Saccharine smiles and vulnerable states

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"Where are you going?" Payal asked as Khushi came out of her room, fully dressed and laptop bag in hand.

"To the office. I've got some work to do."

"It's Saturday. We have self-defense, remember?"

Khushi huffed. "I'll have to skip it today."

"No you won't," Payal said firmly. "You're going to go insane if you keep working like this. You need to take a break."

"I took a break all night."

"No you didn't. I got up at 2 to get a glass of water. Your lights were still on. What time did you go to sleep?"

"3," Khushi admitted reluctantly. "But--"

"But nothing," Buaji said as she carried a pitcher of juice to the dining room table. "You've been eating like a bird these past few days--sit down and have a proper breakfast."



"Akash bitwa!" Manorama called.

"Yes, Ma?" Akash replied distractedly.

"What are you doing?" his mother asked as she entered the living room.

"He's losing," Aarav gloated.

"No, I'm not--" He groaned as Aarav blew up his character's head. "I lost."

"There's no time to play silly games," Manorama said. "It's time to go."

"Go where?"

"To the mall! We have shopping to do."

"Ma, do I have to go with you? Why don't you take Di--I'm sure you'll have more fun with her."

As if on cue, Di popped her head through the door. "Time to turn off the game, Aarav. We're going to the park."

"Aww, one more?" Aarav whined.

"Nope. You've been staring at the screen all morning--you need some fresh air."

"See?" Manorama said to Akash. "Anjali betiya is busy. Now come on."

Akash didn't understand why his mother was so insistent on taking him to the mall, but nevertheless he agreed to go with her.

Forty-five minutes later, when it dawned on him just what she was after, he wished he'd stayed home.


"Aren't you glad you took a break?" Payal said to Khushi cheerfully as they got on the Rickshaw to return home.

"Yeah, I needed that," Khushi said. After the class, her muscles felt much more limber and her mind felt sharper.

Payal was about to say something but was interrupted by her ringing phone. "It's Akash." She picked it up. "Hi...Who?...Where?....I can't believe this...No, don't worry, I know what to do."

"What happened?" Khushi asked.

"Manorama Raizada," Payal replied darkly.

"Payal, you're scaring me. Tell me what she did."

"Don't worry, Khushi. You take this Rickshaw home; I'm going to get on another one."

"Why? Where are you going?"

"To the mall."

"But why?"

Payal didn't answer as she asked the driver to stop and got off.

"See you later, I guess?" said a completely bewildered Khushi.


Manorama's blood red lips stretched into a pleased smile as she watched her son converse with Mrs. Venkatesh's daughter Divya.

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