To Call or Not to Call

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Arnav stared at his phone. To call or not to call?

After he'd dropped her off yesterday, she'd texted him after to ask if he'd made it home. He'd replied to say he had but there had been no contact since then.

There really wasn't a need to call. They'd see each other on Friday anyway, for the Mehndi.

But Friday's still so far away.

The phone rang, startling him. Khushi. In his hurry to pick up the call, he dropped the phone. Idiot. Forcing himself to calm down, he answered.

"Hello?" He said, trying to sound casual.

"Arnav Ji," she said cheerfully. "I sneezed about ten times just now. So I thought I'd make sure you weren't thinking of me."

"No," he said, his voice strangled. "Of course not."

She laughed as if knowing he was lying. "If you say so. How are the kids doing by the way?"

"Good. They're doing great. Getting along real well."

"Yeah, they're both sweethearts. And how's Anjali Ji doing?"

"She's doing well, too."

"Is her foot better?"

"Yes, it's much better."

"Oh good. I did text her to ask but I get the sense that she tends to downplay these things."

Arnav groaned in annoyance. "She does. I don't know what it is with the women in my life. My mother used to be the same way and you're so careless as well--" He stopped. What was he saying? Khushi wasn't in his life.

Not yet, anyway.

"And how's Akash Ji doing? Buaji is acting like a drill sergeant and refusing to allow Payal to speak to him; she's going crazy. How is he handling it?"

"Horribly. Naniji and Mamiji are the same way; they've been tailing him all day to make sure he won't call her."

Khushi laughed. "I'll let her know he misses her, too. How is Naniji, by the way?"

"She's fine as well."

"Buaji mentioned that she was a little upset about the prank I played on you at the Sangeet. Has she said anything?"

Arnav frowned. "No, not at all. Although--"


"She and Di have been kind of cold to each other today. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with you. Besides, your dance was cute."

"Just the dance?" Khushi asked, playfully. "Or me, too?"

"Just a tiny bit," he replied in the same tone. "But I'd say the subject of your dance was cuter."

"Eh, he can be. When he's not being a laad governor."

"Are you flirting with me, Ms. Khushi Kumari Gupta?" Arnav asked, remembering how Khushi had recently flustered him with the same question. Let's see how you handle it now.

"Yes," she replied confidently. "Why? Aren't you?"

"I--I--I have to go."

Khushi shook her head as she hung up. "Hai, Devi Mayan. Hum kiya kerein inka?" She cupped her chin in her hand. "Everytime he even comes close to admitting his feelings, he panics like a hen in a fox den. But don't worry. I won't give up that easily."


Arnav shook back his sweaty hair as he got off the treadmill. He hadn't been able to get last night's phone call out of his mind.

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