An Awkward Breakfast

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"How is this possible, Devi Mayan? Arnav Singh Raizada's family involved in the kidnapping of orphans? In human trafficking?

"It can't be. I must have made a mistake. It was probably a different child. But I need to make sure."

Khushi shook her head as she paced back and forth, emphatically discussing the issue with her best friend.

"But how? As far as I know, no one in the Raizada house has a small child. Maybe it's a visiting relative? It's not like I can walk in there and ask who he is."

"Khushi?" Payal called. "It's dinnertime."

Khushi's eyes lit up as inspiration struck. "Thank you, Devi Mayan, thank you, thank you so much," she whispered before running out for dinner.


It took all of Khushi's self-control to not talk to Payal during dinner but she didn't want to involve Buaji. Their nightly rituals of cleaning up after dinner and taking a walk together seemed never-ending for her tonight.

Fortunately, at the end of their walk, Payal wanted to sit on the porch for a little bit. Khushi eagerly joined her while Buaji went inside to bed.

As soon as Buaji shut the door behind her, Khushi turned to her friend. "Payal, I need your help."

"Of course, Khushi. Tell me what you need."

However, her willingness soon faded away as Khushi laid out her plan. "No, I can't. Khushi, this is such a bad idea--"

"Please, Payal. I have no other option, I have to know. A child's life could be in danger!"

"But--" Khushi gave Payal her best puppy-eyed look. "Fine. But I'm not happy about this."

"Thank you so much," Khushi cried, throwing her arms around her. "Now, come on." She grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Go to bed, we've got a lot to do tomorrow."

Payal gulped. This was not going to end well.


This was a bad idea. This was a really bad idea. She'd known it last night and now, in the light of day, with the Raizada Mansion in front of her, she knew it even more. But if Khushi was right and the Raizadas had kidnapped a child and Payal only stood by and watched, she'd hate herself. So swallowing her nerves, she got off the Rickshaw and bravely approached the iron gates.


Today would be the day, Akash promised himself as he adjusted his tie in front of the mirror. Today, he would finally tell Payal about his feelings for her. Hopefully, she'd give him a positive response. If not, he'd leave her alone, although his chest tightened at the thought.

The imaginary conversation that he was having with Payal in his head was interrupted by the guard at the gate calling him. "Ms. Payal is here to see you, sir," he said.

Akash snorted. The girl had so taken over his mind that he heard her name everywhere. There was no way that Payal was here at this time. "Who?"

"Ms. Payal? She says she's from your office?"


"If you don't know her, sir, I can send her away."

"No!" Akash exclaimed, snapping out of his daze. "I mean, uh, I know her. Please send her in."

She was here; she was really here! He checked himself in the mirror one more time before running downstairs to see her. Why was she here so early? Hopefully everything was alright. A horrible thought occurred to him and he froze. What if Payal had somehow realized his feelings for him and was so offended that she'd come here to resign. Logically, he knew this was unlikely (because who went to their boss's house to resign?) but fear had him paralyzed.

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