Free Lunch

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Payal smiled down at the little boy. He looked like a completely different child compared to the one she'd seen at breakfast that day. That boy had been rude and aloof. This one beamed at everyone and everything and wouldn't let go of Anjali's hand.

"Are you hungry, Aarav?" Anjali asked.

"Are you going to keep on calling him that?" Sister Mary asked curiously. "His real name is Arosh, you know."

Anjali deferred the question to the person in question. "What would you like? We'll call you whatever you want."

"I like Aarav," he said happily.

"Aarav it is then," Akash said with a grin. "So, are you hungry, Mr. Aarav?"

At his nod, Anjali said, "Alright, we'll all have lunch first. My treat."

Tanmay started to protest but Anjali waved him down. "Don't argue with your elders. And never pass up a free meal."

Arnav internally groaned. He wasn't going to get any work done today. Nevertheless, he kept his mouth shut, mindful that Di was unhappy with him.

After much bickering and debating, they finally settled on a restaurant that Akash found on his phone, a highly-reviewed place half a block down. As they walked there together, Arnav contemplated throwing himself in front of oncoming traffic. He'd be dead, but at least it would be quiet.

Then he happened to glance at Di's radiant face as she chatted happily with an animated Aarav. Maybe living wasn't so bad after all.

Arnav changed his mind again when he saw that it was a burger-joint. No waiters--they'd have to wait in line like commoners.

As the group started to stand in line, Arnav had the foresight to stop them. "Just sit down and tell me what you want. I'll order."

"You, Chote?" Di said in surprise.

"Di, please."

She laughed. "Okay, I won't tease."

As Arnav stood in line, everyone's orders noted down on his phone, he glanced back at his sister. He'd missed this. He'd missed her laughter, her genuine smiles, the way her happiness could light up a whole room. That Shyam had done a number on her.

But he could've done a lot worse. Arnav shook his head, trying to push away the memory of his lawyer, standing in court and describing how the victims were found. Tied up, surrounded by dried blood, eyes empty and open.

It was over. It was over and Di was here. And she was happy, too all because of Aarav. He'd hate to think of how Di would have suffered if he'd gone back to the orphanage. But against all odds, everything had worked out.

All thanks to that girl. Arnav frowned at that thought. Damn it, why wasn't this line moving? It was the stifling heat and his own hunger that were making his brain think strange thoughts. Otherwise, he had no reason to think of her.

She's probably hungry, too. Arnav groaned, making the lady in front turn and give him a weird look before inching away from him.

Great. Now random strangers thought he was crazy. Whatever. He didn't care about random strangers and he certainly didn't care if she was hungry or not.

He didn't owe her anything. He looked at Di again, leaning forward to say something to Tanmay, causing the teenager to shake his head furiously and the whole table to laugh at his reaction.

What the hell. "Ms. Pansare?" Arnav called, raising his voice above the din. The group fell silent as she turned to look at him with wide eyes. "Would you come here for a moment please?"

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