I Can't

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"Your mind scares me sometimes," Payal said as she carefully applied Khushi's eyeliner.

"Just be glad I decided to use my powers for good and not evil."

Payal grinned. "Did you text Arnav Ji already?"

"Yeah. He told Anjali Ji that he wanted to treat her out to apologize for springing Aman Ji on her yesterday. I hope today he can act well enough to convince her it's a coincidence."

"Hopefully. If not, I think Anjali Ji will kill the both of you."

"Yeah, but then Aman Ji will help her bury the bodies and they'll bond over that. So it's a win-win situation."

Payal shook her head. "Pagal."


"She's going through a stubborn phase right now, so everything is no. Even if she wants it."

Khushi smiled. As Aman had driven them to the restaurant, Khushi had asked him question after question, hoping to get him to open up. His family had been the key. It was clear that Aman loved his mother and sisters. For the past five minutes, he'd been gushing over his two year old niece. It was, to say the least, adorable.

He and Anjali really would make such a good couple. They both had so much love to give.

"What about your other sister? Does she have any kids?" Khushi asked as they walked into the restaurant.

"She's expecting. Hopefully by April, I'll have a nephew."

"Aww. Are you going to see them?"

"For two, please" Aman told the host. After they were led to his seats, he continued, "No, it's her first one, so she'll come to Delhi for the delivery. In fact, I'm going to go pick her up myself when the wedding is over."

"Where is she again?"

"Chennai. Her husband used to study here--that's how they met, but he's originally from there. They moved back after they graduated."

"Khushi Kumari Gupta? And Aman Chawdhry? What are you doing here? I didn't expect this at all!"

Aman and Khushi turned to see Anjali and Arnav standing next to them. Khushi was grateful that Anjali was looking at Aman because Arnav's fake exclamations of surprise were really cringe-worthy.

"Having dinner," Khushi replied before Arnav could be any more obvious. "Why don't the two of you join us?"

"Oh, we wouldn't want to impose," Anjali started.

"Not at all," Khushi cut her off, signaling a waitress. "Could we get two extra seats please?"

"No, we really shouldn't--"

"I won't take no for an answer," Khushi said firmly.

"Ma'am, please," Aman spoke up.

As Anjali hesitated, the waitress returned with the chairs. When Arnav sat down, she finally sat as well.

"So what were you talking about?" Arnav asked as he eyed Aman threateningly.

Anjali nudged him.

"Aman Ji was just telling me about his sisters."

Anjali smiled. She loved it when Aman talked about his sisters. His eyes would light up and his smile could melt glaciers.

"How's Tania Ji's pregnancy coming along?"

"It's going well. She was complaining the other day about how she can't see her feet anymore."

"How about her morning sickness? Is it finally better?"

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