Murderous Thoughts

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"It's nonsense, that's what it is," the political analyst said. "Political families like the Amits have a lot of enemies. It's not hard for anyone to make a baseless accusation and for it to go viral in this day and age, and that's exactly what his enemies are doing here."

The anchor nodded. "What about the lawyer? Khushi Kumari Gupta? She's got quite the reputation--"

The analyst smiled condescendingly. "Ms. Gupta is very talented, yes, but she's also very young and inexperienced. I'm sure she believes that she's doing a very good thing but she should open her eyes and realize how she's being manipulated for political purposes."

Khushi got up and stomped off to her room. WIth a sigh, Buaji turned off the television. "What did she expect? She knew this was going to be difficult."

"I don't think she expected everyone to turn against her," Payal replied. "The judge barely listened to her before he granted Amit bail. He was only in jail for three hours. And then the news didn't report it yesterday; the only reason they're talking about it today is because it went viral on social media. And look at what they're saying. Poor Khushi. She's really in over her head this time."

"Hmm." The two sipped their teas in companionable silence for a little while. "Paylia?"

"Yes, Buaji?"

"Your Akash came to see me yesterday."

Payal startled. "What?"

"He didn't tell you?"

She shook her head in astonishment. "Why?"

"Never mind that. Tell me something. How strong are you?"

"What do you mean, Buaji?"

"I mean, if you were to get married to your Akash and his mother constantly bombarded you with insults and taunts, how will you tolerate it? What will you do?"

"As long as Akash ji were with me--"

"Men live in a world of their own, Payalia. Women have a language of their own; your mother-in-law will test you in ways that will burn you from the inside out in front of your husband and he'll be completely oblivious. So I ask you again, what will you do?"

Payal shrugged. "If she treats me well, I'll love her and care for her as best as I can. If she doesn't--well, I'm a woman, too, aren't I? I'll learn to play her game and beat her at it."

Without another word, Buaji turned the television back on. As she changed the channel, she said, "If his family comes with a proposal, I won't say no."


"That's the problem with girls nowadays," Mrs. Venkatesh said as she offered Manorama a biscuit. "They'll do anything for their careers. This Khushi Kumari Gupta--she's such a pretty girl. She should focus on getting married and running her house; instead she's running around making a fool of herself. You know her, don't you, Mrs. Raizada? She was at your anniversary party."

"Not well," Manorama replied. "And we'll definitely stop associating with her after this nonsense. Accusing the Amits of such a thing--imagine."

Satisfied, Mrs. Venkatesh took a biscuit for herself. "Now my Divya--she's not like that at all. So sweet and obedient. She spends all day cooking and arranging the house. Honestly, with her managing everything, I don't have to do anything at all."

Manorama's eyes glinted. "Hello hi, bye bye, of course. She's such a pretty girl, too. I'm sure you have a lot of proposals for her."

"Yes of course, but her father and I are looking for a very good family for her. Someone that fits our standards--you understand, don't you, Mrs. Raizada?"

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