A Murderous Non-Murder

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The little Rickshaw ricketed down the road at a neck breaking speed and Khushi welcomed every bump, every discomfort.

It helped to fight back the ache in her chest. Why did it hurt so much? It felt like her heart was trying to rip itself out of her body.

It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

Did she really used to believe that? How naive of her.

If only she'd known that nothing was worth this hurt. There was no happiness that Arnav had given her that even came close to what she was feeling right now. So worthless. So insignificant.

Where was everything that she'd earned for herself? The dignity, the independence, the sense of pride?

All shattered.

How could I have let myself be toyed with like this?

I'm sorry, Amma. I should have listened to you.

And overwhelmed with despair, Khushi never noticed that the road she was on didn't lead home.


When Devyani had awoken this morning, she was sure it was going to be a good day. After all, it was the day that Arnav would go see the girl that Devyani had picked out for him.

Yes, she was aware that Arnav was trying to appease her and was probably planning on saying no. But she was sure that once he saw her, he'd change his mind. Pretty, well-educated, soft-spoken, charming--what else could a man want?

But the day that followed was completely contrary to all of her expectations.

Arnav didn't like the girl. In fact, he barely looked at her. He tried to make conversation with her family, but it came across as cold. Mostly, he just sat there looking uncomfortable and guilty.

Then when they arrived home, Khushi Kumari Gupta was waiting for them. The look on her face--the combination of disbelief, betrayal, anger--sent a dagger through Devyani's heart. No, she didn't want Khushi to become a member of their household. But she didn't dislike the girl, and she certainly didn't want to see her in pain. And Devyani knew that she was at least partly responsible for that expression.

And if that wasn't enough, Officer Kashyup informed them that Shyam Manohar Jha had escaped from prison. She didn't give them any details, only told them to be alert and recommended that Anjali stay abroad if she could until the matter was resolved.

After Lavanya left, Devyani turned to Arnav. She'd expected him to react as he usually did when faced with a problem--jump up, take action, and not stop until everything was resolved.

But instead, he only stared at the ground. "Chote?"

She gently touched his shoulder and noticed his whole body was trembling. "Arnav?"

He looked up and gasped, "I can't breathe. Naniji, I can't breathe."


The Rickshaw jolted to a stop and Khushi shook herself from her thoughts. Grabbing her bag, she reached for the door until she noticed her surroundings. She froze. "Where are we?"

But the driver didn't answer. Instead, he tossed off the hat he'd been wearing and nimbly jumped off the Rickshaw.

This wasn't Lakshmi Nagar. In fact, she didn't even think they were in Delhi anymore. There were trees all around and she couldn't hear the ever-present sound of moving traffic.

How the hell didn't she notice her environment changing so drastically?

Someone tried to open the door from the other side but she tightened her grip to prevent that. Whatever--or whoever--was waiting for her outside was definitely not good news.

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