popping her head out of the room. "Yes, Buaji?"

"Turn off the phone and come back out here."

"Just one moment Buaji. It's for an important case." She shut the door again. Returning to her phone call, she asked, "Have you informed the orphanage? Maybe seeing Sister Mary or her friends will help her?"

"I haven't. I'm trying to keep the fact that she's alive under wraps; though if we have a leak, it's possible her kidnappers already know."

"Do we have to arrange a counselor for her?"

"Look where you're going!" Lavanya suddenly snapped.


"No, I was talking to the idiot that almost bumped into me. What was I saying--oh yes. The hospital will provide a psychologist for her."

"Well I suppose that's it for now, then. Keep me posted."

In answer, Lavanya hung up. Khushi went to join the others, who seemed to be deep in conversation.

"And what exactly are you looking for in a match? I suppose the biggest requirement should be wealth."

Glaring at the source of the condescending voice, Khushi answered as she came to stand behind Payal, "Respect. The biggest requirement is respect."

"Oh really?" he said, unimpressed. Who did he think he was? Laad governor, kahin ka.

"Yes," Payal said. She lifted her head and though her words were for Arnav, her gaze was firmly on Akash. "Because it's what I deserve. I've sacrificed a lot to make sure that I can walk through life with my held high, and my future husband will recognize that. I won't ever ask him to choose between his family and me, but I won't stand for it if he sits by as they hurl arrows at me."

The message was clear. Akash looked away, unable to meet Payal's gaze. He wasn't capable of standing up for Payal. He was barely capable of holding his own In the midst of all the fiery personalities in his family.

"Hello hi, bye bye," Manorama crowed. "Do you see the mouth on this one, saas-o-maa? Who would want such a girl in their house?"

Buaji bristled. "Anyone would be lucky to have my Payal in their house."

"You're right, Buaji," Anjali said quickly, seeing her Mamiji's mouth open again. "She's an absolute pleasure to have in the office as well. That reminds me, Payal, weren't you going to show me your sketch?"

Grateful for the change in subject, Payal hurried to her room to get it. "Wow," Anjali commented as she looked at the intricate, ankle-length black dress that Payal had sketched. "This will steal the show."

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