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I rent a place on Cornelia Street, I say casually in the car

We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go

NK's rich voice carried across the roof. Anya smiled as she unfolded the last chair. "Why couldn't we just do this at our house?" her thirteen year old brother, Pradip, complained.

"Nostalgia," Lavanya answered, as she set a tiny table. Raising her voice, she called, "NK! Play that when the guests arrive. We need to finish up here."

"Yes, Ma'am," NK replied.

The small family worked in harmony, arranging small tables and bringing up coolers filled with drinks and snacks from the car.

They finished not a moment too soon, for as soon as NK sat down with his guitar again, the door opened and in walked Akash and Payal.

Payal held a pink bundle, which Anya immediately took and began to coo over. Akash's glasses were slightly askew but he couldn't fix them, because each of his hands held one of his rambunctious twin boys.

As soon as Payal closed the roof door behind them, Akash let them go, and they took off running. Where were they going? Why were they running?

No one knew. But the toddlers loved running, and Payal was more than happy to let them burn out their seemingly endless energy that way.

"Ah," she said as she collapsed onto a chair. "I love them, but the three of them do exhaust me."

Lavanya lifted an eyebrow. "I thought you were going to wait until the older two were in school before you had the next one."

"I thought so too," Payal replied. "But all my children seem to love catching us off guard. Anyway, Akash is getting a vasectomy so no more surprises."

Lavanya nodded. Payal looked exhausted, sure, but there was no denying the happiness that seemed to radiate off her. Akash took a seat next to her, and handed her a water bottle. The two exchanged a soft look and smiled.

As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead

Leading us home

Akash smiled appreciatively. "He's a great singer."

"Yeah. He's been busy with the hospital lately, what with the promotion and all. Today's the first day off in a while, so he's been playing every chance he gets. Not that the kids and I are complaining.

"Where are the others, by the way?"

"We came straight from Buaji's, but Khushi and Arnav had to go home first. She made jalebi, but she forgot them there. Payal also made Samosa for the occasion, so they'll pick those up for us, too."

The door opened again, and Aarav walked onto the roof, carefully holding the hand of his one-year old sister. The little girl took unsteady steps, but her older brother made sure she didn't fall.

"Hi, Lavanya Didi!" Aarav called.

"Ladi!" shrieked the little girl.

Lavanya shook her head. She had long given up on getting the kids to stop calling her Didi. Even her own, Anya and Pradip, called her that. "Where are your parents?"

"Right here," Anjali called, holding the door open so Aman, who held a tray of rice, could walk in.

"You guys live here," Lavanya complained. "You should be the first ones here."

"Whatever. It's not as if we're late," Anjali replied. Aman set the Biryani down on the largest table with the other food, and came to join them.

"How's the new job going?" Lavanya asked him.

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